;ò < ÄDc@s°dkiZdkiZd„ZeidƒZeiedeie dƒƒeiedei ddƒƒei edeie d ƒƒei ed eie d ƒƒdS( NcCsÂdkl}l}l}l}l}tidtƒ|dƒ|dƒoti i i i i tƒn|dƒ|dƒo4|dƒ}|oti i i ii|ƒq´n|dƒdS( N(soutputsexpectsanythings somethingsyns SourceforgesThe Sourceforge plugin has the functionality to watch for URLs that match a specific pattern (we call this a snarfer). When supybot sees such a URL, he will parse the web page for information and reply with the results.s2Do you want this snarfer to be enabled by default?sžThe bugs and rfes commands of the Sourceforge plugin can be set to query a default project when no project is specified. If this project is not set, calling either of those commands will display the associated help. With the default project set, calling bugs/rfes with no arguments will find the most recent bugs/rfes for the default project.s)Do you want to specify a default project?s Project name:söSourceforge is quite the word to type, and it may get annoying typing it all the time because Supybot makes you use the plugin name to disambiguate calls to ambiguous commands (i.e., the bug command is in this plugin and the Bugzilla plugin; if both are loaded, you'll have you type "sourceforge bug ..." to get this bug command). You may save some time by making an alias for "sourceforge". We like to make it "sf".(ssupybot.questionssoutputsexpectsanythings somethingsynsconfsregisterPluginsTruessupybotspluginss SourceforgestrackerSnarferssetValuesprojectsdefaultProjectsset(sadvancedsanythingsynsprojectsexpectsoutputs something((s./Sourceforge/config.pys configure!s%     !s SourceforgestrackerSnarfersxDetermines whether the bot will reply to SF.net Tracker URLs in the channel with a nice summary of the tracker item.sdefaultProjectssRSets the default project to use in the case that no explicit project is given.sbolds*Determines whether the results are bolded.senableSpecificTrackerCommandss~Determines whether the bug, rfe, and patch commands (convenience wrappers around the tracker command) will be enabled.( s supybot.confsconfssupybot.registrysregistrys configuresregisterPlugins SourceforgesregisterChannelValuesBooleansFalsesStringsregisterGlobalValuesTrue(s configuresregistrysconfs Sourceforge((s./Sourceforge/config.pys?s   "