;ò = ÄDc@sSdkiZdkiZd„ZeidƒZeiedeie dƒƒdS(NcCs]dkl}l}l}l}tidtƒ|dƒotii i i i tƒndS(N(sexpectsanythings somethingsynsPythons»This plugin provides a snarfer for ASPN Python Recipe URLs; it will output the name of the Recipe when it sees such a URL. Would you like to enable this snarfer?( ssupybot.questionssexpectsanythings somethingsynsconfsregisterPluginsTruessupybotspluginssPythons aspnSnarferssetValue(sadvancedsanythingsynsexpects something((s./Python/config.pys configure!s sPythons aspnSnarfers¼Determines whether the ASPN Python recipe snarfer is enabled. If so, it will message the channel with the name of the recipe when it see an ASPN Python recipe link on the channel.( s supybot.confsconfssupybot.registrysregistrys configuresregisterPluginsPythonsregisterChannelValuesBooleansFalse(sPythonsregistrysconfs configure((s./Python/config.pys?s