#!/usr/bin/env python ### # Copyright (c) 2003-2004, Jeremiah Fincher # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the author of this software nor the name of # contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written consent. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ### import os import sys def error(s): sys.stderr.write(s) if not s.endswith(os.linesep): sys.stderr.write(os.linesep) sys.exit(-1) if sys.version_info < (2, 3, 0): error('This program requires Python >= 2.3.0') import supybot import re import sets import time import pydoc import pprint import socket import logging import optparse import supybot.ansi as ansi import supybot.utils as utils import supybot.ircutils as ircutils import supybot.registry as registry import supybot.questions as questions from supybot.questions import output, yn, anything, something, expect, getpass def getPlugins(pluginDirs): plugins = set([]) join = os.path.join for pluginDir in pluginDirs: try: for filename in os.listdir(pluginDir): fname = join(pluginDir, filename) if (filename.endswith('.py') or os.path.isdir(fname)) \ and filename[0].isupper(): plugins.add(os.path.splitext(filename)[0]) except OSError: continue plugins.discard('Owner') plugins = list(plugins) plugins.sort() return plugins def loadPlugin(name): import supybot.plugin as plugin try: module = plugin.loadPluginModule(name) if hasattr(module, 'Class'): return module else: output("""That plugin loaded fine, but didn't seem to be a real Supybot plugin; there was no Class variable to tell us what class to load when we load the plugin. We'll skip over it for now, but you can always add it later.""") return None except Exception, e: output("""We encountered a bit of trouble trying to load plugin %r. Python told us %r. We'll skip over it for now, you can always add it later.""" % (name, utils.gen.exnToString(e))) return None def describePlugin(module, showUsage): if module.__doc__: output(module.__doc__, unformatted=False) elif hasattr(module.Class, '__doc__'): output(module.Class.__doc__, unformatted=False) else: output("""Unfortunately, this plugin doesn't seem to have any documentation. Sorry about that.""") if showUsage: if hasattr(module, 'example'): if yn('This plugin has a usage example. ' 'Would you like to see it?', default=False): pydoc.pager(module.example) else: output("""This plugin has no usage example.""") def clearLoadedPlugins(plugins, pluginRegistry): for plugin in plugins: try: pluginKey = pluginRegistry.get(plugin) if pluginKey(): plugins.remove(plugin) except registry.NonExistentRegistryEntry: continue _windowsVarRe = re.compile(r'%(\w+)%') def getDirectoryName(default, basedir=os.curdir, prompt=True): done = False while not done: if prompt: dir = something('What directory do you want to use?', default=os.path.join(basedir, default)) else: dir = os.path.join(basedir, default) orig_dir = dir dir = os.path.expanduser(dir) dir = _windowsVarRe.sub(r'$\1', dir) dir = os.path.expandvars(dir) dir = os.path.abspath(dir) try: os.makedirs(dir) done = True except OSError, e: if e.args[0] != 17: # File exists. output("""Sorry, I couldn't make that directory for some reason. The Operating System told me %s. You're going to have to pick someplace else.""" % e) prompt = True else: done = True return (dir, os.path.dirname(orig_dir)) def main(): import supybot.log as log import supybot.conf as conf log._stdoutHandler.setLevel(100) # *Nothing* gets through this! parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='Usage: %prog [options]', version='Supybot %s' % conf.version) parser.add_option('', '--allow-root', action='store_true', dest='allowRoot', help='Determines whether the wizard will be allowed to ' 'run as root. You don\'t want this. Don\'t do it.' ' Even if you think you want it, you don\'t. ' 'You\'re probably dumb if you do this.') parser.add_option('', '--no-network', action='store_false', dest='network', help='Determines whether the wizard will be allowed to ' 'run without a network connection.') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if os.name == 'posix': if (os.getuid() == 0 or os.geteuid() == 0) and not options.allowRoot: error('Please, don\'t run this as root.') filename = '' if args: parser.error('This program takes no non-option arguments.') output("""This is a wizard to help you start running supybot. What it will do is create the necessary config files based on the options you select here. So hold on tight and be ready to be interrogated :)""") output("""First of all, we can bold the questions you're asked so you can easily distinguish the mostly useless blather (like this) from the questions that you actually have to answer.""") if yn('Would you like to try this bolding?', default=True): questions.useBold = True if not yn('Do you see this in bold?'): output("""Sorry, it looks like your terminal isn't ANSI compliant. Try again some other day, on some other terminal :)""") questions.useBold = False else: output("""Great!""") ### # Preliminary questions. ### output("""We've got some preliminary things to get out of the way before we can really start asking you questions that directly relate to what your bot is going to be like.""") # Advanced? output("""We want to know if you consider yourself an advanced Supybot user because some questions are just utterly boring and useless for new users. Others might not make sense unless you've used Supybot for some time.""") advanced = yn('Are you an advanced Supybot user?', default=False) ### Directories. # We set these variables in cache because otherwise conf and log will # create directories for the default values, which might not be what the # user wants. if advanced: output("""Now we've got to ask you some questions about where some of your directories are (or, perhaps, will be :)). If you're running this wizard from the directory you'll actually be starting your bot from and don't mind creating some directories in the current directory, then just don't give answers to these questions and we'll create the directories we need right here in this directory.""") # conf.supybot.directories.log output("""Your bot will need to put his logs somewhere. Do you have any specific place you'd like them? If not, just press enter and we'll make a directory named "logs" right here.""") (logDir, basedir) = getDirectoryName('logs') conf.supybot.directories.log.setValue(logDir) # conf.supybot.directories.data output("""Your bot will need to put various data somewhere. Things like databases, downloaded files, etc. Do you have any specific place you'd like the bot to put these things? If not, just press enter and we'll make a directory named "data" right here.""") (dataDir, basedir) = getDirectoryName('data', basedir=basedir) conf.supybot.directories.data.setValue(dataDir) # conf.supybot.directories.conf output("""Your bot must know where to find his configuration files. It'll probably only make one or two, but it's gotta have some place to put them. Where should that place be? If you don't care, just press enter and we'll make a directory right here named "conf" where it'll store his stuff. """) (confDir, basedir) = getDirectoryName('conf', basedir=basedir) conf.supybot.directories.conf.setValue(confDir) # conf.supybot.directories.backup output("""Your bot must know where to place backups of its conf and data files. Where should that place be? If you don't care, just press enter and we'll make a directory right here named "backup" where it'll store his stuff.""") (backupDir, basedir) = getDirectoryName('backup', basedir=basedir) conf.supybot.directories.backup.setValue(backupDir) # pluginDirs output("""Your bot will also need to know where to find his plugins at. Of course, he already knows where the plugins that he came with are, but your own personal plugins that you write for will probably be somewhere else.""") pluginDirs = conf.supybot.directories.plugins() output("""Currently, the bot knows about the following directories:""") output(format('%L', pluginDirs)) while yn('Would you like to add another plugin directory? ' 'Adding a local plugin directory is good style.', default=True): (pluginDir, _) = getDirectoryName('plugins', basedir=basedir) if pluginDir not in pluginDirs: pluginDirs.append(pluginDir) conf.supybot.directories.plugins.setValue(pluginDirs) else: output("""Your bot needs to create some directories in order to store the various log, config, and data files.""") basedir = something("""Where would you like to create these directories?""", default=os.curdir) # conf.supybot.directories.log (logDir, basedir) = getDirectoryName('logs', prompt=False) conf.supybot.directories.log.setValue(logDir) # conf.supybot.directories.data (dataDir, basedir) = getDirectoryName('data', basedir=basedir, prompt=False) conf.supybot.directories.data.setValue(dataDir) # conf.supybot.directories.conf (confDir, basedir) = getDirectoryName('conf', basedir=basedir, prompt=False) conf.supybot.directories.conf.setValue(confDir) # conf.supybot.directories.backup (backupDir, basedir) = getDirectoryName('backup', basedir=basedir, prompt=False) conf.supybot.directories.backup.setValue(backupDir) # pluginDirs pluginDirs = conf.supybot.directories.plugins() (pluginDir, _) = getDirectoryName('plugins', basedir=basedir, prompt=False) if pluginDir not in pluginDirs: pluginDirs.append(pluginDir) conf.supybot.directories.plugins.setValue(pluginDirs) output("Good! We're done with the directory stuff.") ### # Bot stuff ### output("""Now we're going to ask you things that actually relate to the bot you'll be running.""") network = None while not network: output("""First, we need to know the name of the network you'd like to connect to. Not the server host, mind you, but the name of the network. If you plan to connect to irc.freenode.net, for instance, you should answer this question with 'freenode' (without the quotes).""") network = something('What IRC network will you be connecting to?') if '.' in network: output("""There shouldn't be a '.' in the network name. Remember, this is the network name, not the actual server you plan to connect to.""") network = None elif not registry.isValidRegistryName(network): output("""That's not a valid name for one reason or another. Please pick a simpler name, one more likely to be valid.""") network = None conf.supybot.networks.setValue([network]) network = conf.registerNetwork(network) defaultServer = None server = None ip = None while not ip: serverString = something('What server would you like to connect to?', default=defaultServer) if options.network: try: output("""Looking up %s...""" % serverString) ip = socket.gethostbyname(serverString) except: output("""Sorry, I couldn't find that server. Perhaps you misspelled it? Also, be sure not to put the port in the server's name -- we'll ask you about that later.""") else: ip = 'no network available' output("""Found %s (%s).""" % (serverString, ip)) output("""IRC Servers almost always accept connections on port 6667. They can, however, accept connections anywhere their admin feels like he wants to accept connections from.""") if yn('Does this server require connection on a non-standard port?', default=False): port = 0 while not port: port = something('What port is that?') try: i = int(port) if not (0 < i < 65536): raise ValueError except ValueError: output("""That's not a valid port.""") port = 0 else: port = 6667 server = ':'.join([serverString, str(port)]) network.servers.setValue([server]) # conf.supybot.nick # Force the user into specifying a nick if he didn't have one already while True: nick = something('What nick would you like your bot to use?', default=None) try: conf.supybot.nick.set(nick) break except registry.InvalidRegistryValue: output("""That's not a valid nick. Go ahead and pick another.""") # conf.supybot.user if advanced: output("""If you've ever done a /whois on a person, you know that IRC provides a way for users to show the world their full name. What would you like your bot's full name to be? If you don't care, just press enter and it'll be the same as your bot's nick.""") user = '' user = something('What would you like your bot\'s full name to be?', default=nick) conf.supybot.user.set(user) # conf.supybot.ident (if advanced) defaultIdent = 'supybot' if advanced: output("""IRC servers also allow you to set your ident, which they might need if they can't find your identd server. What would you like your ident to be? If you don't care, press enter and we'll use 'supybot'. In fact, we prefer that you do this, because it provides free advertising for Supybot when users /whois your bot. But, of course, it's your call.""") while True: ident = something('What would you like your bot\'s ident to be?', default=defaultIdent) try: conf.supybot.ident.set(ident) break except registry.InvalidRegistryValue: output("""That was not a valid ident. Go ahead and pick another.""") else: conf.supybot.ident.set(defaultIdent) if advanced: # conf.supybot.networks..ssl output("""Some servers allow you to use a secure connection via SSL. This requires having pyOpenSSL installed. Currently, you also need Twisted installed as only the Twisted drivers supports SSL connections.""") if yn('Do you want to use an SSL connection?', default=False): network.ssl.set(True) # conf.supybot.networks..password output("""Some servers require a password to connect to them. Most public servers don't. If you try to connect to a server and for some reason it just won't work, it might be that you need to set a password.""") if yn('Do you want to set such a password?', default=False): network.password.set(getpass()) # conf.supybot.networks..channels output("""Of course, having an IRC bot isn't the most useful thing in the world unless you can make that bot join some channels.""") if yn('Do you want your bot to join some channels when he connects?', default=True): defaultChannels = ' '.join(network.channels()) output("""Separate channels with spaces. If the channel is locked with a key, follow the channel name with the key separated by a comma. For example: #supybot-bots #mychannel,mykey #otherchannel"""); while True: channels = something('What channels?', default=defaultChannels) try: network.channels.set(channels) break except registry.InvalidRegistryValue, e: output(""""%s" is an invalid IRC channel. Be sure to prefix the channel with # (or +, or !, or &, but no one uses those channels, really). Be sure the channel key (if you are supplying one) does not contain a comma.""" % e.channel) else: network.channels.setValue([]) ### # Plugins ### def configurePlugin(module, advanced): if hasattr(module, 'configure'): output("""Beginning configuration for %s...""" % module.Class.__name__) module.configure(advanced) print # Blank line :) output("""Done!""") else: conf.registerPlugin(module.__name__, currentValue=True) plugins = getPlugins(pluginDirs) for s in ('Admin', 'User', 'Channel', 'Misc', 'Config'): m = loadPlugin(s) if m is not None: configurePlugin(m, advanced) else: error('There was an error loading one of the core plugins that ' 'under almost all circumstances are loaded. Go ahead and ' 'fix that error and run this script again.') clearLoadedPlugins(plugins, conf.supybot.plugins) output("""Now we're going to run you through plugin configuration. There's a variety of plugins in supybot by default, but you can create and add your own, of course. We'll allow you to take a look at the known plugins' descriptions and configure them if you like what you see.""") # bulk addedBulk = False if advanced and yn('Would you like to add plugins en masse first?'): addedBulk = True output(format("""The available plugins are: %L.""", plugins)) output("""What plugins would you like to add? If you've changed your mind and would rather not add plugins in bulk like this, just press enter and we'll move on to the individual plugin configuration.""") massPlugins = anything('Separate plugin names by spaces or commas:') for name in re.split(r',?\s+', massPlugins): module = loadPlugin(name) if module is not None: configurePlugin(module, advanced) clearLoadedPlugins(plugins, conf.supybot.plugins) # individual if yn('Would you like to look at plugins individually?'): output("""Next comes your opportunity to learn more about the plugins that are available and select some (or all!) of them to run in your bot. Before you have to make a decision, of course, you'll be able to see a short description of the plugin and, if you choose, an example session with the plugin. Let's begin.""") # until we get example strings again, this will default to false #showUsage =yn('Would you like the option of seeing usage examples?') showUsage = False name = expect('What plugin would you like to look at?', plugins, acceptEmpty=True) while name: module = loadPlugin(name) if module is not None: describePlugin(module, showUsage) if yn('Would you like to load this plugin?', default=True): configurePlugin(module, advanced) clearLoadedPlugins(plugins, conf.supybot.plugins) if not yn('Would you like add another plugin?'): break name = expect('What plugin would you like to look at?', plugins) ### # Sundry ### output("""Although supybot offers a supybot-adduser script, with which you can add users to your bot's user database, it's *very* important that you have an owner user for you bot.""") if yn('Would you like to add an owner user for your bot?', default=True): import supybot.ircdb as ircdb name = something('What should the owner\'s username be?') try: id = ircdb.users.getUserId(name) u = ircdb.users.getUser(id) if u._checkCapability('owner'): output("""That user already exists, and has owner capabilities already. Perhaps you added it before? """) if yn('Do you want to remove its owner capability?', default=False): u.removeCapability('owner') ircdb.users.setUser(id, u) else: output("""That user already exists, but doesn't have owner capabilities.""") if yn('Do you want to add to it owner capabilities?', default=False): u.addCapability('owner') ircdb.users.setUser(id, u) except KeyError: password = getpass('What should the owner\'s password be?') u = ircdb.users.newUser() u.name = name u.setPassword(password) u.addCapability('owner') ircdb.users.setUser(u) output("""Of course, when you're in an IRC channel you can address the bot by its nick and it will respond, if you give it a valid command (it may or may not respond, depending on what your config variable replyWhenNotCommand is set to). But your bot can also respond to a short "prefix character," so instead of saying "bot: do this," you can say, "@do this" and achieve the same effect. Of course, you don't *have* to have a prefix char, but if the bot ends up participating significantly in your channel, it'll ease things.""") if yn('Would you like to set the prefix char(s) for your bot? ', default=True): output("""Enter any characters you want here, but be careful: they should be rare enough that people don't accidentally address the bot (simply because they'll probably be annoyed if they do address the bot on accident). You can even have more than one. I (jemfinch) am quite partial to @, but that's because I've been using it since my ocamlbot days.""") import supybot.callbacks as callbacks c = '' while not c: try: c = anything('What would you like your bot\'s prefix ' 'character(s) to be?') conf.supybot.reply.whenAddressedBy.chars.set(c) except registry.InvalidRegistryValue, e: output(str(e)) c = '' else: conf.supybot.reply.whenAddressedBy.chars.set('') ### # logging variables. ### if advanced: # conf.supybot.log.stdout output("""By default, your bot will log not only to files in the logs directory you gave it, but also to stdout. We find this useful for debugging, and also just for the pretty output (it's colored!)""") stdout = not yn('Would you like to turn off this logging to stdout?', default=False) conf.supybot.log.stdout.setValue(stdout) if conf.supybot.log.stdout(): # conf.something output("""Some terminals may not be able to display the pretty colors logged to stderr. By default, though, we turn the colors off for Windows machines and leave it on for *nix machines.""") if os.name is not 'nt': conf.supybot.log.stdout.colorized.setValue( not yn('Would you like to turn this colorization off?', default=False)) # conf.supybot.log.level output("""Your bot can handle debug messages at several priorities, CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, and DEBUG, in decreasing order of priority. By default, your bot will log all of these priorities except DEBUG. You can, however, specify that it only log messages above a certain priority level.""") priority = str(conf.supybot.log.level) logLevel = something('What would you like the minimum priority to be?' ' Just press enter to accept the default.', default=priority).lower() while logLevel not in ['debug','info','warning','error','critical']: output("""That's not a valid priority. Valid priorities include 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', and 'CRITICAL'""") logLevel = something('What would you like the minimum priority to ' 'be? Just press enter to accept the default.', default=priority).lower() conf.supybot.log.level.set(logLevel) # conf.supybot.databases.plugins.channelSpecific output("""Many plugins in Supybot are channel-specific. Their databases, likewise, are specific to each channel the bot is in. Many people don't want this, so we have one central location in which to say that you would prefer all databases for all channels to be shared. This variable, supybot.databases.plugins.channelSpecific, is that place.""") conf.supybot.databases.plugins.channelSpecific.setValue( not yn('Would you like plugin databases to be shared by all ' 'channels, rather than specific to each channel the ' 'bot is in?')) output("""There are a lot of options we didn't ask you about simply because we'd rather you get up and running and have time left to play around with your bot. But come back and see us! When you've played around with your bot enough to know what you like, what you don't like, what you'd like to change, then take a look at your configuration file when your bot isn't running and read the comments, tweaking values to your heart's desire.""") # Let's make sure that src/ plugins are loaded. conf.registerPlugin('Admin', True) conf.registerPlugin('Channel', True) conf.registerPlugin('Config', True) conf.registerPlugin('Misc', True) conf.registerPlugin('User', True) ### # Write the registry ### # We're going to need to do a darcs predist thing here. #conf.supybot.debug.generated.setValue('...') if not filename: filename = '%s.conf' % nick registry.close(conf.supybot, filename) # Done! output("""All done! Your new bot configuration is %s. If you're running a *nix based OS, you can probably start your bot with the command line "supybot %s". If you're not running a *nix or similar machine, you'll just have to start it like you start all your other Python scripts.""" % \ (filename, filename)) if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: # We may still be using bold text when exiting during a prompt if questions.useBold: import supybot.ansi as ansi print ansi.RESET print print output("""Well, it looks like you canceled out of the wizard before it was done. Unfortunately, I didn't get to write anything to file. Please run the wizard again to completion.""") # vim:set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 expandtab textwidth=79: