rica-0.10 (Nov.11.2001.) ----------------------- * Rica::MessageDistributor's Excess flood protection intensified. * .gtkrc supported at Erica. * A code for connection diagnostic "connectiondiag.rb" added. * Buffer auto freezing supprted at Erica. * Some bugs in Rica::MessageDistributor are fixed. * A sample code of bot "rica-example.rb" includes. rica-0.9 (Sep.26.2001.) ----------------------- * Gtk application "erica" includes. "ricaco" will be obsoleted at next version. * Rica::Event::UserEvent const added. * Rica::Message::string "%o" option added. * Some bugs in Rica::MessageDistributor are fixed. * Many bugs in Rica::LogHolder are fixed. * Rica's formal name is changed :) rica-0.8.1 (Aug.30.2001.) ----------------------- * Repackaging, because logholder.rb is too old and has too many bugs. rica-0.8 (Aug.29.2001.) ----------------------- * Rica::Rica renamed to Rica::MessageProcessor. * Message dispatch methods in Rica::Rica are moved to Rica::Event. * ctcpresponder.rb added. Rica::CtcpResponder moved to ctcpresponder.rb. * Rica::CtcpResponder.userinfo bug fixed. * logholder.rb added. It includes Rica::LogHolder module. But not tested. rica-0.7 (Aug.24.2001.) ----------------------- * All modules and classes are dispositioned under Rica. Many modules and classes are renamed. Sorry for many mess. * Server alias support. * ctcpresponcer.rb is obsoleted. * WRITE_PRIORITY_DEFUALT changes 0.3 to 1. rica-0.6 (Aug.23.2001.) ----------------------- * eof bug fixed. * auto re-connection supported. * Methods those matche to IrcEvent are added in Rica class. No longer you may not override Rica#update method. * ctcpresponcer.rb is revivaled. (rica_utils.rb is obsoluted.) rica-0.5 (Mar.15.2001.) ----------------------- * Each instance of Rica has own thread. * IrcConnector's threads are gathered one at IrcConnectionManager. * Ricaco ping timeout bug fixed . rica-0.4 (Mar.5.2001.) (not issued) ----------------------------------- * IrcEvent changed from Class to Module. * CtcpResponcer move to rica_utils.rb. rica-0.3 (Mar.3.2001.) ----------------------- * A bug of Link closeing is fixed. rica-0.3pre (Mar.1.2001.) ----------------------- * Include "Ricaco". rica-0.2 (Feb.26.2001.) ----------------------- * Added Kanji Code Option. * Some irc command helper added. * Fixed IRCNet PONG problem. rica-0.1 (Feb.25.2001.) ----------------------- * Alpha Release