/************************************************************************* * Various Functions Coded By Sheik and Scrubbs * * Goal: To Create a Toolz-like atmosphere, in C. * * * * ChanWallOp msg all the ops on current channel - /wallmsg * * MegaDeop mega deops the current channel - /mdop * * LameKick Kicks all unopped people from current channel - /lk * * DoDops Deops a line of nicks, whatever the length * * NewUser Lets you fake your UserName - /newuser * * ReconnectServer Reconnects to Current Server - /reconnect * *************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************** Functions coded by Flier (THANX to Sheik!!) The same goal as 12 lines up ! :)) ReconnectOnKill Reconnects you to server on kills Kick Kicks nick from channel BanType Sets ban type (normal,hostname,screw) Ban Bans nick from channel BanKick Kicks and bans user from channel Op Ops nick Dop Deops nick About Tells you some info on ScrollZ Leave Leave channel Invite Invites nick to channel ModeClear Does a -ntsilpmk on channel Chops Shows all ops on current channel ChannelScan Shows all nicks on current channel ListFriends Lists all the friends on your friends list ListAutoBanKicks Lists all the people on your auto (ban) kick list Topic Shows or sets topic on channel FServer Connects to specified server, else to default one Cycle Leaves and joins channel ScrollZSave Saves ScrollZ.save file CheckUsers Returns user's privileges or 0 if he/she is not registered CheckABKs Returns user's shit-level or 0 if he/she is not on ABK list CheckJoiners Returns pointer if it finds nick on your joinlist, else adds him to your joinlist DirLM Redirects last message/notice you have received AddFriend Adds user to your friends list AddAutoBanKick Adds user to your auto (ban) kick list RemoveFriend Removes user from your friends list RemoveAutoBanKick Removes user from your auto (ban) kick list ShowBans Shows bans on a channel Version Does /CTCP nick VERSION Unban Unbans user OnBans Handles ban messages from server CdBan Clears channel of bans NoIgnore Unignores user Ignore Ignores user SetAway Marks you as being away SetBack Marks you as not being away OnWho Handles who reply from server Check4Ban Checks if ban on you is detected AddWord Adds word to your wordkick list RemoveWord Removes word from your wordkick list ListWords Lists all the words from your wordkick list CheckLine Checks line for wordkick, 1 - if match found, 0 - otherwise AddNick2List Adds nick to list of people who have messaged you NickNext Sets nickcur to the next leaf on linked list nicks (when TAB pressed) AddSplitter Adds splitter to appropriate server Check4Join Checks if net has joined and returns server name if so WhoLeft Tells you all the nicks that went away with the split FilterKick Kicks all the people that match filter DoBans Bans all the people that are shitlisted NewHost Virtual Hosting, patched in by Zakath ******************************************************************************/ /* * $Id: edit2.c,v 1.99 2005/04/19 15:22:55 f Exp $ */ #include "irc.h" #include "crypt.h" #include "vars.h" #include "ircaux.h" #include "window.h" #include "whois.h" #include "hook.h" #include "input.h" #include "ignore.h" #include "keys.h" #include "names.h" #include "alias.h" #include "history.h" #include "funny.h" #include "ctcp.h" #include "dcc.h" #include "translat.h" #include "output.h" #include "notify.h" #include "numbers.h" #include "status.h" #include "screen.h" #include "server.h" #include "edit.h" #include "list.h" #include "struct.h" #include "parse.h" #include "myvars.h" #include "whowas.h" #include /* for umask() */ #ifdef JIMMIE #include /* linux needs more includes because of ioctl() calls */ #ifdef __linux__ #include #include #endif /* __linux__ */ #endif /* JIMMIE */ extern NotifyList *notify_list; extern time_t start_time; extern char *source_host; NickList *CheckJoiners _((char *, char *, int , ChannelList *)); void DoDops _((char *, char *, int)); void ReconnectServer _((char *, char *, char *)); void AddFriend2List _((char *, char *, char *)); void AddBK2List _((char *, char *, char *)); void RemoveFriendFromList _((char *)); void RemoveAutoBanKickFromList _((char *)); void SetBack2 _((char *, char *)); void SetBackDelete _((char *, char *)); void ListFriendsPage _((char *)); void ListFriendsKey _((char *, char *)); void ListABKsPage _((char *)); void ListABKsKey _((char *, char *)); void AddNick2List _((char *, int)); struct words *CheckLine _((char *, char *)); void NotChanOp _((char *)); void NoWindowChannel _((void)); void BanNew _((WhoisStuff *, char *, char *)); void BanKickNew _((WhoisStuff *, char *, char *)); void AddFriendNew _((WhoisStuff *, char *, char *)); void AddBKNew _((WhoisStuff *, char *, char *)); void RemoveFriendNew _((WhoisStuff *, char *)); void RemoveAutoBanKickNew _((WhoisStuff *, char *)); void UnbanNew _((WhoisStuff *, char *, char *)); void IgnoreNew _((WhoisStuff *, char *, char *)); int AddLast _((List *, List *)); char *TimeStamp _((int)); extern struct friends *FindMatch _((char *, char *)); extern void ClearKey _((char *, char *, char *)); extern int CheckChannel _((char *, char *)); extern int CheckChannel2 _((char *, char *)); extern void UnbanIt _((char *, char *, int)); extern int AddBan _((char *, char *, int, char *, int, time_t, ChannelList *)); extern void AwaySave _((char *, int)); extern void UserDomainList _((char *)); #ifdef WANTANSI extern void SaveColors _((FILE *)); #endif extern void PrintSetting _((char *, char *, char *, char *)); extern char *OpenCreateFile _((char *, int)); extern void CreateBan _((char *, char *, char *)); extern void StripAnsi _((char *, char *, int)); extern void BuildPrivs _((struct friends *, char *)); #ifdef WANTANSI extern int CountAnsi _((char *, int)); #endif extern struct autobankicks *FindShit _((char *, char *)); extern void PlayBack _((char *, char *, char *)); extern void PrintUsage _((char *)); extern void CheckJoinChannel _((WhoisStuff *, char *, char *)); extern void EncryptString _((char *, char *, char *, int, int)); extern int CheckServer _((int)); extern char *FormatTime _((int)); extern int IgnoreSave _((FILE *)); extern int matchmcommand _((char *, int)); extern NickList *find_in_hash _((ChannelList *, char *)); extern void add_nick_to_hash _((ChannelList *, NickList *)); extern void remove_nick_from_hash _((ChannelList *, NickList *)); extern void e_channel _((char *, char *, char *)); extern void timercmd _((char *, char *, char *)); extern void away _((char *, char *, char *)); extern void describe _((char *, char *, char *)); extern void swap_window _((Window *, Window *)); extern void irc_goto_window _((int)); static char *tmpbuflist=(char *) 0; static int listcount; static int countall; static int DontHold; static struct friends *tmpfriendlist; static struct autobankicks *tmpabklist; /* Patched by Zakath */ static char timereturn[mybufsize/16]; #ifdef CELE static char *celeawaystr=(char *) 0; static time_t CeleAwayTime=0; #endif extern char *CelerityNtfy; /* Kicks all unopped people from current channel */ void LameKick(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { int all=0; int count=0; char *channel; char *comment=(char *) 0; char tmpbuf1[mybufsize]; char tmpbuf2[mybufsize/4]; NickList *tmp; ChannelList *chan; if ((channel=get_channel_by_refnum(0))) { if (args && *args && !my_strnicmp(args,"-ALL",4)) { all=1; new_next_arg(args,&args); } chan=lookup_channel(channel,curr_scr_win->server,0); if (chan && HAS_OPS(chan->status)) { if (!chan) return; *tmpbuf1='\0'; if (args && *args) comment=args; else comment=DefaultLK; for (tmp=chan->nicks;tmp;tmp=tmp->next) { if (tmp->chanop) continue; if (tmp->halfop) continue; if (tmp->hasvoice && !all) continue; #ifdef CELE snprintf(tmpbuf2,sizeof(tmpbuf2),"KICK %s %s :%s %s\r\n",channel,tmp->nick, comment,CelerityL); #else /* CELE */ snprintf(tmpbuf2,sizeof(tmpbuf2),"KICK %s %s :%s\r\n",channel,tmp->nick,comment); #endif /* CELE */ if (strlen(tmpbuf1)+strlen(tmpbuf2)>=IRCD_BUFFER_SIZE-150) { send_to_server("%s",tmpbuf1); *tmpbuf1='\0'; count=0; } count++; strmcat(tmpbuf1,tmpbuf2,sizeof(tmpbuf1)); } if (count) send_to_server("%s",tmpbuf1); say("Sent the server all the lamer kicks, sit back and watch !"); } else NotChanOp(channel); } else NoWindowChannel(); } /* Sends NOTICE to all ops of Current Channel! */ void ChanWallOp(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { int server = 0; int maxnicks = get_int_var(MAX_WALLOP_NICKS_VAR); int opscount = 0; int totalcount = 0; int includecount = 0; char *ptr; char *word; char *channel; char *alllist = (char *) 0; char *allinclist = (char *) 0; char *allexclist = (char *) 0; char *fulllistptr; char tmpnick[100]; char fulllist[mybufsize * 2]; char excludelist[mybufsize]; char includelist[mybufsize]; char currentlist[mybufsize]; char buffer[mybufsize]; NickList *tmp; ChannelList *chan = NULL; /* set all strings to null */ *fulllist = '\0'; *excludelist = '\0'; *includelist = '\0'; *currentlist = '\0'; if (!(args && *args)) { PrintUsage("WALL [#channel] [+nick] [-nick] message"); return; } server = curr_scr_win->server; while (*args && isspace(*args)) args++; if (*args == '#') { word = next_arg(args, &args); if ((chan = lookup_channel(word, server, 0)) == NULL) return; } else if (!(channel = get_channel_by_refnum(0)) || (chan = lookup_channel(channel, server, 0)) == NULL) { NoWindowChannel(); return; } /* work along line till we find a word that doesn't start with - or + */ while (args) { /* peek at the first char, before detaching */ if ((*args != '-') && (*args != '+')) break; /* no special flags to parse out */ word = next_arg(args, &args); if (!word || !*(word + 1)) { say("Error: no message/channel/nicks found"); return; } else if (*word == '-') { *word ++= '\0'; /* exclude list will be like " sheik blah lame " */ if ((tmp = find_in_hash(chan, word))) { snprintf(tmpnick, sizeof(tmpnick), " %s ", tmp->nick); if (strstr(excludelist, tmpnick)) continue; strmcat(excludelist, tmpnick, sizeof(excludelist)); if (allexclist) malloc_strcat(&allexclist, " "); malloc_strcat(&allexclist, tmp->nick); } } else if (*word == '+') { *word ++= '\0'; if ((tmp = find_in_hash(chan, word))) { snprintf(tmpnick, sizeof(tmpnick), " %s ", tmp->nick); if (strstr(includelist, tmpnick)) continue; strmcat(includelist, tmpnick, sizeof(includelist)); includecount++; if (allinclist) malloc_strcat(&allinclist, " "); malloc_strcat(&allinclist, tmp->nick); } } } /* strip all spaces in front of message */ while (args && isspace(*args)) *args ++= '\0'; if (!args || !(*args)) { say("Error: no message found"); return; } for (tmp = chan->nicks; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { if (tmp->chanop || tmp->halfop) { /* create a string like " sheik ", then strstr() * on the exclude list, does not allow wildcards * in the exclude list! EXPENSIVE! */ snprintf(tmpnick, sizeof(tmpnick), " %s ", tmp->nick); /* skip people in exclude list */ if (strstr(excludelist, tmpnick)) continue; strmcat(fulllist, tmpnick, sizeof(fulllist)); opscount++; } } if (includecount) { char *includelistptr = includelist; for (ptr = new_next_arg(includelistptr, &includelistptr); ptr; ptr = new_next_arg(includelistptr, &includelistptr)) { snprintf(tmpnick, sizeof(tmpnick), " %s ", ptr); /* skip duplicates */ if (strstr(fulllist, tmpnick)) continue; strmcat(fulllist, tmpnick, sizeof(fulllist)); } } fulllistptr = fulllist; for (ptr = new_next_arg(fulllistptr, &fulllistptr); ptr; ptr = new_next_arg(fulllistptr, &fulllistptr)) { if (*currentlist) strmcat(currentlist, ",", sizeof(currentlist)); strmcat(currentlist, ptr, sizeof(currentlist)); totalcount++; if (totalcount >= maxnicks) { snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "[S-WallOp/%s] %s", chan->channel, args); send_to_server("NOTICE %s :%s", currentlist, buffer); totalcount = 0; *currentlist = '\0'; } if (alllist) malloc_strcat(&alllist, " "); malloc_strcat(&alllist, ptr); } if (totalcount) { snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "[S-WallOp/%s] %s", chan->channel, args); send_to_server("NOTICE %s :%s", currentlist, buffer); } if (ShowWallop) { if (*excludelist) say("Excluding %s from wallmsg", allexclist); if (includecount) say("Including %s to receive wallmsg", allinclist); say("Sent wallmsg on %s to %s", chan->channel, alllist); } new_free(&alllist); new_free(&allinclist); new_free(&allexclist); if (!opscount) say("There are no channel operators in %s", chan->channel); } void MegaMode(args,type) char *args; int type; { char *argument; char *channel; char *me = get_server_nickname(from_server); char *users = NULL; int limited = 0; int allusers = 0; ChannelList *chan; NickList *nick; argument = new_next_arg(args, &args); if (argument && (!my_stricmp(argument, "-F") || !my_stricmp(argument, "-O") || !my_stricmp(argument, "-A"))) { if (!my_stricmp(argument, "-A")) allusers = 1; else limited = 1; argument = new_next_arg(args, &args); } if (argument && is_channel(argument)) channel = argument; else if (!(channel = get_channel_by_refnum(0))) { NoWindowChannel(); return; } chan = lookup_channel(channel, curr_scr_win->server, 0); if (!chan) { say("You're not on channel %s", channel); return; } if (type > 1) { if (!(chan->status&CHAN_CHOP)) { NotChanOp(channel); return; } } #ifdef EXTRAS else { /* devoice or voice */ if (!HAS_OPS(chan->status)) { NotChanOp(channel); return; } } #endif switch (type) { #ifdef EXTRAS case 0: /* devoice */ for (nick = chan->nicks; nick; nick = nick->next) { if (!my_stricmp(nick->nick, me)) continue; if (allusers || nick->hasvoice) { if (!allusers && limited && nick->frlist && nick->frlist->privs&FLVOICE) continue; if (users) malloc_strcat(&users, " "); malloc_strcat(&users, nick->nick); } } if (users) say("Mass devoicing %s%s", limited ? "lusers on " : "", channel); else say("No %susers to devoice on %s", limited ? "l" : "", channel); break; case 1: /* voice */ for (nick = chan->nicks; nick; nick = nick->next) { if (!my_stricmp(nick->nick, me)) continue; if (allusers || (!nick->hasvoice && !nick->halfop && !nick->chanop)) { if (!allusers && limited && (!nick->frlist || !(nick->frlist->privs&FLVOICE))) continue; if (users) malloc_strcat(&users, " "); malloc_strcat(&users, nick->nick); } } if (users) say("Mass voicing %s%s", limited ? "friends on " : "", channel); else say("No %s to voice on %s", limited ? "friends" : "users", channel); break; #endif case 2: /* dehalfop */ for (nick = chan->nicks; nick; nick = nick->next) { if (!my_stricmp(nick->nick, me)) continue; if (allusers || nick->halfop) { if (!allusers && limited && nick->frlist && nick->frlist->privs&FLHOP) continue; if (users) malloc_strcat(&users, " "); malloc_strcat(&users, nick->nick); } } if (users) say("Mass dehalfopping %s%s", limited ? "lusers on " : "", channel); else say("No %susers to dehalfop on %s", limited ? "l" : "", channel); break; case 3: /* halfop */ for (nick = chan->nicks; nick; nick = nick->next) { if (!my_stricmp(nick->nick, me)) continue; if (allusers || (!nick->halfop && !nick->chanop)) { if (!allusers && limited && (!nick->frlist || !(nick->frlist->privs&FLHOP))) continue; if (nick->shitlist && (nick->shitlist->shit&SLDEOP)) continue; if (users) malloc_strcat(&users, " "); malloc_strcat(&users, nick->nick); } } if (users) say("Mass halfopping %s%s", limited ? "friends on " : "", channel); else say("No %s to halfop on %s", limited ? "friends" : "users", channel); break; case 4: /* deop */ for (nick = chan->nicks; nick; nick = nick->next) { if (!my_stricmp(nick->nick, me)) continue; if (allusers || nick->chanop) { if (!allusers && limited && nick->frlist && nick->frlist->privs&FLOP) continue; if (users) malloc_strcat(&users, " "); malloc_strcat(&users, nick->nick); } } if (users) say("Mass deopping %s%s", limited ? "lusers on " : "", channel); else say("No %susers to deop on %s", limited ? "l" : "", channel); break; case 5: /* op */ for (nick = chan->nicks; nick; nick = nick->next) { if (!my_stricmp(nick->nick, me)) continue; if (allusers || !nick->chanop) { if (!allusers && limited && (!nick->frlist || !(nick->frlist->privs&FLOP))) continue; /* don't op shitlisted users */ if (nick->shitlist && (nick->shitlist->shit&SLDEOP)) continue; if (users) malloc_strcat(&users, " "); malloc_strcat(&users, nick->nick); } } if (users) say("Mass opping %s%s", limited ? "friends on " : "", channel); else say("No %s to op on %s", limited ? "friends" : "users", channel); break; case 6: /* reop */ for (nick = chan->nicks; nick; nick = nick->next) { if (!my_stricmp(nick->nick, me)) continue; if (allusers || nick->chanop) { if (!allusers && limited && (!nick->frlist || !(nick->frlist->privs&FLOP))) continue; if (users) malloc_strcat(&users, " "); malloc_strcat(&users, nick->nick); } } if (users) say("Mass reopping %s%s", limited ? "friends on " : "", channel); else say("No %s to reop on %s", limited ? "friends" : "users", channel); break; } if (users) { DoDops(users, channel, type); new_free(&users); } } /* MegaDeops channel */ void MegaDeop(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { MegaMode(args,4); } /* MegaDehalfop channl */ void MegaDehalfop(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { MegaMode(args,2); } /* MegaReops channel */ void MegaReop(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { MegaMode(args,6); } /* MassOp channel */ void MassOp(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { MegaMode(args,5); } /* MassHalfop channl */ void MassHalfop(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { MegaMode(args,3); } #ifdef EXTRAS /* MegaVoice channel */ void MegaVoice(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { MegaMode(args,1); } /* MegaDeVoice channel */ void MegaDeVoice(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { MegaMode(args,0); } #endif void DoDops(chops, channel, type) char *chops; char *channel; int type; { int send = 0; int count = 0; int max = get_int_var(MAX_MODES_VAR); char sign = ' '; char *tmp = NULL; char *modetype = ""; char tmpbuf1[mybufsize]; char tmpbuf2[mybufsize / 4]; char tmpbuf3[mybufsize / 4]; *tmpbuf1 = '\0'; *tmpbuf2 = '\0'; *tmpbuf3 = '\0'; switch (type) { #ifdef EXTRAS case 0: /* devoice */ sign = '-'; modetype = "v"; break; case 1: /* voice */ sign = '+'; modetype = "v"; break; #endif case 2: /* dehalfop */ sign = '-'; modetype = "h"; break; case 3: /* halfop */ sign = '+'; modetype = "h"; break; case 4: /* deop */ sign = '-'; modetype = "o"; break; case 5: /* op */ sign = '+'; modetype = "o"; break; case 6: /* reop */ sign = '+'; modetype = "o"; break; case 7: /* unban */ sign = '-'; modetype = "b"; break; } snprintf(tmpbuf2, sizeof(tmpbuf2), "MODE %s %c", channel, sign); for (tmp = new_next_arg(chops, &chops); tmp; tmp = new_next_arg(chops, &chops)) { count++; strmcat(tmpbuf2, modetype, sizeof(tmpbuf2)); strmcat(tmpbuf3, " ", sizeof(tmpbuf3)); strmcat(tmpbuf3, tmp, sizeof(tmpbuf3)); send = 1; if (count == max) { strmcat(tmpbuf1, tmpbuf2, sizeof(tmpbuf1)); strmcat(tmpbuf1, tmpbuf3, sizeof(tmpbuf1)); strmcat(tmpbuf1, "\r\n", sizeof(tmpbuf1)); snprintf(tmpbuf2, sizeof(tmpbuf2), "MODE %s %c", channel, sign); *tmpbuf3 = '\0'; count = 0; } if (strlen(tmpbuf1) >= IRCD_BUFFER_SIZE - 150) { send_to_server("%s", tmpbuf1); snprintf(tmpbuf2, sizeof(tmpbuf2), "MODE %s %c", channel, sign); *tmpbuf1 = '\0'; *tmpbuf3 ='\0'; send = 0; } } if (count) { strmcat(tmpbuf1, tmpbuf2, sizeof(tmpbuf1)); strmcat(tmpbuf1, tmpbuf3, sizeof(tmpbuf1)); strmcat(tmpbuf1, "\r\n", sizeof(tmpbuf1)); send = 1; } if (send) send_to_server("%s", tmpbuf1); } /* Newuser, stolen from Hendrix, and fixed up */ void NewUser(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { char *tmp; if (!(tmp=new_next_arg(args,&args))) { PrintUsage("NEWUSER username [realname]"); PrintSetting("Current username",username,empty_string,empty_string); PrintSetting("Current realname",realname,empty_string,empty_string); return; } strmcpy(username,tmp,NAME_LEN); if (args && *args) strmcpy(realname,args,REALNAME_LEN); ReconnectServer(NULL,NULL,NULL); } /* Reconnects you to server, storing all current info */ void ReconnectServer(command, args, subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { int port; int servernum = from_server; char tmpbuf[mybufsize / 2]; if (servernum != -1) { port = get_server_port(servernum); say("Reconnecting to server %s port %d...", get_server_name(servernum), port); snprintf(tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf), "SERVER %d", servernum); close_server(servernum, "reconnecting to server"); clean_whois_queue(); windowcmd(NULL, tmpbuf, NULL); } else say("You are not connected to a server"); } /* Reconnects you to server on kill */ void ReconnectOnKill(servernum) int servernum; { int flag=1; int change=0; char tmpbuf[mybufsize/16]; Window *tmp=(Window *) 0; Window *oldwindow; if (!get_int_var(AUTO_RECONNECT_VAR)) return; oldwindow=curr_scr_win; if (curr_scr_win->server!=servernum) { change=1; while ((tmp=traverse_all_windows(&flag))) { if (tmp->name && !strcmp(tmp->name,"OV")) continue; if (tmp->server==servernum) break; } } if (change && tmp) { if (tmp->visible) irc_goto_window(tmp->refnum); else swap_window(oldwindow,tmp); } snprintf(tmpbuf,sizeof(tmpbuf),"SERVER %d",servernum); windowcmd(NULL,tmpbuf,NULL); if (change && tmp) { if (tmp->visible) irc_goto_window(oldwindow->refnum); else swap_window(oldwindow,tmp); redraw_window(oldwindow,1,0); } } /* Kicks nick from the current channel */ void Kick(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { char *channel; char *tmpnick=(char *) 0; char *comment=(char *) 0; NickList *joiner; ChannelList *chan; channel=get_channel_by_refnum(0); if (channel) { if (args && *args) { chan=lookup_channel(channel,curr_scr_win->server,0); if (chan && HAS_OPS(chan->status)) { tmpnick=new_next_arg(args,&args); if (args && *args) comment=args; else comment=DefaultK; joiner=CheckJoiners(tmpnick,channel,curr_scr_win->server,chan); if (joiner) { if (!joiner->chanop || chan->status&CHAN_CHOP) { #ifdef CELE send_to_server("KICK %s %s :%s %s",channel,tmpnick, comment,CelerityL); #else /* CELE */ send_to_server("KICK %s %s :%s",channel,tmpnick,comment); #endif /* CELE */ } else NotChanOp(channel); } else say("Can't find %s on %s",tmpnick,channel); } else NotChanOp(channel); } else PrintUsage("K nick [reason]"); } else NoWindowChannel(); } /* Changes default ban type */ void BanType(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { char *tmptype; char tmpbuf[mybufsize/4]; if (*args) { tmptype=new_next_arg(args,&args); switch (tmptype[0]) { case 'N': case 'n': defban='N'; break; case 'B': case 'b': defban='B'; break; case 'E': case 'e': defban='E'; break; case 'H': case 'h': defban='H'; break; case 'S': case 's': defban='S'; break; default: PrintUsage("BANTYPE type (N, B, E, H, or S)"); say(" N=Normal, B=Better, E=Elite, H=Host, S=Screw"); break; } } strcpy(tmpbuf,"Ban type"); switch (defban) { case 'N': PrintSetting(tmpbuf,"Normal",empty_string,empty_string); break; case 'B': PrintSetting(tmpbuf,"Better",empty_string,empty_string); break; case 'E': PrintSetting(tmpbuf,"Elite",empty_string,empty_string); break; case 'H': PrintSetting(tmpbuf,"Host",empty_string,empty_string); break; case 'S': PrintSetting(tmpbuf,"Screw",empty_string,empty_string); break; } } /* Bans nick on specified channel */ void BanIt(channel, nick, userhost, deop, chan, timer) char *channel; char *nick; char *userhost; int deop; ChannelList *chan; int timer; { ChannelList *tmpchan; char tmpbuf[mybufsize / 4]; char tmpbuf2[mybufsize / 2]; if (channel && chan) tmpchan = chan; else tmpchan = lookup_channel(channel, curr_scr_win->server, 0); CreateBan(nick, userhost, tmpbuf); if (tmpchan && HAS_OPS(tmpchan->status)) { if (deop) send_to_server("MODE %s -o+b %s %s", channel, nick, tmpbuf); else send_to_server("MODE %s +b %s", channel, tmpbuf); if (timer) { snprintf(tmpbuf2, sizeof(tmpbuf2), "-INV %d MODE %s -b %s", timer, channel, tmpbuf); timercmd("TIMER", tmpbuf2, NULL); } } else NotChanOp(channel); } /* Bans nick on the current channel */ void Ban(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { char *channel = (char *) 0; char *tmpnick; void (*func)(); NickList *joiner; ChannelList *chan; channel=get_channel_by_refnum(0); if (channel) { chan=lookup_channel(channel,curr_scr_win->server,0); if (!chan) return; if (*args) { if (HAS_OPS(chan->status)) { while ((tmpnick=new_next_arg(args,&args))) { if (strchr(tmpnick,'!') || strchr(tmpnick,'@') || strchr(tmpnick,'*') || strchr(tmpnick,'.') || strchr(tmpnick,'?')) { send_to_server("MODE %s +b %s",channel,tmpnick); continue; } joiner=CheckJoiners(tmpnick,chan->channel,from_server,chan); if (joiner) BanIt(channel,joiner->nick,joiner->userhost,1,chan,0); else { joiner=CheckJoiners(tmpnick,NULL,from_server,NULL); if (joiner) BanIt(channel,joiner->nick,joiner->userhost,0,NULL,0); else { func=(void(*)())BanNew; server_list[from_server].SZWI++; add_to_whois_queue(tmpnick,func,"%s",channel); } } } } else NotChanOp(channel); } else PrintUsage("BAN nick"); } else NoWindowChannel(); } /* Bans user if he/she is not on joinlist */ void BanNew(wistuff, tmpnick, text) WhoisStuff *wistuff; char *tmpnick; char *text; { char tmpbuf[mybufsize/4]; if (server_list[from_server].SZWI) server_list[from_server].SZWI--; if (wistuff->not_on || !wistuff->nick || my_stricmp(wistuff->nick,tmpnick)) { say("Can't find %s on IRC",tmpnick); return; } snprintf(tmpbuf,sizeof(tmpbuf),"%s@%s",wistuff->user,wistuff->host); BanIt(text,wistuff->nick,tmpbuf,0,NULL,0); } /* Bans and kicks nick from the current channel */ /* Also handles ignore and timed ban */ void BanKick(command, args, subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { #ifdef EXTRAS int unbantime = 6; #endif char *channel = NULL; char *comment = NULL; char *tmpnick; char tmpbuf1[mybufsize / 4]; #ifdef EXTRAS char tmpbuf2[mybufsize / 4]; #endif void (*func)(); NickList *joiner; ChannelList *chan; tmpnick = new_next_arg(args, &args); #ifdef EXTRAS if (!my_stricmp(tmpnick, "-T")) { tmpnick = new_next_arg(args, &args); if (tmpnick) { unbantime = atoi(tmpnick); if (unbantime < 0) unbantime = 6; tmpnick = new_next_arg(args, &args); } } #endif if (tmpnick) { if (args && is_channel(args)) channel = new_next_arg(args,&args); else { channel = get_channel_by_refnum(0); if (!channel) { NoWindowChannel(); return; } } chan = lookup_channel(channel, curr_scr_win->server, 0); if (chan && HAS_OPS(chan->status)) { if (args && *args) comment = args; else { if (!my_stricmp(command, "BK")) comment = DefaultBK; #ifdef EXTRAS else if (!my_stricmp(command, "BKI")) comment = DefaultBKI; else comment = DefaultBKT; #endif } joiner = CheckJoiners(tmpnick, channel, from_server, chan); if (joiner) { BanIt(channel, joiner->nick, joiner->userhost, 1, chan, 0); #ifdef CELE send_to_server("KICK %s %s :%s %s", channel, joiner->nick, comment, CelerityL); #else /* CELE */ send_to_server("KICK %s %s :%s", channel, joiner->nick, comment); #endif /* CELE */ } else { joiner = CheckJoiners(tmpnick, NULL, from_server, NULL); if (joiner) BanIt(channel, joiner->nick, joiner->userhost, 0, NULL, 0); else { func = (void(*)()) BanKickNew; server_list[from_server].SZWI++; add_to_whois_queue(tmpnick, func, "%s %s", command, channel); } } #ifdef EXTRAS if (joiner) { if (index(command,'I')) { send_text(joiner->nick, "You're now being ignored", "NOTICE"); snprintf(tmpbuf1, sizeof(tmpbuf1), "%s ALL", joiner->userhost); snprintf(tmpbuf2, sizeof(tmpbuf2), "%d", IgnoreTime); ignore(NULL, tmpbuf1, tmpbuf2); snprintf(tmpbuf1, sizeof(tmpbuf1), "-INV %d IGNORE %s NONE", IgnoreTime, joiner->userhost); timercmd("TIMER", tmpbuf1, NULL); } else if (index(command,'T')) { CreateBan(joiner->nick, joiner->userhost, tmpbuf2); snprintf(tmpbuf1, sizeof(tmpbuf1), "-INV %d MODE %s -b %s", unbantime, channel, tmpbuf2); timercmd("TIMER", tmpbuf1, NULL); } } #endif } else NotChanOp(channel); } else { #ifdef EXTRAS if (index(command,'T')) snprintf(tmpbuf1, sizeof(tmpbuf1), "%s [-T unban time] nick [#channel] [reason]", command); else #endif snprintf(tmpbuf1, sizeof(tmpbuf1), "%s nick [#channel] [reason]", command); PrintUsage(tmpbuf1); } } /* Bans & kicks user if he/she is not on joinlist */ void BanKickNew(wistuff, tmpnick, text) WhoisStuff *wistuff; char *tmpnick; char *text; { char *command; char *channel; char tmpbuf1[mybufsize/4]; #ifdef EXTRAS char tmpbuf2[mybufsize/4]; #endif if (server_list[from_server].SZWI) server_list[from_server].SZWI--; if (wistuff->not_on || !wistuff->nick || my_stricmp(wistuff->nick,tmpnick)) { say("Can't find %s on IRC",tmpnick); return; } command=new_next_arg(text,&text); channel=new_next_arg(text,&text); if (!command || !channel) return; snprintf(tmpbuf1,sizeof(tmpbuf1),"%s@%s",wistuff->user,wistuff->host); BanIt(channel,wistuff->nick,tmpbuf1,0,NULL,0); #ifdef EXTRAS if (index(command,'I')) { strmcat(tmpbuf1," ALL",sizeof(tmpbuf1)); snprintf(tmpbuf2,sizeof(tmpbuf2),"%d",IgnoreTime); ignore(NULL,tmpbuf1,tmpbuf2); snprintf(tmpbuf1,sizeof(tmpbuf1),"-INV %d IGNORE %s@%s NONE",IgnoreTime,wistuff->user,wistuff->host); timercmd("TIMER",tmpbuf1,NULL); } else if (index(command,'T')) { CreateBan(wistuff->nick,tmpbuf1,tmpbuf2); snprintf(tmpbuf1,sizeof(tmpbuf1),"-INV 6 MODE %s -b %s",channel,tmpbuf2); timercmd("TIMER",tmpbuf1,NULL); } #endif } /* Ops nick on the current channel */ void Op(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { char flag; int count = 0; int usage = 0; int max = get_int_var(MAX_MODES_VAR); char *tmpnick; char *channel = NULL; char *type = NULL; char tmpbuf[mybufsize / 2]; char modebuf[mybufsize / 32]; register NickList *tmp; ChannelList *chan; flag = (!my_stricmp(command, "OP") || !my_stricmp(command, "HOP") || !my_stricmp(command, "VOICE")) ? '+' : '-'; if (!my_stricmp(command, "OP") || !my_stricmp(command, "DOP")) type = "oooooooooooooooo"; else if (!my_stricmp(command, "HOP") || !my_stricmp(command, "DHOP")) type = "hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"; else type = "vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv"; if (args && *args) { if (is_channel(args)) channel = new_next_arg(args, &args); else if (!(channel = get_channel_by_refnum(0))) { NoWindowChannel(); return; } chan = lookup_channel(channel, curr_scr_win->server, 0); if (!chan) return; if (*args) { if (chan->status&CHAN_CHOP) { snprintf(modebuf, sizeof(modebuf), "%c%s", flag, type); *tmpbuf = '\0'; while ((tmpnick = new_next_arg(args, &args))) { if ((tmp = find_in_hash(chan, tmpnick))) { strmcat(tmpbuf, " ", sizeof(tmpbuf)); strmcat(tmpbuf, tmpnick, sizeof(tmpbuf)); count++; } else say("Can't find %s on %s", tmpnick, channel); if ((count == max) || (count >= strlen(modebuf) - 1)) { modebuf[count+1] = '\0'; send_to_server("MODE %s %s %s", channel, modebuf, tmpbuf); count = 0; *tmpbuf = '\0'; } } if (count) { modebuf[count+1] = '\0'; send_to_server("MODE %s %s %s", channel, modebuf, tmpbuf); } } else NotChanOp(channel); } else usage = 1; } else usage = 1; if (usage) { snprintf(tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf), "%s nicks", command); PrintUsage(tmpbuf); } } /* Invites nick to your current channel */ void Invite(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { char *tmpnick; char *tmpchannel=(char *) 0; char tmpbuf[mybufsize/4]; ChannelList *tmpchan; if (*args) { tmpnick=new_next_arg(args,&args); if (args && *args) { tmpchannel=new_next_arg(args,&args); if (!is_channel(tmpchannel)) snprintf(tmpbuf,sizeof(tmpbuf),"#%s",tmpchannel); else strmcpy(tmpbuf,tmpchannel,sizeof(tmpbuf)); tmpchannel=tmpbuf; } else if ((tmpchannel=get_channel_by_refnum(0))==NULL) { NoWindowChannel(); return; } if ((tmpchan=lookup_channel(tmpchannel,from_server,0))==NULL) return; if (is_chanop(tmpchannel,get_server_nickname(from_server))) { #ifndef VILAS if (tmpchan->key) send_to_server("NOTICE %s :You have been ctcp invited to %s (key is %s) -ScrollZ-",tmpnick,tmpchan->channel,tmpchan->key); #else if (tmpchan->key) send_to_server("NOTICE %s :The channel %s key is %s", tmpnick,tmpchan->channel,tmpchan->key); #endif send_to_server("INVITE %s %s",tmpnick,tmpchannel); } else NotChanOp(tmpchannel); } else PrintUsage("INV nick [[#]channel]"); } /* Leaves current or specified channel */ void Leave(command, args, subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { char *p; char *comment = NULL; char *tmpchannel = NULL; char tmpbuf[mybufsize / 4]; char output[mybufsize / 4]; tmpchannel = new_next_arg(args, &args); if (tmpchannel && !strcmp(tmpchannel, "*")) tmpchannel = get_channel_by_refnum(0); else if (tmpchannel) { *output = '\0'; strmcpy(tmpbuf, tmpchannel, sizeof(tmpbuf)); p = strtok(tmpbuf, ","); while (p) { if (!is_channel(p)) strmcat(output, "#", sizeof(output)); strmcat(output, p, sizeof(output)); p = strtok(NULL, ","); if (p) strmcat(output, ",", sizeof(output)); } tmpchannel = output; } if (!tmpchannel && (tmpchannel = get_channel_by_refnum(0)) == NULL) { NoWindowChannel(); return; } comment = new_next_arg(args, &args); if (comment && *comment) send_to_server("PART %s :%s", tmpchannel, comment); else send_to_server("PART %s", tmpchannel); } /* Does a -ntislmpak on your current channel */ void ModeClear(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { char *channel=(char *) 0; char tmpbuf[mybufsize/2]; ChannelList *chan; channel=get_channel_by_refnum(0); if (channel && (chan=lookup_channel(channel,from_server,0))) { if (HAS_OPS(chan->status)) { snprintf(tmpbuf,sizeof(tmpbuf),"MODE %s -ntislmp",channel); if (get_server_version(from_server)==Server2_11) strmcat(tmpbuf,"a",sizeof(tmpbuf)); if ((chan->mode)&MODE_KEY && chan->key) { strmcat(tmpbuf,"k ",sizeof(tmpbuf)); strmcat(tmpbuf,chan->key,sizeof(tmpbuf)); } send_to_server("%s",tmpbuf); } else NotChanOp(channel); } else NoWindowChannel(); } /* Prints out all nicks on your current or specified channel */ void ChannelScan(command, args, subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { #ifdef NEWCSCAN int count = 0; int width = 0; int len = 0; #else int buflen; int szlen; #endif int gotchannel = 0; int shitted; int reverse = 2; int friendok; int hierarchy; /* 1-shitted, 2-normal, 3-voiced, 4-ops, 5-friends */ char *channel = (char *) 0; char *users = (char *) 0; char *prefstr = ScrollZstr; #ifdef WANTANSI char *colorstr = (char *) 0; #endif char tmpbuf1[mybufsize/4]; char tmpbuf2[mybufsize/4]; #ifndef NEWCSCAN char tmpbuf3[mybufsize/4]; #endif #ifdef WANTANSI char tmpbuf4[mybufsize/4]; #endif NickList *tmp; ChannelList *chan; channel = new_next_arg(args, &args); if (channel) { gotchannel = 1; if (!my_stricmp(channel, "-H")) { reverse = 0; gotchannel = 0; } else if (!my_stricmp(channel, "-R")) { reverse = 1; gotchannel = 0; } if (!gotchannel && (channel = new_next_arg(args, &args))) gotchannel = 1; if (gotchannel) { if (is_channel(channel)) strmcpy(tmpbuf1, channel, sizeof(tmpbuf1)); else snprintf(tmpbuf1, sizeof(tmpbuf1), "#%s", channel); channel = tmpbuf1; } else channel = (char *) 0; } if (!channel && (channel = get_channel_by_refnum(0)) == NULL) { NoWindowChannel(); return; } hierarchy = reverse ? 5 : 1; if (!(chan = lookup_channel(channel, curr_scr_win->server, 0))) return; if (Stamp == 2) prefstr = TimeStamp(2); #ifdef WANTANSI #ifndef NEWCSCAN szlen = strlen(ScrollZstr) - CountAnsi(prefstr, -1); snprintf(tmpbuf3, sizeof(tmpbuf3), "%%%ds",szlen); #endif /* NEWCSCAN */ snprintf(tmpbuf1, sizeof(tmpbuf1), "%s%sUsers on %s%s%s :", prefstr, Stamp == 2 ? "" : " ", CmdsColors[COLCSCAN].color1, chan->channel, Colors[COLOFF]); #else /* WANTANSI */ snprintf(tmpbuf1, sizeof(tmpbuf1), "%s%sUsers on %s :", prefstr, Stamp == 2 ? "" : " ", chan->channel); #ifndef NEWCSCAN szlen = strlen(prefstr); snprintf(tmpbuf3, sizeof(tmpbuf3), "%%%ds", szlen); #endif /* NEWCSCAN */ #endif /* WANTANSI */ #ifdef NEWCSCAN put_it("%s", tmpbuf1); #else buflen = strlen(tmpbuf1); malloc_strcpy(&users, tmpbuf1); #endif /* NEWCSCAN */ #ifdef NEWCSCAN for (tmp = chan->nicks; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) if (strlen(tmp->nick) > len) len = strlen(tmp->nick); if (len <= 9) len = 9; #ifdef WANTANSI width=(current_screen->co - (strlen(prefstr) - CountAnsi(prefstr, -1) + 7)) / (len + 2); #else width=(current_screen->co - (strlen(prefstr) + 7)) / (len + 2); #endif /* WANTANSI */ snprintf(tmpbuf1, sizeof(tmpbuf1), "%%-%ds", len); #endif /* NEWCSCAN */ tmp = chan->nicks; for (;;) { if (!tmp) { if (reverse == 2) break; else if (reverse) { hierarchy--; if (hierarchy < 1) break; } else { hierarchy++; if (hierarchy > 5) break; } tmp = chan->nicks; } shitted = tmp->shitlist ? tmp->shitlist->shit : 0; friendok = (!shitted && tmp->frlist) ? tmp->frlist->privs : 0; if (reverse != 2) { switch (hierarchy) { case 1: /* shitlisted */ if (shitted) #ifdef WANTANSI colorstr = CmdsColors[COLCSCAN].color6; #else ; #endif else { tmp = tmp->next; continue; } break; case 2: /* normal */ if (!(tmp->hasvoice) && !(tmp->chanop) && !(tmp->halfop) && !friendok && !shitted) #ifdef WANTANSI colorstr = CmdsColors[COLCSCAN].color5; #else ; #endif else { tmp = tmp->next; continue; } break; case 3: /* voiced */ if (tmp->hasvoice && !(tmp->chanop) && !(tmp->halfop) && !friendok && !shitted) #ifdef WANTANSI colorstr = CmdsColors[COLCSCAN].color4; #else ; #endif else { tmp = tmp->next; continue; } break; case 4: /* ops */ if ((tmp->chanop || tmp->halfop) && !friendok && !shitted) #ifdef WANTANSI colorstr = CmdsColors[COLCSCAN].color3; #else ; #endif else { tmp = tmp->next; continue; } break; case 5: /* friends */ if (friendok) #ifdef WANTANSI colorstr = CmdsColors[COLCSCAN].color2; #else ; #endif else { tmp = tmp->next; continue; } break; } } #ifdef WANTANSI else { if (shitted) colorstr = CmdsColors[COLCSCAN].color6; else if (friendok) colorstr = CmdsColors[COLCSCAN].color2; else if (tmp->chanop) colorstr = CmdsColors[COLCSCAN].color3; else if (tmp->halfop) colorstr = CmdsColors[COLCSCAN].color3; else if (tmp->hasvoice) colorstr = CmdsColors[COLCSCAN].color4; else colorstr = CmdsColors[COLCSCAN].color5; } #endif /* WANTANSI */ if (users) malloc_strcat(&users, " "); #ifdef NEWCSCAN else malloc_strcat(&users, " "); #endif /* NEWCSCAN */ #ifdef WANTANSI if (tmp->chanop) { snprintf(tmpbuf4, sizeof(tmpbuf4), "%s@%s", CmdsColors[COLNICK].color4, Colors[COLOFF]); malloc_strcat(&users, tmpbuf4); #ifndef NEWCSCAN buflen += strlen(tmpbuf4) + 1; #endif /* NEWCSCAN */ } else if (tmp->halfop) { snprintf(tmpbuf4, sizeof(tmpbuf4), "%s%%%s", CmdsColors[COLNICK].color4, Colors[COLOFF]); malloc_strcat(&users, tmpbuf4); #ifndef NEWCSCAN buflen += strlen(tmpbuf4) + 1; #endif /* NEWCSCAN */ } else if (tmp->hasvoice) { snprintf(tmpbuf4, sizeof(tmpbuf4), "%s+%s", CmdsColors[COLNICK].color5, Colors[COLOFF]); malloc_strcat(&users, tmpbuf4); #ifndef NEWCSCAN buflen += strlen(tmpbuf4) + 1; #endif /* NEWCSCAN */ } #else /* WANTANSI */ if (tmp->chanop) malloc_strcat(&users, "@"); else if (tmp->halfop) malloc_strcat(&users, "%"); else if (tmp->hasvoice) malloc_strcat(&users, "+"); #ifndef NEWCSCAN buflen += 2; #endif /* NEWCSCAN */ #endif /* WANTANSI */ #ifdef NEWCSCAN else malloc_strcat(&users, " "); #endif /* NEWCSCAN */ #ifdef WANTANSI malloc_strcat(&users, colorstr); #ifndef NEWCSCAN buflen += strlen(colorstr); #endif /* NEWCSCAN */ #endif /* WANTANSI */ #ifndef NEWCSCAN malloc_strcat(&users, tmp->nick); buflen += strlen(tmp->nick); #else snprintf(tmpbuf2, sizeof(tmpbuf2), tmpbuf1,tmp->nick); malloc_strcat(&users, tmpbuf2); #endif /* NEWCSCAN */ #ifdef WANTANSI malloc_strcat(&users, Colors[COLOFF]); #ifndef NEWCSCAN buflen += 4; #endif /* NEWCSCAN */ #endif /* WANTANSI */ #ifndef NEWCSCAN if (buflen >= BIG_BUFFER_SIZE - 100) { put_it("%s", users); buflen = 0; snprintf(tmpbuf2, sizeof(tmpbuf2), tmpbuf3, " "); malloc_strcpy(&users, tmpbuf2); } #else count++; if ((count % width) == 0) { say("%s", users); count = 0; new_free(&users); } #endif /* NEWCSCAN */ tmp = tmp->next; } #ifndef NEWCSCAN if (users && buflen) put_it("%s", users); #else if (count) say("%s", users); #endif new_free(&users); } /* Lists all the friends you have on your friends list */ void ListFriends(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { DontHold=0; if (args && *args) malloc_strcpy(&tmpbuflist,args); else malloc_strcpy(&tmpbuflist,"*"); tmpfriendlist=frlist; countall=0; listcount=0; say("No. %-38s Access P Channels","User"); ListFriendsPage(tmpbuflist); } /* Lists one page of friends list */ void ListFriendsPage(line) char *line; { int count=3; int filter; #ifdef WANTANSI int i; #endif char *tmpstr; char tmpbuf1[mybufsize/4]; #ifdef WANTANSI char tmpbuf2[mybufsize/4]; char tmpbuf3[mybufsize/4]; #endif if ((filter=(*line=='#'))) { tmpstr=line; tmpstr++; while (*tmpstr) { if (!(isdigit(*tmpstr) || *tmpstr=='-' || *tmpstr==',')) { filter=0; break; } tmpstr++; } /* * filter=0 -> non-digits found (it's a channel) * filter>0 -> only digits found */ filter=filter?2:1; } while (countdisplay_size && tmpfriendlist!=NULL) { countall++; if ((filter==1 && CheckChannel2(line,tmpfriendlist->channels)) || (filter==2 && matchmcommand(line+1,countall)) || wild_match(line,tmpfriendlist->userhost) || wild_match(tmpfriendlist->userhost,line)) { listcount++; count++; *tmpbuf1='\0'; BuildPrivs(tmpfriendlist,tmpbuf1); #ifdef WANTANSI snprintf(tmpbuf2,sizeof(tmpbuf2),"%s%-11s%s", CmdsColors[COLSETTING].color2,tmpbuf1,Colors[COLOFF]); strmcpy(tmpbuf1,tmpfriendlist->userhost,sizeof(tmpbuf1)); i=strlen(tmpbuf1); if ((tmpstr=index(tmpbuf1,'@'))) { *tmpstr='\0'; tmpstr++; snprintf(tmpbuf3,sizeof(tmpbuf3),"%s%s%s%s@%s%s%s%s", CmdsColors[COLSETTING].color4,tmpbuf1,Colors[COLOFF], CmdsColors[COLMISC].color1,Colors[COLOFF], CmdsColors[COLSETTING].color4,tmpstr,Colors[COLOFF]); strmcpy(tmpbuf1,tmpbuf3,sizeof(tmpbuf1)); } else snprintf(tmpbuf1,sizeof(tmpbuf1),"%s%s%s", CmdsColors[COLSETTING].color4,tmpfriendlist->userhost,Colors[COLOFF]); for (;i<38;i++) strmcat(tmpbuf1," ",sizeof(tmpbuf1)); snprintf(tmpbuf3,sizeof(tmpbuf3),"#%-3d %s %s %s",tmpfriendlist->number,tmpbuf1,tmpbuf2, tmpfriendlist->passwd?"Y":"N"); say("%s %s%s%s",tmpbuf3, CmdsColors[COLSETTING].color5,tmpfriendlist->channels,Colors[COLOFF]); #else say("#%-3d %-38s %-11s %s %s",countall,tmpfriendlist->userhost, tmpbuf1,tmpfriendlist->passwd?"Y":"N",tmpfriendlist->channels); #endif } tmpfriendlist=tmpfriendlist->next; } if (!tmpfriendlist) ListFriendsKey(line,"E"); else if (DontHold) ListFriendsPage(line); else if (count>=curr_scr_win->display_size) add_wait_prompt("Press any key to continue, 'c' for continuous, 'q' to quit",ListFriendsKey,line,WAIT_PROMPT_KEY); } /* This waits for key press */ void ListFriendsKey(stuff,line) char *stuff; char *line; { if (line && (*line=='q' || *line=='Q' || *line=='E')) { if (*line=='E') say("%d out of %d entries matched your filter",listcount, countall); return; } else { if (line && (*line=='c' || *line=='C')) DontHold=1; ListFriendsPage(stuff); } } /* Lists all the people you have on your auto (ban) kick list */ void ListAutoBanKicks(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { DontHold=0; if (args && *args) malloc_strcpy(&tmpbuflist,args); else malloc_strcpy(&tmpbuflist,"*"); tmpabklist=abklist; listcount=0; countall=0; say("The following people match %s on shit list :",tmpbuflist); ListABKsPage(tmpbuflist); } /* Returns shit level as flags */ void BuildShit(shitentry,buffer) struct autobankicks *shitentry; char *buffer; { if (shitentry && shitentry->shit) { if ((shitentry->shit)&SLKICK) strcat(buffer,"K"); if ((shitentry->shit)&SLBAN) strcat(buffer,"B"); if ((shitentry->shit)&SLIGNORE) strcat(buffer,"I"); if ((shitentry->shit)&SLPERMBAN) strcat(buffer,"P"); if ((shitentry->shit)&SLDEOP) strcat(buffer,"D"); } } /* This lists one page of auto (ban) kicks list */ void ListABKsPage(line) char *line; { int count=2; #ifdef WANTANSI char *tmpstr; #endif char tmpbuf1[mybufsize/4]; #ifdef WANTANSI char tmpbuf2[mybufsize/4]; char tmpbuf3[mybufsize/4]; #endif while (countdisplay_size && tmpabklist) { countall++; if ((*line=='#' && CheckChannel(line,tmpabklist->channels)) || wild_match(line,tmpabklist->userhost) || wild_match(tmpabklist->userhost,line)) { listcount++; count++; count++; *tmpbuf1='\0'; BuildShit(tmpabklist,tmpbuf1); #ifdef WANTANSI strmcpy(tmpbuf2,tmpabklist->userhost,sizeof(tmpbuf2)); if ((tmpstr=index(tmpbuf2,'@'))) { *tmpstr='\0'; tmpstr++; snprintf(tmpbuf3,sizeof(tmpbuf3),"%s%s%s%s@%s%s%s%s", CmdsColors[COLSETTING].color4,tmpbuf2,Colors[COLOFF], CmdsColors[COLMISC].color1,Colors[COLOFF], CmdsColors[COLSETTING].color4,tmpstr,Colors[COLOFF]); } else snprintf(tmpbuf3,sizeof(tmpbuf3),"%s%s%s", CmdsColors[COLSETTING].color4,tmpabklist->userhost,Colors[COLOFF]); say("#%-2d %s%-3s%s %s",countall, CmdsColors[COLSETTING].color2,tmpbuf1,Colors[COLOFF],tmpbuf3); say(" on channels %s%s%s : %s%s%s", CmdsColors[COLSETTING].color5,tmpabklist->channels, Colors[COLOFF],CmdsColors[COLSETTING].color3, tmpabklist->reason,Colors[COLOFF]); #else say("#%-2d %-3s %-45s",countall,tmpbuf1,tmpabklist->userhost); say(" on channels %s : %s",tmpabklist->channels,tmpabklist->reason); #endif } tmpabklist=tmpabklist->next; } if (!tmpabklist) ListABKsKey(NULL,"E"); else if (DontHold) ListABKsPage(line); else if (count>=curr_scr_win->display_size) add_wait_prompt("Press any key to continue, 'c' for continuous, 'q' to quit",ListABKsKey,line,WAIT_PROMPT_KEY); } /* This waits for key press */ void ListABKsKey(stuff,line) char *stuff; char *line; { if (line && (*line=='q' || *line=='Q' || *line=='E')) { if (*line=='E') say("%d out of %d entries matched your filter",listcount, countall); return; } else { if (line && (*line=='c' || *line=='C')) DontHold=1; ListABKsPage(stuff); } } /* Shows or sets topic for current or specified channel */ void Topic(command, args, subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { char *channel; char *tmparg; ChannelList *chan; channel = get_channel_by_refnum(0); if (!(args && *args)) { if (channel && (chan = lookup_channel(channel, from_server, 0))) { if (chan->topicstr) say("Topic for %s: %s", chan->channel, chan->topicstr); else say("No topic is set for %s", chan->channel); if (chan->topicwho) say("%s by %s on %.19s", chan->topicstr ? "Set" : "Unset", chan->topicwho, ctime(&(chan->topicwhen))); } else NoWindowChannel(); } else { if (!is_channel(args)) { if (channel) { if ((chan = lookup_channel(channel, from_server, 0))) { if (((chan->mode) & MODE_TOPIC) && HAS_OPS(chan->status)) send_to_server("TOPIC %s :%s", channel, args); else if ((chan->mode) & MODE_TOPIC) NotChanOp(channel); else send_to_server("TOPIC %s :%s", channel, args); } } else NoWindowChannel(); } else { tmparg = new_next_arg(args, &args); if ((chan = lookup_channel(tmparg, from_server, 0))) { if (((chan->mode) & MODE_TOPIC) && HAS_OPS(chan->status)) send_to_server("TOPIC %s :%s", chan->channel, args); else if ((chan->mode) & MODE_TOPIC) NotChanOp(chan->channel); else send_to_server("TOPIC %s :%s", chan->channel, args); } else say("You are not on channel %s", tmparg); } } } /* Connects to default or specified server */ void FServer(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { if (args && *args) servercmd(NULL,args,NULL); else if (my_stricmp(DefaultServer,"NONE")) servercmd(NULL,DefaultServer,NULL); else say("No default server specified"); } /* Leaves and joins current or specified channel */ void Cycle(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { char *tmpchannel = NULL; char tmpbuf[mybufsize / 4]; ChannelList *chan; tmpchannel = new_next_arg(args, &args); if (tmpchannel && *tmpchannel) { if (!is_channel(tmpchannel)) snprintf(tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf), "#%s", tmpchannel); else strmcpy(tmpbuf, tmpchannel, sizeof(tmpbuf)); tmpchannel = tmpbuf; } else if ((tmpchannel = get_channel_by_refnum(0)) == NULL) { NoWindowChannel(); return; } if ((chan = lookup_channel(tmpchannel, from_server, 0))) { if (tmpchannel != tmpbuf) strmcpy(tmpbuf, tmpchannel, sizeof(tmpbuf)); if (chan->key) { strmcat(tmpbuf, " :", sizeof(tmpbuf)); strmcat(tmpbuf, chan->key, sizeof(tmpbuf)); } send_to_server("PART %s", tmpbuf); e_channel("JOIN", tmpbuf, tmpbuf); } } /* Saves friends into ScrollZ.save file */ void ScrollZSave(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { int ulistcount; int slistcount; int nlistcount; int wlistcount; int ilistcount; int oldumask=umask(0177); char *filepath; char *filebak; char tmpbuf1[mybufsize/2]; FILE *usfile; NotifyList *notify; struct words *tmpword; struct friends *tmpfriend; struct autobankicks *tmpabk; if ((filebak=OpenCreateFile("ScrollZ.bak",1))) remove(filebak); if ((filepath=OpenCreateFile("ScrollZ.save",0))) rename(filepath,filebak); if (!(filepath=OpenCreateFile("ScrollZ.save",1)) || (usfile=fopen(filepath,"w"))==NULL) { say("Can't open file ScrollZ.save for writing !"); umask(oldumask); return; } say("Saving all ScrollZ related stuff into ScrollZ.save"); fprintf(usfile,"#\n"); fprintf(usfile,"# This is ScrollZ save file\n"); #ifdef CELE fprintf(usfile,"# Some information below is used only by %s.\n",CelerityVersion); #endif fprintf(usfile,"#\n"); fprintf(usfile,"#\n"); fprintf(usfile,"# Friends list\n"); fprintf(usfile,"# ADDF Nick!User@Host Flags Channels [Password]\n"); fprintf(usfile,"# where flags can be :\n"); fprintf(usfile,"# I=INVITE C=CHOPS O=OP H=HALFOP A=AUTO U=UNBAN P=PROT\n"); fprintf(usfile,"# D=CDCC G=GOD V=VOICE J=JOIN F=NOFLOOD X=INSTANT OP/VOICE\n"); fprintf(usfile,"# channels is a list of channels separated by ',' like #sex*,#test,#chan\n"); fprintf(usfile,"#\n"); for (tmpfriend=frlist,ulistcount=0;tmpfriend;tmpfriend=tmpfriend->next) { *tmpbuf1='\0'; BuildPrivs(tmpfriend,tmpbuf1); fprintf(usfile,"ADDF %-40s %-11s %-20s", tmpfriend->userhost,tmpbuf1,tmpfriend->channels); if (tmpfriend->passwd) fprintf(usfile," %s",tmpfriend->passwd); fprintf(usfile,"\n"); ulistcount++; } fprintf(usfile,"#\n"); fprintf(usfile,"# Shit list\n"); fprintf(usfile,"# ADDBK Nick!User@Host Shit-flags Channels Comment\n"); fprintf(usfile,"# where shit-flags can be :\n"); fprintf(usfile,"# K=KICK B=BAN I=IGNORE P=PERMBAN D=DEOP\n"); fprintf(usfile,"# channels is a list of channels separated by ',' like #sex*,#test,#chan\n"); fprintf(usfile,"#\n"); for (tmpabk=abklist,slistcount=0;tmpabk;tmpabk=tmpabk->next) { *tmpbuf1='\0'; BuildShit(tmpabk,tmpbuf1); fprintf(usfile,"ADDBK %-40s %-5s %-20s %s\n", tmpabk->userhost,tmpbuf1,tmpabk->channels,tmpabk->reason); slistcount++; } fprintf(usfile,"#\n"); fprintf(usfile,"# Notify list\n"); fprintf(usfile,"# ADDN Nick1 Nick2 Nick3\n"); fprintf(usfile,"#\n"); nlistcount=0; *tmpbuf1='\0'; for (notify=notify_list;notify;notify=notify->next) { if (*tmpbuf1) strmcat(tmpbuf1," ",sizeof(tmpbuf1)); strmcat(tmpbuf1,notify->nick,sizeof(tmpbuf1)); if (notify->mask) { strmcat(tmpbuf1,"!",sizeof(tmpbuf1)); strmcat(tmpbuf1,notify->mask,sizeof(tmpbuf1)); } if (notify->group) { strmcat(tmpbuf1,":",sizeof(tmpbuf1)); strmcat(tmpbuf1,notify->group,sizeof(tmpbuf1)); } nlistcount++; if ((nlistcount%3)==0) { fprintf(usfile,"ADDN %s\n",tmpbuf1); *tmpbuf1='\0'; } } if (nlistcount && (nlistcount%3)) fprintf(usfile,"ADDN %s\n",tmpbuf1); fprintf(usfile,"#\n"); fprintf(usfile,"# Word kick list\n"); fprintf(usfile,"# ADDW channels word comment\n"); fprintf(usfile,"#\n"); for (tmpword=wordlist,wlistcount=0;tmpword;tmpword=tmpword->next) { fprintf(usfile,"ADDW "); if (tmpword->ban) fprintf(usfile,"-BAN "); if (tmpword->bantime) fprintf(usfile,"-TIME %d", tmpword->bantime); fprintf(usfile,"%15s %20s %s\n", tmpword->channels,tmpword->word,tmpword->reason); wlistcount++; } fprintf(usfile,"#\n"); fprintf(usfile,"# Permanent ignore list\n"); fprintf(usfile,"# IGN pattern level\n"); fprintf(usfile,"#\n"); ilistcount=IgnoreSave(usfile); say("Saved %d fl, %d sl, %d nl, %d wk and %d il entries",ulistcount, slistcount,nlistcount,wlistcount,ilistcount); fprintf(usfile,"#\n"); fprintf(usfile,"# Various user definable settings\n"); fprintf(usfile,"#\n"); fprintf(usfile,"EXTMES "); if (ExtMes) fprintf(usfile,"ON\n"); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); fprintf(usfile,"NHPROT "); if (NHProt) fprintf(usfile,"ON %s ",NHProtChannels); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF "); if (NHDisp==0) fprintf(usfile,"QUIET\n"); if (NHDisp==1) fprintf(usfile,"MEDIUM\n"); if (NHDisp==2) fprintf(usfile,"FULL\n"); fprintf(usfile,"BANTYPE "); if (defban=='N') fprintf(usfile,"NORMAL\n"); else if (defban=='B') fprintf(usfile,"BETTER\n"); else if (defban=='E') fprintf(usfile,"ELITE\n"); else if (defban=='H') fprintf(usfile,"HOST\n"); else if (defban=='S') fprintf(usfile,"SCREW\n"); fprintf(usfile,"AUTOAWTIME %d\n",AutoAwayTime); fprintf(usfile,"IGNORETIME %d\n",IgnoreTime); fprintf(usfile,"SHITIGNORETIME %d\n",ShitIgnoreTime); fprintf(usfile,"MDOPWATCH "); if (MDopWatch) fprintf(usfile,"ON %s\n",MDopWatchChannels); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); fprintf(usfile,"KICKWATCH "); if (KickWatch) fprintf(usfile,"ON %s\n",KickWatchChannels); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); fprintf(usfile,"NICKWATCH "); if (NickWatch) fprintf(usfile,"ON %s\n",NickWatchChannels); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); fprintf(usfile,"AUTOREJOIN "); if (AutoRejoin) fprintf(usfile,"ON %s\n",AutoRejoinChannels); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); fprintf(usfile,"AUTOJOININV "); if (AutoJoinOnInv==2) fprintf(usfile,"AUTO %s\n",AutoJoinChannels); else if (AutoJoinOnInv) fprintf(usfile,"ON %s\n",AutoJoinChannels); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); #if defined(EXTRAS) || defined(FLIER) fprintf(usfile,"AUTOINV "); if (AutoInv) fprintf(usfile,"ON %s\n",AutoInvChannels); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); #endif #ifdef ACID fprintf(usfile,"FORCEJOIN "); if (ForceJoin) fprintf(usfile,"ON %s\n",ForceJoinChannels); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); #endif fprintf(usfile,"CHANLOG "); if (ChanLog) fprintf(usfile,"ON %s\n",ChanLogChannels); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); fprintf(usfile,"FLOODPROT "); if (FloodProt>1) fprintf(usfile,"MAX %d %d\n",FloodMessages,FloodSeconds); else if (FloodProt) fprintf(usfile,"ON\n"); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); fprintf(usfile,"SERVNOTICE "); if (ServerNotice) fprintf(usfile,"ON\n"); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); fprintf(usfile,"CTCPCLOAKING "); if (CTCPCloaking==1) fprintf(usfile,"ON\n"); else if (CTCPCloaking==2) fprintf(usfile,"HIDE\n"); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); fprintf(usfile,"SHOWFAKES "); if (ShowFakes) fprintf(usfile,"ON %s\n",ShowFakesChannels); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); fprintf(usfile,"SHOWAWAY "); if (ShowAway) fprintf(usfile,"ON %s\n",ShowAwayChannels); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); fprintf(usfile,"KICKOPS "); if (KickOps) fprintf(usfile,"ON %s\n",KickOpsChannels); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); fprintf(usfile,"KICKONFLOOD "); if (KickOnFlood) fprintf(usfile,"ON %s\n",KickOnFloodChannels); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); fprintf(usfile,"SHOWNICK "); if (ShowNick) fprintf(usfile,"ON\n"); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); fprintf(usfile,"KICKONBAN "); if (KickOnBan) fprintf(usfile,"ON %s\n",KickOnBanChannels); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); fprintf(usfile,"BITCHMODE "); if (Bitch) fprintf(usfile,"ON %s\n",BitchChannels); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); fprintf(usfile,"FRIENDLIST "); if (FriendList) fprintf(usfile,"ON %s\n",FriendListChannels); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); #ifdef EXTRAS fprintf(usfile,"IDLEKICK "); if (IdleKick==1) fprintf(usfile,"ON %s\n",IdleKickChannels); else if (IdleKick==2) fprintf(usfile,"AUTO %s\n",IdleKickChannels); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); #endif fprintf(usfile,"COMPRESSMODES "); if (CompressModes) fprintf(usfile,"ON %s\n",CompressModesChannels); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); #ifdef EXTRAS fprintf(usfile,"SIGNOFFCHANNELS "); if (ShowSignoffChan) fprintf(usfile,"ON %s\n",SignoffChannels); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); #endif fprintf(usfile,"BANKICKLIST "); if (BKList) fprintf(usfile,"ON %s\n",BKChannels); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); fprintf(usfile,"STAMP "); if (Stamp==2) fprintf(usfile,"MAX\n"); else if (Stamp) fprintf(usfile,"ON\n"); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); fprintf(usfile,"LOGON "); if (LogOn) fprintf(usfile,"ON\n"); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); #ifdef EXTRAS fprintf(usfile,"SIGNOFFALLCHAN "); if (ShowSignAllChan) fprintf(usfile,"ON\n"); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); #endif fprintf(usfile,"EXTPUB "); if (ExtPub) fprintf(usfile,"ON\n"); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); #ifdef EXTRAS fprintf(usfile,"NICKCHGALLCHAN "); if (ShowNickAllChan) fprintf(usfile,"ON\n"); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); #endif fprintf(usfile,"AWAYENCRYPT "); if (AwayEncrypt) fprintf(usfile,"ON\n"); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); fprintf(usfile,"DEOPSENSOR %d\n",DeopSensor); fprintf(usfile,"KICKSENSOR %d\n",KickSensor); fprintf(usfile,"NICKSENSOR %d\n",NickSensor); fprintf(usfile,"DEOPTIMER %d\n",MDopTimer); fprintf(usfile,"KICKTIMER %d\n",KickTimer); fprintf(usfile,"NICKTIMER %d\n",NickTimer); fprintf(usfile,"AUTOOPTIME %d\n",AutoOpDelay); fprintf(usfile,"ORIGNICKTIME %d\n",OrigNickDelay); #ifdef EXTRAS fprintf(usfile,"IDLETIME %d\n",IdleTime); #endif #ifndef CELE fprintf(usfile,"DEFSERVER %s\n",DefaultServer); #endif fprintf(usfile,"DEFSIGNOFF %s\n",DefaultSignOff); fprintf(usfile,"DEFSETAWAY %s\n",DefaultSetAway); fprintf(usfile,"DEFSETBACK %s\n",DefaultSetBack); fprintf(usfile,"DEFUSERINFO %s\n",DefaultUserinfo); fprintf(usfile,"DEFFINGER %s\n",DefaultFinger); fprintf(usfile,"DEFK %s\n",DefaultK); fprintf(usfile,"DEFBK %s\n",DefaultBK); fprintf(usfile,"DEFBKI %s\n",DefaultBKI); fprintf(usfile,"DEFBKT %s\n",DefaultBKT); fprintf(usfile,"DEFFK %s\n",DefaultFK); fprintf(usfile,"DEFLK %s\n",DefaultLK); fprintf(usfile,"DEFABK %s\n",DefaultABK); fprintf(usfile,"DEFSK %s\n",DefaultSK); #ifdef OPER fprintf(usfile,"DEFKILL %s\n",DefaultKill); #endif fprintf(usfile,"SHOWWALLOP "); if (ShowWallop) fprintf(usfile,"ON\n"); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); if (AutoReplyBuffer) fprintf(usfile,"AUTOREPLY %s\n",AutoReplyBuffer); fprintf(usfile,"ORIGNICK "); if (OrigNickChange) fprintf(usfile,"%s %s\n",OrigNickQuiet?"QUIET":"ON",OrigNick); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); fprintf(usfile,"NOTIFYMODE "); if (NotifyMode==2) fprintf(usfile,"Verbose\n"); else fprintf(usfile,"Brief\n"); fprintf(usfile,"URLCATCHER "); if (URLCatch==3) fprintf(usfile,"QUIET\n"); else if (URLCatch==2) fprintf(usfile,"AUTO\n"); else if (URLCatch) fprintf(usfile,"ON\n"); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); fprintf(usfile,"EGO "); if (Ego) fprintf(usfile,"ON\n"); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); fprintf(usfile,"AUTOCOMPLETION "); if (AutoNickCompl) fprintf(usfile,"%s %s\n",AutoNickCompl==1?"ON":"AUTO", AutoReplyString); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); #ifdef WANTANSI fprintf(usfile,"MIRCCOLORS "); if (DisplaymIRC==2) fprintf(usfile,"STRIP\n"); else if (DisplaymIRC) fprintf(usfile,"ON\n"); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); #endif fprintf(usfile,"ARINWINDOW "); if (ARinWindow==1) fprintf(usfile,"ON\n"); else if (ARinWindow==2) fprintf(usfile,"USER\n"); else if (ARinWindow==3) fprintf(usfile,"BOTH\n"); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); if (PermUserMode) fprintf(usfile,"USERMODE %s\n",PermUserMode); if (ExtTopicDelimiter) fprintf(usfile,"ETOPICDELIM %s\n",ExtTopicDelimiter); fprintf(usfile,"#\n"); #ifdef CELE fprintf(usfile,"SCROLLZSTR %s\n",ScrollZstr); #endif fprintf(usfile,"NOTIFYSTR %s\n",CelerityNtfy); if (ChanLogDir) fprintf(usfile,"CHANLOGDIR %s\n",ChanLogDir); if (ChanLogPrefix) fprintf(usfile,"CHANLOGPREFIX %s\n",ChanLogPrefix); if (ChanLogPostfix) fprintf(usfile,"CHANLOGPOST %s\n",ChanLogPostfix); fprintf(usfile,"#\n"); #ifdef CELE fprintf(usfile,"TRUNCATE %d\n",get_int_var(TRUNCATE_PUBLIC_CHANNEL_VAR)); #endif fprintf(usfile,"#\n"); fprintf(usfile,"# ScrollZ.away defines\n"); fprintf(usfile,"# AWAYSAVE type\n"); fprintf(usfile,"# where type is number in following representation\n"); fprintf(usfile,"# ALL=524287 MSG=1 NOTICE=2 MASS=4 COLL=8 CDCC=16 DCC=32\n"); fprintf(usfile,"# PROT=64 HACK=128 SRVMODE=256 CTCP=512 FLOOD=1024\n"); fprintf(usfile,"# INVITE=2048 KILL=4096 KICK=8192 SERVER=16384\n"); fprintf(usfile,"# FAKE=32768 AREPLY=65536 CHAT=131072 NOTIFY=262144\n"); fprintf(usfile,"# SENTMSG=524288 AWAY=1048576\n"); fprintf(usfile,"#\n"); fprintf(usfile,"AWAYSAVE %d\n",AwaySaveSet); fprintf(usfile,"#\n"); fprintf(usfile,"# Cdcc related settings\n"); fprintf(usfile,"#\n"); fprintf(usfile,"CDCC LIMIT %d %d\n",CdccLimit,CdccQueueLimit); fprintf(usfile,"CDCC IDLE %d\n",CdccIdle); fprintf(usfile,"CDCC AUTOGET "); if (AutoGet==1) fprintf(usfile,"ON\n"); else if (AutoGet==2) fprintf(usfile,"ALWAYS\n"); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); fprintf(usfile,"CDCC SECURE "); if (Security) fprintf(usfile,"ON\n"); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); if (CdccChannels) fprintf(usfile,"CDCC CHANNELS %s\n",CdccChannels); fprintf(usfile,"CDCC PTIME %d\n",PlistTime); fprintf(usfile,"CDCC NTIME %d\n",NlistTime); fprintf(usfile,"CDCC LONGSTATUS "); if (LongStatus) fprintf(usfile,"ON\n"); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); fprintf(usfile,"CDCC OVERWRITE "); if (CdccOverWrite) fprintf(usfile,"ON\n"); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); fprintf(usfile,"CDCC STATUS "); if (ShowDCCStatus) fprintf(usfile,"ON\n"); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); fprintf(usfile,"CDCC STATS "); if (CdccStats) fprintf(usfile,"ON\n"); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); fprintf(usfile,"CDCC VERBOSE "); if (CdccVerbose==1) fprintf(usfile,"ON\n"); else if (CdccVerbose==2) fprintf(usfile,"QUIET\n"); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); fprintf(usfile,"CDCC WARNING "); if (DCCWarning) fprintf(usfile,"ON\n"); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); if (CdccUlDir) fprintf(usfile,"CDCC ULDIR %s\n",CdccUlDir); if (CdccDlDir) fprintf(usfile,"CDCC DLDIR %s\n",CdccDlDir); #ifdef EXTRA_STUFF fprintf(usfile,"CDCC E %s\n",EString); fprintf(usfile,"CDCC M "); if (RenameFiles) fprintf(usfile,"ON\n"); else fprintf(usfile,"OFF\n"); #endif #ifdef WANTANSI SaveColors(usfile); #endif fclose(usfile); say("ScrollZ.save succesfully saved !"); umask(oldumask); } /* Returns friend's privilege (if it finds him/her on your friends list, else 0 */ struct friends *CheckUsers(userhost,channels) char *userhost; char *channels; { struct friends *tmpfriend; if (!userhost) return(NULL); tmpfriend=frlist; if (!channels) { for (;tmpfriend;tmpfriend=tmpfriend->next) if (wild_match(tmpfriend->userhost,userhost) || wild_match(userhost,tmpfriend->userhost)) return(tmpfriend); } else { for (;tmpfriend;tmpfriend=tmpfriend->next) if ((wild_match(tmpfriend->userhost,userhost) || wild_match(userhost,tmpfriend->userhost)) && CheckChannel(channels,tmpfriend->channels)) return(tmpfriend); } return(NULL); } /* Returns autobankicker's shit-level (if it finds him/her on your abks list, else 0 */ struct autobankicks *CheckABKs(userhost,channel) char *userhost; char *channel; { struct autobankicks *tmpabk; tmpabk=abklist; if (!channel) { while (tmpabk) { if (wild_match(tmpabk->userhost,userhost) || wild_match(userhost,tmpabk->userhost)) break; tmpabk=tmpabk->next; } } else { while (tmpabk) { if ((wild_match(tmpabk->userhost,userhost) || wild_match(userhost,tmpabk->userhost)) && CheckChannel(channel,tmpabk->channels)) break; tmpabk=tmpabk->next; } } return(tmpabk); } /* Finds nick on given channel and server or just server if no channel */ NickList *CheckJoiners(nick,channel,server,tmpchan) char *nick; char *channel; int server; ChannelList *tmpchan; { NickList *tmp=NULL; register ChannelList *chan; if (channel) { if (tmpchan) chan=tmpchan; else chan=lookup_channel(channel,server,0); if (chan) tmp=find_in_hash(chan,nick); return(tmp); } else { for (chan=server_list[server].chan_list;chan;chan=chan->next) { tmp=find_in_hash(chan,nick); if (tmp) return(tmp); } } return((NickList *) 0); } /* Redirects last message/notice to current or specified channel */ void DirLM(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { int msg=1; char *tmparg; char *message=server_list[from_server].LastMessage; char *channel=(char *) 0; if (!my_stricmp(command,"DIRLN")) { message=server_list[from_server].LastNotice; msg=0; } if (message) { if (!(tmparg=new_next_arg(args,&args))) { channel=get_channel_by_refnum(0); if (channel) send_text(channel,message,"PRIVMSG"); else NoWindowChannel(); } else { send_text(tmparg,message,"PRIVMSG"); AddNick2List(tmparg,from_server); } } else say("You haven't received any %s so far",msg?"message":"notice"); } /* Adds friend to your friends list with specified privileges */ void AddFriend(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { int quiet=0; char *tmpnick=(char *) 0; char *tmpchan=(char *) 0; char tmpbuf1[mybufsize/4]; char tmpbuf2[mybufsize/4]; char tmpbuf3[mybufsize/4]; void (*func)(); NickList *joiner; tmpnick=new_next_arg(args,&args); if (tmpnick && !my_stricmp(tmpnick,"-QUIET")) { quiet=1; tmpnick=new_next_arg(args,&args); } tmpchan=new_next_arg(args,&args); if (!(args && *args)) { PrintUsage("ADDF nick/filter channels privileges [password]"); return; } snprintf(tmpbuf1,sizeof(tmpbuf1),"%s %s %d",tmpchan,args,quiet); if (strchr(tmpnick,'!') || strchr(tmpnick,'@') || strchr(tmpnick,'*') || strchr(tmpnick,'.') || strchr(tmpnick,'?')) AddFriend2List(NULL,tmpnick,tmpbuf1); else { joiner=CheckJoiners(tmpnick,NULL,from_server,NULL); if (joiner && joiner->userhost) { strmcpy(tmpbuf2,joiner->userhost,sizeof(tmpbuf2)); UserDomainList(tmpbuf2); snprintf(tmpbuf3,sizeof(tmpbuf3),"*!%s",tmpbuf2); AddFriend2List(joiner->nick,tmpbuf3,tmpbuf1); } else { func=(void(*)())AddFriendNew; server_list[from_server].SZWI++; add_to_whois_queue(tmpnick,func,"%s",tmpbuf1); } } } /* Adds friend to your friends list if he/she is not on joinlist */ void AddFriendNew(wistuff, tmpnick, text) WhoisStuff *wistuff; char *tmpnick; char *text; { char tmpbuf1[mybufsize/4]; char tmpbuf2[mybufsize/4]; if (server_list[from_server].SZWI) server_list[from_server].SZWI--; if (wistuff->not_on || !wistuff->nick || my_stricmp(wistuff->nick,tmpnick)) { say("Can't find %s on IRC",tmpnick); return; } snprintf(tmpbuf1,sizeof(tmpbuf1),"%s@%s",wistuff->user,wistuff->host); UserDomainList(tmpbuf1); snprintf(tmpbuf2,sizeof(tmpbuf2),"*!%s",tmpbuf1); AddFriend2List(wistuff->nick,tmpbuf2,text); } /* Returns the integer from specified privileges */ int CheckPrivs(privs,buffer) char *privs; char *buffer; { int i=0; char *tmpprivs=(char *) 0; if (buffer) *buffer='\0'; tmpprivs=privs; if (tmpprivs && *tmpprivs && !my_stricmp(tmpprivs,"ALL")) { i=FLINVITE | FLCHOPS | FLOP | FLHOP | FLAUTOOP | FLUNBAN | FLPROT | FLCDCC | FLNOFLOOD; if (buffer) strcpy(buffer,"INVITE CHOPS OP HOP UNBAN CDCC"); return(i); } for (;tmpprivs && *tmpprivs;tmpprivs++) { switch (*tmpprivs) { case 'i': case 'I': if (i&FLINVITE) break; i|=FLINVITE; if (buffer) strcat(buffer,"INVITE "); break; case 'c': case 'C': if (i&FLCHOPS) break; i|=FLCHOPS; if (buffer) strcat(buffer,"CHOPS "); break; case 'o': case 'O': if (i&FLOP) break; i|=FLOP; if (buffer) strcat(buffer,"OP "); break; case 'h': case 'H': if (i&FLHOP) break; i|=FLHOP; if (buffer) strcat(buffer,"HOP "); break; case 'a': case 'A': i|=FLAUTOOP; break; case 'u': case 'U': if (i&FLUNBAN) break; i|=FLUNBAN; if (buffer) strcat(buffer,"UNBAN "); break; case 'p': case 'P': i|=FLPROT; break; case 'd': case 'D': if (i&FLCDCC) break; i|=FLCDCC; if (buffer) strcat(buffer,"CDCC "); break; case 'g': case 'G': i|=FLGOD; break; case 'v': case 'V': if (i&FLVOICE) break; i|=FLVOICE; if (buffer) strcat(buffer,"VOICE "); break; case 'j': case 'J': i|=FLJOIN; break; case 'f': case 'F': i|=FLNOFLOOD; break; case 'x': case 'X': i|=FLINSTANT; break; case 'z': case 'Z': i|=FLWHOWAS; break; } } return(i); } /* Returns Y/N */ char *YNreply(what) int what; { if (what) return("Y"); else return("N"); } /* This really adds him/her to your friends list */ void AddFriend2List(nick,userhost,buffer) char *nick; char *userhost; char *buffer; { int i=0; int domsg=1; int number=1; char *tmpstr=(char *) 0; char *chanlist=(char *) 0; char *privs=(char *) 0; char *passwd=(char *) 0; char *quiet=(char *) 0; char tmpbuf1[mybufsize/4]; char tmpbuf2[mybufsize/4]; NickList *tmp; ChannelList *tmpchan; struct friends *tmpfriend; struct friends *tmpfriend1; tmpstr=buffer; chanlist=new_next_arg(tmpstr,&tmpstr); privs=new_next_arg(tmpstr,&tmpstr); passwd=new_next_arg(tmpstr,&tmpstr); quiet=new_next_arg(tmpstr,&tmpstr); if (!quiet && passwd && *passwd=='') { quiet=passwd; passwd=NULL; } if (quiet && *quiet=='' && *(quiet+1)=='1') domsg=0; i=CheckPrivs(privs,tmpbuf2); if (i) { if (CheckUsers(userhost,chanlist)) { for (tmpfriend=frlist;tmpfriend;tmpfriend=tmpfriend->next) if ((wild_match(tmpfriend->userhost,userhost) || wild_match(userhost,tmpfriend->userhost)) && CheckChannel(chanlist,tmpfriend->channels)) break; } else { tmpfriend=(struct friends *) new_malloc(sizeof(struct friends)); tmpfriend->userhost=(char *) 0; tmpfriend->channels=(char *) 0; tmpfriend->passwd=(char *) 0; tmpfriend->next=NULL; for (tmpfriend1=frlist;tmpfriend1 && tmpfriend1->next;tmpfriend1=tmpfriend1->next) number++; if (tmpfriend1) { tmpfriend1->next=tmpfriend; number++; } else frlist=tmpfriend; tmpfriend->number=number; } for (tmpchan=server_list[curr_scr_win->server].chan_list;tmpchan; tmpchan=tmpchan->next) if (CheckChannel(tmpchan->channel,chanlist)) { for (tmp=tmpchan->nicks;tmp;tmp=tmp->next) { if (tmp->userhost) snprintf(tmpbuf1,sizeof(tmpbuf1),"%s!%s",tmp->nick,tmp->userhost); else strmcpy(tmpbuf1,tmp->nick,sizeof(tmpbuf1)); if (wild_match(userhost,tmpbuf1)) tmp->frlist=tmpfriend; } } malloc_strcpy(&(tmpfriend->userhost),userhost); malloc_strcpy(&(tmpfriend->channels),chanlist); if (passwd && *passwd) { EncryptString(tmpbuf1,passwd,passwd,mybufsize/16,0); malloc_strcpy(&(tmpfriend->passwd),tmpbuf1); } else new_free(&(tmpfriend->passwd)); tmpfriend->privs=i; synch_whowas_adduser(tmpfriend); snprintf(tmpbuf1,sizeof(tmpbuf1),"Auto:%s Prot:%s No flood:%s God:%s", YNreply((i&FLAUTOOP)|(i&FLINSTANT)),YNreply(i&FLPROT), YNreply(i&FLNOFLOOD),YNreply(i&FLGOD)); if (nick && domsg) { send_to_server("NOTICE %s :-ScrollZ- You have been added to my friends list with",nick); send_to_server("NOTICE %s :-ScrollZ- CTCP access of : %s",nick,tmpbuf2); send_to_server("NOTICE %s :-ScrollZ- Commands are valid on channel(s) : %s",nick,chanlist); send_to_server("NOTICE %s :-ScrollZ- %s",nick,tmpbuf1); if (i&FLJOIN) send_to_server("NOTICE %s :-ScrollZ- I will auto-join above channel(s) when invited by you.",nick); if (tmpfriend->passwd) send_to_server("NOTICE %s :-ScrollZ- Your password is %s",nick,passwd); } #ifdef WANTANSI say("Added %s%s%s to your friends list", CmdsColors[COLSETTING].color4,userhost,Colors[COLOFF]); say("with CTCP access of : %s%s%s", CmdsColors[COLSETTING].color2,tmpbuf2,Colors[COLOFF]); say("on channels %s%s%s", CmdsColors[COLSETTING].color5,chanlist,Colors[COLOFF]); snprintf(tmpbuf1,sizeof(tmpbuf1),"Auto:%s%s%s Prot:%s%s%s", CmdsColors[COLSETTING].color2, YNreply((i&FLAUTOOP)|(i&FLINSTANT)),Colors[COLOFF], CmdsColors[COLSETTING].color2,YNreply(i&FLPROT),Colors[COLOFF]); say("%s No flood:%s%s%s God:%s%s%s",tmpbuf1, CmdsColors[COLSETTING].color2,YNreply(i&FLNOFLOOD),Colors[COLOFF], CmdsColors[COLSETTING].color2,YNreply(i&FLGOD),Colors[COLOFF]); if (i&FLJOIN) say("You will join channels %s%s%s invites you to", CmdsColors[COLSETTING].color4,userhost,Colors[COLOFF]); #else say("Added %s to your friends list",userhost); say("with CTCP access of : %s",tmpbuf2); say("on channels %s",chanlist); say("%s",tmpbuf1); if (i&FLJOIN) say("You will join channels %s invites you to",userhost); #endif if (tmpfriend->passwd) say("Password is set to %s",passwd); } else PrintUsage("ADDF nick/filter channels privileges [password]"); } /* Adds someone on your auto-ban-kick list */ void AddAutoBanKick(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { char *tmpnick; char *tmpchan; char *tmpshit; char *userhost; char tmpbuf1[mybufsize/4]; char tmpbuf2[mybufsize/4]; char tmpbuf3[mybufsize/4]; void (*func)(); NickList *joiner; tmpnick=new_next_arg(args,&args); tmpchan=new_next_arg(args,&args); tmpshit=new_next_arg(args,&args); if (!(tmpnick && tmpshit && tmpchan)) { PrintUsage("ADDBK nick/filter channels shit-level [comment]"); return; } snprintf(tmpbuf1,sizeof(tmpbuf1),"%s %s",tmpchan,args); if (strchr(tmpnick,'!') || strchr(tmpnick,'@') || strchr(tmpnick,'*') || strchr(tmpnick,'.') || strchr(tmpnick,'?')) AddBK2List(tmpnick,tmpshit,tmpbuf1); else { joiner=CheckJoiners(tmpnick,NULL,from_server,NULL); if (joiner && joiner->userhost) { userhost=(joiner->userhost)+1; if (*userhost=='@') userhost--; strmcpy(tmpbuf2,userhost,sizeof(tmpbuf2)); UserDomainList(tmpbuf2); snprintf(tmpbuf3,sizeof(tmpbuf3),"*!%s",tmpbuf2); AddBK2List(tmpbuf3,tmpshit,tmpbuf1); } else { func=(void(*)())AddBKNew; server_list[from_server].SZWI++; snprintf(tmpbuf1,sizeof(tmpbuf1),"%s %s %s",tmpshit,tmpchan,args); add_to_whois_queue(tmpnick,func,"%s",tmpbuf1); } } } /* This adds him/her on auto (ban) kick list if he/she is not on your joinlist */ void AddBKNew(wistuff, tmpnick, text) WhoisStuff *wistuff; char *tmpnick; char *text; { char *tmpshit; char *username; char tmpbuf1[mybufsize/4]; char tmpbuf2[mybufsize/4]; if (server_list[from_server].SZWI) server_list[from_server].SZWI--; if (wistuff->not_on || !wistuff->nick || my_stricmp(wistuff->nick,tmpnick)) { say("Can't find %s on IRC",tmpnick); return; } tmpshit=new_next_arg(text,&text); username=(wistuff->user)+1; if (!(*username)) username--; snprintf(tmpbuf1,sizeof(tmpbuf1),"%s@%s",username,wistuff->host); UserDomainList(tmpbuf1); snprintf(tmpbuf2,sizeof(tmpbuf1),"*!%s",tmpbuf1); AddBK2List(tmpbuf2,tmpshit,text); } /* Returns integer from specified shit level */ int CheckShit(shit,buffer) char *shit; char *buffer; { int i=0; char *tmpshit=(char *) 0; if (buffer) *buffer='\0'; for (tmpshit=new_next_arg(shit,&shit);tmpshit && *tmpshit;tmpshit++) { switch (*tmpshit) { case 'k': case 'K': i|=SLKICK; if (buffer) strcat(buffer,"KICK "); break; case 'b': case 'B': i|=SLBAN; if (buffer) strcat(buffer,"BAN "); break; case 'i': case 'I': i|=SLIGNORE; if (buffer) strcat(buffer,"IGNORE "); break; case 'p': case 'P': i|=SLPERMBAN; if (buffer) strcat(buffer,"PERMBAN "); break; case 'd': case 'D': i|=SLDEOP; if (buffer) strcat(buffer,"DEOP "); break; } } return(i); } /* This really adds user to shitlist */ void AddBK2List(userhost,shit,reason) char *userhost; char *shit; char *reason; { int i=0; char *tmpchan=(char *) 0; char tmpbuf1[mybufsize/4]; char tmpbuf2[mybufsize/4]; NickList *tmp; ChannelList *chan; struct autobankicks *tmpabk; tmpchan=new_next_arg(reason,&reason); i=CheckShit(shit,tmpbuf2); if (i) { if (!(tmpabk=CheckABKs(userhost,tmpchan))) { tmpabk=(struct autobankicks *) new_malloc(sizeof(struct autobankicks)); tmpabk->userhost=(char *) 0; tmpabk->channels=(char *) 0; tmpabk->reason=(char *) 0; tmpabk->next=NULL; add_to_list_ext((List **) &abklist,(List *) tmpabk, (int (*) _((List *, List *))) AddLast); } for (chan=server_list[curr_scr_win->server].chan_list;chan;chan=chan->next) if (CheckChannel(chan->channel,tmpchan)) { for (tmp=chan->nicks;tmp;tmp=tmp->next) { if (tmp->userhost) snprintf(tmpbuf1,sizeof(tmpbuf1),"%s!%s",tmp->nick,tmp->userhost); else strmcpy(tmpbuf1,tmp->nick,sizeof(tmpbuf1)); if (wild_match(userhost,tmpbuf1)) tmp->shitlist=tmpabk; } } malloc_strcpy(&(tmpabk->userhost),userhost); malloc_strcpy(&(tmpabk->reason),reason); malloc_strcpy(&(tmpabk->channels),tmpchan); tmpabk->shit=i; synch_whowas_addshit(tmpabk); #ifdef WANTANSI say("Added %s%s%s to your shit list", CmdsColors[COLSETTING].color4,userhost,Colors[COLOFF]); say("with shit type %s%s%son channels %s%s%s", CmdsColors[COLSETTING].color2,tmpbuf2,Colors[COLOFF], CmdsColors[COLSETTING].color5,tmpchan,Colors[COLOFF]); #else say("Added %s to your shit list",userhost); say("with shit type %son channels %s",tmpbuf2,tmpchan); #endif } else PrintUsage("ADDBK nick/filter channels shit-level [comment]"); } /* Show bans on current or specified channel */ void ShowBans(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { int count=0; char *channel=(char *) 0; char tmpbuf[mybufsize/4]; ChannelList *chan; struct bans *tmpban; if (args && *args) { channel=new_next_arg(args,&args); if (!is_channel(channel)) snprintf(tmpbuf,sizeof(tmpbuf),"#%s",channel); else strmcpy(tmpbuf,channel,sizeof(tmpbuf)); channel=tmpbuf; } else if ((channel=get_channel_by_refnum(0))==NULL) { NoWindowChannel(); return; } chan=lookup_channel(channel,from_server,0); if (chan) { for (tmpban=chan->banlist;tmpban;tmpban=tmpban->next) { if (tmpban->who && tmpban->when) { say("%s %-30s %s %s%s",chan->channel,tmpban->ban,tmpban->who, FormatTime(time((time_t *) 0)-tmpban->when), tmpban->exception?" (exception)":""); } else say("%s %s%s",chan->channel,tmpban->ban, tmpban->exception?" (exception)":""); count++; } if (!count) say("There are no bans on channel %s",channel); } else { server_list[from_server].SZUnban=1; send_to_server("MODE %s b",channel); } } /* Removes friend from your friends list */ void RemoveFriend(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { char *tmpnick=(char *) 0; char tmpbuf[mybufsize/4]; void (*func)(); NickList *joiner; if (!(*args)) PrintUsage("REMF nick/filter"); else { tmpnick=new_next_arg(args,&args); if (*tmpnick=='#' || strchr(tmpnick,'!') || strchr(tmpnick,'@') || strchr(tmpnick,'*') || strchr(tmpnick,'.') || strchr(tmpnick,'?')) RemoveFriendFromList(tmpnick); else { joiner=CheckJoiners(tmpnick,NULL,from_server,NULL); if (joiner && joiner->userhost) { snprintf(tmpbuf,sizeof(tmpbuf),"%s!%s",joiner->nick,joiner->userhost); RemoveFriendFromList(tmpbuf); return; } func=(void(*)())RemoveFriendNew; server_list[from_server].SZWI++; add_userhost_to_whois(tmpnick,func); } } } /* Removes friend from your friends list if he/she is not on joinlist */ void RemoveFriendNew(wistuff, tmpnick) WhoisStuff *wistuff; char *tmpnick; { char tmpbuf[mybufsize/4]; if (server_list[from_server].SZWI) server_list[from_server].SZWI--; if (wistuff->not_on || !wistuff->nick || my_stricmp(wistuff->nick,tmpnick)) { say("Can't find %s on IRC",tmpnick); return; } snprintf(tmpbuf,sizeof(tmpbuf),"%s!%s@%s",wistuff->nick,wistuff->user,wistuff->host); RemoveFriendFromList(tmpbuf); } /* This really removes him/her from your friends list */ void RemoveFriendFromList(userhost) char *userhost; { int found=0; int filter; int count=0; char *tmpstr=userhost; char tmpbuf[mybufsize/4]; struct friends *tmpfriend; struct friends *tmpfriend1; struct friends *tmpfriend2; NickList *tmp; ChannelList *tmpchan; if ((filter=(*userhost=='#'))) { tmpstr++; while (*tmpstr) { if (!(isdigit(*tmpstr) || *tmpstr=='-' || *tmpstr==',')) { filter=0; break; } tmpstr++; } /* * filter=0 -> non-digits found (it's a channel) * filter>0 -> only digits found */ filter=filter?2:1; } tmpfriend2=frlist; tmpfriend=frlist; while (tmpfriend2) { count++; if ((filter==2 && matchmcommand(&userhost[1],count)) || (filter==1 && wild_match(tmpfriend2->channels,userhost)) || wild_match(tmpfriend2->userhost,userhost) || wild_match(userhost,tmpfriend2->userhost)) { #ifdef WANTANSI say("%s%s%s removed from your friends list", CmdsColors[COLSETTING].color4,tmpfriend2->userhost,Colors[COLOFF]); #else say("%s removed from your friends list",tmpfriend2->userhost); #endif found=1; if (tmpfriend2==frlist) frlist=tmpfriend2->next; else tmpfriend->next=tmpfriend2->next; tmpfriend1=tmpfriend2; tmpfriend2=tmpfriend2->next; for (tmpchan=server_list[curr_scr_win->server].chan_list;tmpchan; tmpchan=tmpchan->next) if (CheckChannel(tmpchan->channel,tmpfriend1->channels)) { for (tmp=tmpchan->nicks;tmp;tmp=tmp->next) { if (tmp->userhost) snprintf(tmpbuf,sizeof(tmpbuf),"%s!%s",tmp->nick,tmp->userhost); else strmcpy(tmpbuf,tmp->nick,sizeof(tmpbuf)); if (wild_match(tmpfriend1->userhost,tmpbuf)) tmp->frlist=NULL; } } synch_whowas_unuser(tmpfriend1); new_free(&(tmpfriend1->userhost)); new_free(&(tmpfriend1->channels)); new_free(&tmpfriend1); } else { tmpfriend=tmpfriend2; tmpfriend2=tmpfriend2->next; } } if (!found) say("No friend list entries matched %s",userhost); else { for (tmpfriend=frlist,count=1;tmpfriend;tmpfriend=tmpfriend->next) tmpfriend->number=count++; } } /* Removes user from your auto (ban) kick list */ void RemoveAutoBanKick(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { char *tmpnick=(char *) 0; char tmpbuf[mybufsize/4]; void (*func)(); NickList *joiner; if (!(*args)) PrintUsage("REMBK nick/filter"); else { tmpnick=new_next_arg(args,&args); if (*tmpnick=='#' || strchr(tmpnick,'!') || strchr(tmpnick,'@') || strchr(tmpnick,'*') || strchr(tmpnick,'.') || strchr(tmpnick,'?')) RemoveAutoBanKickFromList(tmpnick); else { joiner=CheckJoiners(tmpnick,NULL,from_server,NULL); if (joiner && joiner->userhost) { snprintf(tmpbuf,sizeof(tmpbuf),"%s!%s",joiner->nick,joiner->userhost); RemoveAutoBanKickFromList(tmpbuf); return; } func=(void(*)())RemoveAutoBanKickNew; server_list[from_server].SZWI++; add_userhost_to_whois(tmpnick,func); } } } /* Removes user from your auto (ban) kick list if he/she is not on joinlist */ void RemoveAutoBanKickNew(wistuff, tmpnick) WhoisStuff *wistuff; char *tmpnick; { char tmpbuf[mybufsize/4]; if (server_list[from_server].SZWI) server_list[from_server].SZWI--; if (wistuff->not_on || !wistuff->nick || my_stricmp(wistuff->nick,tmpnick)) { say("Can't find %s on IRC",tmpnick); return; } snprintf(tmpbuf,sizeof(tmpbuf),"%s!%s@%s",wistuff->nick,wistuff->user,wistuff->host); RemoveAutoBanKickFromList(tmpbuf); } /* This really removes him/her from your auto (ban) kick list */ void RemoveAutoBanKickFromList(userhost) char *userhost; { int found=0; int count=0; int filter; char tmpbuf[mybufsize/4]; struct autobankicks *tmpabk; struct autobankicks *tmpabk1; struct autobankicks *tmpabk2; ChannelList *tmpchan; NickList *tmp; filter=*userhost=='#'; tmpabk2=abklist; tmpabk=abklist; while (tmpabk2) { count++; if ((filter && matchmcommand(&userhost[1],count)) || wild_match(tmpabk2->userhost,userhost) || wild_match(userhost,tmpabk2->userhost)) { #ifdef WANTANSI say("%s%s%s removed from your shit list", CmdsColors[COLSETTING].color4,tmpabk2->userhost,Colors[COLOFF]); #else say("%s removed from your shit list",tmpabk2->userhost); #endif found=1; if (tmpabk2==abklist) abklist=tmpabk2->next; else tmpabk->next=tmpabk2->next; tmpabk1=tmpabk2; tmpabk2=tmpabk2->next; for (tmpchan=server_list[curr_scr_win->server].chan_list;tmpchan; tmpchan=tmpchan->next) if (CheckChannel(tmpchan->channel,tmpabk1->channels)) { for (tmp=tmpchan->nicks;tmp;tmp=tmp->next) { if (tmp->userhost) snprintf(tmpbuf,sizeof(tmpbuf),"%s!%s",tmp->nick,tmp->userhost); else strmcpy(tmpbuf,tmp->nick,sizeof(tmpbuf)); if (wild_match(tmpabk1->userhost,tmpbuf)) tmp->shitlist=NULL; } } synch_whowas_unshit(tmpabk1); new_free(&(tmpabk1->userhost)); new_free(&(tmpabk1->channels)); new_free(&(tmpabk1->reason)); new_free(&tmpabk1); } else { tmpabk=tmpabk2; tmpabk2=tmpabk2->next; } } if (!found) say("No shit list entries matched %s",userhost); } /* Does /CTCP nick VERSION */ void Version(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { char *target=NULL; if (args && *args && *args!='*') target=new_next_arg(args,&args); if (!target && !(target=get_channel_by_refnum(0))) { NoWindowChannel(); return; } send_to_server("PRIVMSG %s :%cVERSION%c",target,CTCP_DELIM_CHAR,CTCP_DELIM_CHAR); } /* Unbans nick */ void Unban(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { void (*func)(); char *tmpnick=(char *) 0; char *channel; char tmpbuf[mybufsize/4]; NickList *joiner; if (*args) { channel=get_channel_by_refnum(0); if (channel) { if (is_chanop(channel,get_server_nickname(from_server))) { tmpnick=new_next_arg(args,&args); if (strchr(tmpnick,'!') || strchr(tmpnick,'@') || strchr(tmpnick,'?') || strchr(tmpnick,'*') || strchr(tmpnick,'.')) { UnbanIt(tmpnick,channel,from_server); return; } joiner=CheckJoiners(tmpnick,NULL,from_server,NULL); if (joiner) { snprintf(tmpbuf,sizeof(tmpbuf),"%s!%s",joiner->nick,joiner->userhost); UnbanIt(tmpbuf,channel,from_server); return; } func=(void(*)())UnbanNew; server_list[from_server].SZWI++; add_to_whois_queue(tmpnick,func,"%s",channel); } else NotChanOp(channel); } else NoWindowChannel(); } else PrintUsage("UNBAN nick"); } /* Unbans user who's not on your join list */ void UnbanNew(wistuff,tmpnick,channel) WhoisStuff *wistuff; char *tmpnick; char *channel; { char tmpbuf[mybufsize/4]; if (server_list[from_server].SZWI) server_list[from_server].SZWI--; if (wistuff->not_on || !wistuff->nick || my_stricmp(wistuff->nick,tmpnick)) { say("Can't find %s on IRC",tmpnick); return; } snprintf(tmpbuf,sizeof(tmpbuf),"%s!%s@%s",wistuff->nick,wistuff->user,wistuff->host); UnbanIt(tmpbuf,channel,from_server); } /* Handles bans */ void OnBans(args,exception) char **args; int exception; { int server; char *chan; char *daban; char *who; time_t when; if (server_list[parsing_server_index].SZUnban>=2) { chan=*args; args++; daban=*args; args++; server=from_server; if (*args) { who=*args; args++; when=atoi(*args); AddBan(daban,chan,server,who,exception,when,NULL); } else AddBan(daban,chan,server,NULL,exception,time((time_t *) 0),NULL); } else if (server_list[parsing_server_index].SZUnban==1) { /* show bans */ chan=*args; args++; daban=*args; args++; if (*args) { who=*args; args++; when=atoi(*args); say("%s %-30s %s %s",chan,daban,who,FormatTime(time((time_t *) 0)-when)); } else say("%s %s",chan,daban); } } /* Clears channel of bans */ void CdBan(command, args, subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { char *tmpchan = NULL; char *banbuf = NULL; char tmpbuf2[mybufsize / 4]; ChannelList *chan; struct bans *tmpban; if (*args) { tmpchan = new_next_arg(args, &args); if (is_channel(tmpchan)) strmcpy(tmpbuf2, tmpchan, sizeof(tmpbuf2)); else snprintf(tmpbuf2, sizeof(tmpbuf2), "#%s", tmpchan); tmpchan = tmpbuf2; } else if ((tmpchan = get_channel_by_refnum(0)) == NULL) { NoWindowChannel(); return; } chan = lookup_channel(tmpchan, from_server, 0); if (!chan) return; if (HAS_OPS(chan->status)) { for (tmpban = chan->banlist; tmpban; tmpban = tmpban->next) { if (tmpban->exception) continue; malloc_strcat(&banbuf, tmpban->ban); malloc_strcat(&banbuf, " "); } DoDops(banbuf, tmpchan, 7); new_free(&banbuf); } else NotChanOp(tmpchan); } /* Unignores user */ void NoIgnore(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { char *tmpnick; char tmpbuf[mybufsize/4]; tmpnick=new_next_arg(args,&args); if (tmpnick && *tmpnick) { snprintf(tmpbuf,sizeof(tmpbuf),"%s NONE",tmpnick); ignore(NULL,tmpbuf,NULL); } else PrintUsage("NOIG nick"); } /* Ignores user */ void Ignore(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { int igtime=0; char *tmpstr; char *timestr; char *tmpnick; char tmpbuf1[mybufsize/4]; char tmpbuf2[mybufsize/4]; char tmpbuf3[mybufsize/4]; void (*func)(); NickList *joiner; if (*args) { tmpstr=new_next_arg(args,&args); if (!my_stricmp(tmpstr,"-t")) { timestr=new_next_arg(args,&args); tmpnick=new_next_arg(args,&args); if (!(timestr && *timestr) || !(tmpnick && *tmpnick)) { PrintUsage("IG [-t time] nick [type] default type is ALL"); return; } igtime=atoi(timestr); } else tmpnick=tmpstr; if (!(args && *args)) args="ALL"; if (!igtime) igtime=subargs?ShitIgnoreTime:IgnoreTime; snprintf(tmpbuf3,sizeof(tmpbuf3),"%d",igtime); if (strchr(tmpnick,'@') || strchr(tmpnick,'?') || strchr(tmpnick,'*') || strchr(tmpnick,'.')) { snprintf(tmpbuf1,sizeof(tmpbuf1),"%s %s",tmpnick,args); ignore(NULL,tmpbuf1,tmpbuf3); snprintf(tmpbuf1,sizeof(tmpbuf1),"-INV %d IGNORE %s NONE",igtime,tmpnick); timercmd("TIMER",tmpbuf1,NULL); return; } joiner=CheckJoiners(tmpnick,NULL,from_server,NULL); if (joiner) { strmcpy(tmpbuf2,joiner->userhost,sizeof(tmpbuf2)); UserDomainList(tmpbuf2); snprintf(tmpbuf1,sizeof(tmpbuf1),"%s %s",tmpbuf2,args); ignore(NULL,tmpbuf1,tmpbuf3); snprintf(tmpbuf1,sizeof(tmpbuf1),"-INV %d IGNORE %s NONE",igtime,tmpbuf2); timercmd("TIMER",tmpbuf1,NULL); return; } func=(void(*)())IgnoreNew; server_list[from_server].SZWI++; add_to_whois_queue(tmpnick,func,"%d %s",igtime,args); } else PrintUsage("IG [-t time] nick [type] default type is ALL"); } /* Ignores user who's not on your join list */ void IgnoreNew(wistuff,tmpnick,igtype) WhoisStuff *wistuff; char *tmpnick; char *igtype; { char *tmpstr; char tmpbuf1[mybufsize/4]; char tmpbuf2[mybufsize/4]; if (server_list[from_server].SZWI) server_list[from_server].SZWI--; if (wistuff->not_on || !wistuff->nick || my_stricmp(wistuff->nick,tmpnick)) { say("Can't find %s on IRC",tmpnick); return; } snprintf(tmpbuf2,sizeof(tmpbuf2),"%s@%s",wistuff->user,wistuff->host); UserDomainList(tmpbuf2); tmpstr=new_next_arg(igtype,&igtype); snprintf(tmpbuf1,sizeof(tmpbuf1),"%s %s",tmpbuf2,igtype); ignore(NULL,tmpbuf1,tmpstr); snprintf(tmpbuf1,sizeof(tmpbuf1),"-INV %s IGNORE %s NONE",tmpstr,tmpbuf2); timercmd("TIMER",tmpbuf1,NULL); } /* Returns formatted time */ static char *CeleTimeFormat(timediff) time_t timediff; { int timesec=0; int timemin=0; int timehour=0; int timeday=0; if (timediff>60) { timemin=timediff/60; timesec=timediff%60; snprintf(timereturn,sizeof(timereturn),"%dm%ds",timemin,timesec); } else snprintf(timereturn,sizeof(timereturn),"%lds",timediff); if (timemin>60) { timehour=timemin/60; timemin=timemin%60; snprintf(timereturn,sizeof(timereturn),"%dh%dm%ds",timehour,timemin,timesec); } if (timehour>24) { timeday=timehour/24; timehour=timehour%24; snprintf(timereturn,sizeof(timereturn),"%dd%dh%dm%ds",timeday,timehour,timemin,timesec); } return(timereturn); } #ifdef CELE /* Sets away with Celerity idle timer, also updates timer */ void CeleAway(modify) int modify; { char tmpbuf1[mybufsize/4+1]; char tmpbuf2[mybufsize/2+1]; time_t timediff; if (!CeleAwayTime) CeleAwayTime=time((time_t *) 0); timediff=time((time_t *) 0)-CeleAwayTime; *tmpbuf1='\0'; if (celeawaystr) strmcpy(tmpbuf1,celeawaystr,mybufsize/4); else if (DefaultSetAway) strmcpy(tmpbuf1,DefaultSetAway,mybufsize/4); if (modify) snprintf(tmpbuf2,sizeof(tmpbuf2),"-ALL %s /%c%s%c/ ", tmpbuf1,bold,CeleTimeFormat(timediff),bold); else snprintf(tmpbuf2,sizeof(tmpbuf2),"-ALL %s",tmpbuf1); SentAway=1; away("AWAY",tmpbuf2,NULL); } #endif /* CELE */ /* Marks you as being away */ void SetAway(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { int modify=1; int showit=1; int oldserver; int oldumask=umask(0177); char *tmpstr; char *awaystr=(char *) 0; char *filepath; char *filename; char tmpbuf1[mybufsize/4+1]; char tmpbuf2[mybufsize/2]; FILE *awayfile; #ifndef CELE time_t timenow=time((time_t *) 0); #endif /* !CELE */ ChannelList *tmpchan; if (args && *args) { while (*args=='-') { tmpstr=new_next_arg(args,&args); if (!my_stricmp(tmpstr,"-C")) modify=0; if (!my_stricmp(tmpstr,"-H")) showit=0; } awaystr=args; } if (!(awaystr && *awaystr)) awaystr=DefaultSetAway; strmcpy(tmpbuf1,awaystr,mybufsize/4); #ifdef CELE malloc_strcpy(&celeawaystr,awaystr); CeleAwayTime=time((time_t *) 0); SentAway=0; CeleAway(modify); #else if (modify) snprintf(tmpbuf2,sizeof(tmpbuf2),"-ALL %s [SZ%con%c] Away since %.16s",tmpbuf1,bold,bold, ctime(&timenow)); else snprintf(tmpbuf2,sizeof(tmpbuf2),"-ALL %s",tmpbuf1); away("AWAY",tmpbuf2,NULL); #endif /* CELE */ oldserver=from_server; for (tmpchan=server_list[curr_scr_win->server].chan_list;tmpchan; tmpchan=tmpchan->next) { from_server=tmpchan->server; if (showit && tmpchan->ShowAway && tmpchan->channel) { #ifdef CELE if (modify) snprintf(tmpbuf2,sizeof(tmpbuf2),"%s is away. %s %s",tmpchan->channel,tmpbuf1,CelerityL); else snprintf(tmpbuf2,sizeof(tmpbuf2),"%s %s",tmpchan->channel,tmpbuf1); #else if (modify) snprintf(tmpbuf2,sizeof(tmpbuf2),"%s is away. %s [SZ%con%c]", tmpchan->channel,tmpbuf1,bold,bold); else snprintf(tmpbuf2,sizeof(tmpbuf2),"%s %s",tmpchan->channel,tmpbuf1); #endif /* CELE */ describe(NULL,tmpbuf2,NULL); } from_server=oldserver; } from_server=oldserver; filename=get_string_var(AWAY_FILE_VAR); if (!(filepath=OpenCreateFile(filename,1)) || (awayfile=fopen(filepath,"a"))==NULL) say("Can't open file %s",filename); else { fclose(awayfile); AwaySave("SetAway",SAVEAWAY); update_all_status(); } umask(oldumask); } /* Marks you as not being away */ void SetBack(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { AwaySave("SetBack",SAVEAWAY); add_wait_prompt("Display message file (y/n/r) ? ",SetBack2,args,WAIT_PROMPT_KEY); } /* Handles prompt from SetBack */ void SetBack2(stuff,line) char *stuff; char *line; { char reply=' '; if (line && *line>='a' && *line<='z') reply=*line-' '; if (reply!=' ' && (reply=='Y' || reply=='R')) { if (reply=='R') PlayBack(NULL,"-R",stuff); else PlayBack(NULL,empty_string,stuff); } else add_wait_prompt("Delete message file (y/n) ? ",SetBackDelete,stuff,WAIT_PROMPT_KEY); } /* This asks user if he wants to delete ScrollZ.away file */ void SetBackDelete(stuff,line) char *stuff; char *line; { int done=1; int showit=1; int modify=1; int oldserver; char *tmpstr; char *backstr=(char *) 0; char *filepath; char *filename; char tmpbuf[mybufsize/4]; ChannelList *tmpchan; if (line && (*line=='y' || *line=='Y')) { filename=get_string_var(AWAY_FILE_VAR); if ((filepath=OpenCreateFile(filename,1))) done=remove(filepath); if (done==0) say("File %s has been deleted",filename); else say("Can't delete file %s",filename); AwayMsgNum=0; update_all_status(); } if (!stuff) return; strcpy(tmpbuf,"-ALL"); away("AWAY",tmpbuf,NULL); #ifdef CELE new_free(&celeawaystr); #endif if (*stuff) { while (*stuff=='-') { tmpstr=new_next_arg(stuff,&stuff); if (!my_stricmp(tmpstr,"-C")) modify=0; if (!my_stricmp(tmpstr,"-H")) showit=0; } backstr=stuff; } if (!(backstr && *backstr)) backstr=DefaultSetBack; oldserver=from_server; for (tmpchan=server_list[curr_scr_win->server].chan_list;tmpchan; tmpchan=tmpchan->next) { from_server=tmpchan->server; if (showit && tmpchan->ShowAway && tmpchan->channel) { if (modify) #ifdef CELE snprintf(tmpbuf,sizeof(tmpbuf),"%s is back. %s",tmpchan->channel,backstr); #else snprintf(tmpbuf,sizeof(tmpbuf),"%s is back. %s [SZ%coff%c]",tmpchan->channel,backstr, bold,bold); #endif else snprintf(tmpbuf,sizeof(tmpbuf),"%s %s",tmpchan->channel,backstr); describe(NULL,tmpbuf,NULL); } from_server=oldserver; } from_server=oldserver; } /* Handles WHO reply */ void OnWho(nick,user,host,channel,stat) char *nick; char *user; char *host; char *channel; char *stat; { char tmpbuf1[mybufsize/4]; char tmpbuf2[mybufsize/4]; NickList *tmp,*last=NULL; WhowasList *whowas; ChannelList *chan; if ((chan=lookup_channel(channel,parsing_server_index,0))) { for (tmp=chan->nicks;tmp;tmp=tmp->next) { if (!my_stricmp(tmp->nick,nick)) break; last=tmp; } if (tmp) { snprintf(tmpbuf1,sizeof(tmpbuf1),"%s@%s",user,host); if ((whowas=check_whowas_buffer(nick,tmpbuf1,channel,1))) { remove_nick_from_hash(chan,tmp); if (last) last->next=whowas->nicklist; else chan->nicks=whowas->nicklist; last=whowas->nicklist; last->next=tmp->next; last->chanop=tmp->chanop; last->hasvoice=tmp->hasvoice; last->curo=tmp->curo; last->curk=tmp->curk; last->curn=tmp->curn; last->deopt=tmp->deopt; last->kickt=tmp->kickt; last->nickt=tmp->nickt; last->deopp=tmp->deopp; last->kickp=tmp->kickp; last->nickp=tmp->nickp; last->minuso+=tmp->minuso; last->pluso+=tmp->pluso; last->minush+=tmp->minush; last->plush+=tmp->plush; last->minusb+=tmp->minusb; last->plusb+=tmp->plusb; last->kick+=tmp->kick; last->nickc+=tmp->nickc; last->publics+=tmp->publics; malloc_strcpy(&(last->nick),nick); new_free(&(tmp->nick)); new_free(&(tmp->userhost)); new_free(&tmp); new_free(&whowas); add_nick_to_hash(chan,last); } else { malloc_strcpy(&(tmp->userhost),tmpbuf1); snprintf(tmpbuf2,sizeof(tmpbuf2),"%s!%s",nick,tmpbuf1); tmp->frlist=(struct friends *) FindMatch(tmpbuf2,channel); tmp->shitlist=(struct autobankicks *) FindShit(tmpbuf2,channel); } } } } /* Compare function for list.c */ int AddLast(element,toadd) List *element; List *toadd; { return(0); } /* Adds word to your wordkick list */ void AddWord(command, args, subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { int add = 0; int ban = 0; int bantime = 0; char *tmpstr; char *channels; char tmpbuf[mybufsize / 4]; struct words *tmpword; channels = new_next_arg(args, &args); if (channels && !my_strnicmp(channels, "-BAN", 2)) { ban = 1; channels = new_next_arg(args, &args); } if (channels && !my_strnicmp(channels, "-TIME", 2)) { tmpstr = new_next_arg(args, &args); if (!tmpstr) { PrintUsage("ADDW [options] channels word [comment]"); return; } bantime = atoi(tmpstr); channels = new_next_arg(args, &args); } tmpstr = new_next_arg(args, &args); if (channels && tmpstr) { tmpword = CheckLine(channels, tmpstr); if (!tmpword) { tmpword = (struct words *) new_malloc(sizeof(struct words)); tmpword->channels = NULL; tmpword->word = NULL; tmpword->reason = NULL; tmpword->next = NULL; tmpword->ban = 0; tmpword->bantime = 0; add = 1; } if (tmpword) { snprintf(tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf), "%s", tmpstr); malloc_strcpy(&(tmpword->channels), channels); malloc_strcpy(&(tmpword->word), tmpbuf); tmpword->ban = ban; tmpword->bantime = bantime; while (*args && isspace(*args)) args++; if (*args) malloc_strcpy(&(tmpword->reason), args); else { snprintf(tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf), "You said %s", tmpstr); malloc_strcpy(&(tmpword->reason), tmpbuf); } if (add) add_to_list_ext((List **) &wordlist,(List *) tmpword, (int (*) _((List *, List *))) AddLast); say("%s added to your wordkick list for %s", tmpword->word, tmpword->channels); if (ban && bantime) say("Offender will be banned for %d seconds", bantime); else if (ban) say("Offender will be banned", bantime); } } else PrintUsage("ADDW [options] channels word [comment]"); } /* Removes word from your wordkick list */ void RemoveWord(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { char *channels; char *tmpstr; struct words *tmp=NULL; struct words *tmpword; channels=new_next_arg(args,&args); tmpstr=new_next_arg(args,&args); if (channels && tmpstr) { for (tmpword=wordlist;tmpword;tmpword=tmpword->next) { if (CheckChannel(tmpword->channels,channels) && !my_stricmp(tmpword->word,tmpstr)) { break; } tmp=tmpword; } if (tmpword) { say("%s removed from your wordkick list for %s",tmpword->word, tmpword->channels); if (tmp) tmp->next=tmpword->next; else wordlist=tmpword->next; new_free(&(tmpword->channels)); new_free(&(tmpword->word)); new_free(&(tmpword->reason)); new_free(&tmpword); } else say("%s is not on your wordkick list for %s",tmpstr,channels); } else PrintUsage("REMW channels word"); } /* Lists all the word on your wordkick list */ void ListWords(command, args, subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { int count = 1; char tmpbuf[mybufsize / 2]; struct words *tmpword; say("# Channels Ban Filter Reason"); for (tmpword = wordlist; tmpword; tmpword = tmpword->next,count++) { if (tmpword->bantime) sprintf(tmpbuf, "%d", tmpword->bantime); else if (tmpword->ban) strcpy(tmpbuf, "Y"); else strcpy(tmpbuf, "N"); say("#%-2d %-15s %-5s %-20s %s", count, tmpword->channels, tmpbuf, tmpword->word, tmpword->reason); } say("Total of %d words on your wordkick list", count - 1); } /* Checks if there is a match with some of your words that are on wordkick list */ struct words *CheckLine(channels,line) char *channels; char *line; { char *curword; char *tmpline; static char curline[mybufsize/2+1]; struct words *tmpword; tmpline=curline; strmcpy(tmpline,line,mybufsize/2); for (curword=next_arg(tmpline,&tmpline);curword;curword=next_arg(tmpline,&tmpline)) { for (tmpword=wordlist;tmpword;tmpword=tmpword->next) { if (CheckChannel(tmpword->channels,channels)) { if (((index(tmpword->word,'?') || index(tmpword->word,'*')) && wild_match(tmpword->word,curword)) || !my_stricmp(tmpword->word,curword)) { return(tmpword); } } } } return((struct words *) 0); } /* Adds nick to list of people who have messaged you */ void AddNick2List(nick,server) char *nick; int server; { int count; int curserv=server; struct nicks *nickstr; struct nicks *nicktmp; if (CheckServer(curserv)) { nickstr=(struct nicks *) list_lookup((List **) &(server_list[curserv].nicklist), nick,!USE_WILDCARDS,REMOVE_FROM_LIST); if (nickstr) { new_free(&(nickstr->nick)); new_free(&nickstr); } if ((nickstr=(struct nicks *) new_malloc(sizeof(struct nicks)))) { nickstr->nick=(char *) 0; malloc_strcpy(&(nickstr->nick),nick); nickstr->next=server_list[curserv].nicklist; server_list[curserv].nicklist=nickstr; for (nickstr=server_list[curserv].nicklist,count=1;nickstr && count<10; nickstr=nickstr->next) count++; if (count>9 && nickstr) { for (nicktmp=nickstr->next;nicktmp;) { nickstr->next=NULL; nickstr=nicktmp; nicktmp=nicktmp->next; new_free(&(nickstr->nick)); new_free(&(nickstr)); } } } server_list[curserv].nickcur=(struct nicks *) 0; } } /* Sets nickcur to the next element on linked list nicks (when TAB pressed) */ void NickNext() { int curserv=from_server; if (server_list[curserv].nickcur) server_list[curserv].nickcur=server_list[curserv].nickcur->next; if (!(server_list[curserv].nickcur)) server_list[curserv].nickcur=server_list[curserv].nicklist; } /* Adds splitter to list (with the appropriate server) */ int AddSplitter(nick,channel,servers) char *nick; char *channel; char *servers; { int print=0; struct list *tmplist; struct wholeftstr *wholeft; struct wholeftch *wholch; NickList *joiner; wholeft=(struct wholeftstr *) list_lookup((List **) &wholist,servers,!USE_WILDCARDS, !REMOVE_FROM_LIST); if (!wholeft) { wholeft=(struct wholeftstr *) new_malloc(sizeof(struct wholeftstr)); wholeft->splitserver=(char *) 0; malloc_strcpy(&(wholeft->splitserver),servers); wholeft->time=time((time_t *) 0); wholeft->total=0; wholeft->count=0; wholeft->print=0; wholeft->channels=(struct wholeftch *) 0; wholeft->next=(struct wholeftstr *) 0; add_to_list_ext((List **) &wholist,(List *) wholeft, (int (*) _((List *, List *))) AddLast); print=1; } wholch=(struct wholeftch *) list_lookup((List **) &(wholeft->channels),channel, !USE_WILDCARDS,!REMOVE_FROM_LIST); if (!wholch) { wholch=(struct wholeftch *) new_malloc(sizeof(struct wholeftch)); wholch->channel=(char *) 0; wholch->nicklist=(struct list *) 0; wholch->next=(struct wholeftch *) 0; malloc_strcpy(&(wholch->channel),channel); add_to_list_ext((List **) &(wholeft->channels),(List *) wholch, (int (*) _((List *, List *))) AddLast); } joiner=CheckJoiners(nick,NULL,from_server,NULL); if (joiner && joiner->userhost) { tmplist=(struct list *) new_malloc(sizeof(struct list)); tmplist->nick=(char *) 0; tmplist->userhost=(char *) 0; tmplist->next=(struct list *) 0; malloc_strcpy(&(tmplist->nick),joiner->nick); malloc_strcpy(&(tmplist->userhost),joiner->userhost); add_to_list_ext((List **) &(wholch->nicklist),(List *) tmplist, (int (*) _((List *, List *))) AddLast); wholeft->count++; wholeft->total++; } return(print); } /* Checks if net has joined and returns server name if so */ void Check4Join(userhost,servername,channel) char *userhost; char *servername; char *channel; { struct wholeftstr *wholeft; struct wholeftstr *tmpwholeft; struct wholeftch *wholch; struct wholeftch *tmpch; struct list *tmpjoin; struct list *tmplist; wholeft=wholist; tmpwholeft=wholist; while (wholeft) { tmpch=wholeft->channels; wholch=wholeft->channels; while (wholch) { if (!my_stricmp(channel,wholch->channel)) { tmplist=wholch->nicklist; tmpjoin=wholch->nicklist; while (tmplist) { if (tmplist->userhost && !my_stricmp(userhost,tmplist->userhost)) { wholeft->count--; if (wholeft->print) strcpy(servername,"111"); else { if ((wholeft->total<=3 && wholeft->count<=wholeft->total-1) || (wholeft->total>=4 && wholeft->total<=6 && wholeft->count<=wholeft->total-2) || (wholeft->total>=7 && wholeft->count<=(wholeft->total)/3)) { strcpy(servername,wholeft->splitserver); wholeft->print=1; } else strcpy(servername,"111"); } if (tmplist==wholch->nicklist) wholch->nicklist=tmplist->next; else tmpjoin->next=tmplist->next; new_free(&(tmplist->nick)); new_free(&(tmplist->userhost)); new_free(&tmplist); if (wholch->nicklist==NULL) { if (wholch==wholeft->channels) wholeft->channels=wholeft->channels->next; else tmpch->next=wholch->next; new_free(&(wholch->channel)); new_free(&wholch); } if (wholeft->channels==NULL) { if (wholeft==wholist) wholist=wholist->next; else tmpwholeft->next=wholeft->next; new_free(&(wholeft->splitserver)); new_free(&wholeft); } return; } tmpjoin=tmplist; tmplist=tmplist->next; } } tmpch=wholch; wholch=wholch->next; } tmpwholeft=wholeft; wholeft=wholeft->next; } strcpy(servername,"000"); } /* Tells you all the nicks that went away with the split */ void WhoLeft(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { int i; int len; int ctlen; char *tmpstr; char *server; char *leftnicks=(char *) 0; char tmpbuf1[mybufsize / 2]; char tmpbuf2[mybufsize / 2]; char tmpbuf3[mybufsize / 2]; char tmpbuf4[mybufsize / 2]; time_t timenow; struct list *tmplist; struct wholeftstr *wholeft; struct wholeftch *tmpch; say("Logged netsplit information"); if (Stamp < 2) StripAnsi(ScrollZstr, tmpbuf3, 1); else { strmcpy(tmpbuf1, TimeStamp(2), sizeof(tmpbuf1)); StripAnsi(tmpbuf1, tmpbuf3, 1); } ctlen = strlen(tmpbuf3); timenow = time((time_t *) 0); for (wholeft = wholist; wholeft; wholeft = wholeft->next) { strmcpy(tmpbuf1, wholeft->splitserver, sizeof(tmpbuf1)); tmpstr = tmpbuf1; server = new_next_arg(tmpstr, &tmpstr); strmcpy(tmpbuf3, CeleTimeFormat(timenow-wholeft->time), sizeof(tmpbuf3)); #ifdef WANTANSI snprintf(tmpbuf2, sizeof(tmpbuf2), "[%s%s%s %s<-%s %s%s%s]", CmdsColors[COLNETSPLIT].color3, tmpstr, Colors[COLOFF], CmdsColors[COLNETSPLIT].color6, Colors[COLOFF], CmdsColors[COLNETSPLIT].color3, server, Colors[COLOFF]); snprintf(tmpbuf4, sizeof(tmpbuf4), ": [%s%s%s]", CmdsColors[COLNETSPLIT].color2, tmpbuf3, Colors[COLOFF]); #else snprintf(tmpbuf2, sizeof(tmpbuf2), "[%s <- %s]", tmpstr, server); snprintf(tmpbuf4, sizeof(tmpbuf4), ": [%s]", tmpbuf3); #endif len = current_screen->co - ctlen - 29 - strlen(server) - strlen(tmpstr) - strlen(tmpbuf3); *tmpbuf3 = '\0'; for (i = 0; len > 0 && i < len; i++) strmcat(tmpbuf3, " ", sizeof(tmpbuf3)); #ifdef WANTANSI say("%sChannel%s : %sNicks%s %s%s %s", CmdsColors[COLNETSPLIT].color4, Colors[COLOFF], CmdsColors[COLNETSPLIT].color5, Colors[COLOFF], tmpbuf3, tmpbuf2, tmpbuf4); #else say("Channel : Nicks %s%s %s", tmpbuf3, tmpbuf2, tmpbuf4); #endif for (tmpch = wholeft->channels; tmpch; tmpch = tmpch->next) { #ifdef WANTANSI snprintf(tmpbuf1, sizeof(tmpbuf1), "%s%-7s%s :", CmdsColors[COLNETSPLIT].color4, tmpch->channel, Colors[COLOFF]); #else snprintf(tmpbuf1, sizeof(tmpbuf1), "%-7s :", tmpch->channel); #endif malloc_strcpy(&leftnicks, tmpbuf1); for (tmplist = tmpch->nicklist; tmplist; tmplist = tmplist->next) { #ifdef WANTANSI snprintf(tmpbuf1, sizeof(tmpbuf1), " %s%s%s", CmdsColors[COLNETSPLIT].color5, tmplist->nick, Colors[COLOFF]); #else snprintf(tmpbuf1, sizeof(tmpbuf1), " %s", tmplist->nick); #endif malloc_strcat(&leftnicks, tmpbuf1); } say("%s", leftnicks); new_free(&leftnicks); } } say("End of netsplit information"); } /* Kicks all the people that match the filter, also bans if necessary */ void FilterKick(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { char *channel; char *filter; char *mynick; char *comment=(char *) 0; char tmpbuf[mybufsize/4]; NickList *joiner; ChannelList *chan; if ((filter=new_next_arg(args,&args))) { channel=get_channel_by_refnum(0); mynick=get_server_nickname(from_server); if (channel) { chan=lookup_channel(channel,from_server,0); if (chan && HAS_OPS(chan->status)) { if (args && *args) comment=args; else comment=DefaultFK; if (!strcmp(command,"FBK")) send_to_server("MODE %s +b %s",channel,filter); for (joiner=chan->nicks;joiner;joiner=joiner->next) { snprintf(tmpbuf,sizeof(tmpbuf),"%s!%s",joiner->nick,joiner->userhost); if ((!(joiner->chanop) || chan->KickOps) && my_stricmp(joiner->nick,mynick) && wild_match(filter,tmpbuf)) #ifdef CELE send_to_server("KICK %s %s :%s %s",channel,joiner->nick, comment,CelerityL); #else /* CELE */ send_to_server("KICK %s %s :%s",channel,joiner->nick,comment); #endif /* CELE */ } } else NotChanOp(channel); } else NoWindowChannel(); } else { snprintf(tmpbuf,sizeof(tmpbuf),"%s filter [reason]",command); PrintUsage(tmpbuf); } } #ifdef EXTRAS /* Bans all the people from your shitlist */ void DoBans(command,args,subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { int count=0; int max=get_int_var(MAX_MODES_VAR); char *channel=(char *) 0; char *banmodes=(char *) 0; char tmpbuf[mybufsize/2]; char modebuf[mybufsize/32]; struct autobankicks *tmpabk; channel=get_channel_by_refnum(0); if (channel) { if (is_chanop(channel,get_server_nickname(from_server))) { say("Doing bans from your shitlist"); tmpabk=abklist; strcpy(modebuf,"+bbbbbbbb"); while (tmpabk) { if ((tmpabk->shit)&(SLBAN | SLIGNORE | SLPERMBAN) && CheckChannel(channel,tmpabk->channels)) { snprintf(tmpbuf,sizeof(tmpbuf)," %s",tmpabk->userhost); malloc_strcat(&banmodes,tmpbuf); count++; if (count==max) { modebuf[count+1]='\0'; send_to_server("MODE %s %s %s",channel,modebuf,banmodes); new_free(&banmodes); count=0; } } tmpabk=tmpabk->next; } if (count) { modebuf[count+1]='\0'; send_to_server("MODE %s %s %s",channel,modebuf,banmodes); new_free(&banmodes); } } else NotChanOp(channel); } else NoWindowChannel(); } #endif /* This says you're not channel operator */ void NotChanOp(channel) char *channel; { say("You are not channel operator on %s",channel); } /* This says no current channel for this window */ void NoWindowChannel() { say("No current channel for this window"); } /* Newhost, patched in by Zakath. Got from diff w/ no credits... */ void NewHost(command, args, subargs) char *command; char *args; char *subargs; { char *newhname = NULL; #ifdef JIMMIE int i; int type = 1; /* default to Linux */ int count; int tryall = 0; char *hname; char *tmpstr; char *chosenname = NULL; char putbuf[mybufsize / 4 + 1]; char tmpbuf[mybufsize / 4 + 1]; char filename[mybufsize / 16]; FILE *fp; struct hostent *hostaddr; /* for uname */ struct utsname unamebuf; /* for ioctl -> linux only */ #ifdef __linux__ int tmpsock; int oldumask; char *curdev; char *devtok; char devname[mybufsize / 16 + 1]; struct ifreq ifr; #endif /* __linux__ */ /* servers in struct splitstr holds hostname */ struct splitstr *tmplist = NULL, *listnew; unsigned long ipnum; #endif /* JIMMIE */ newhname = new_next_arg(args, &args); #ifndef JIMMIE if (newhname) { malloc_strcpy(&source_host, newhname); set_string_var(IRCHOST_VAR, newhname); set_irchost(); ReconnectServer(NULL, NULL, NULL); } else PrintUsage("NEWHOST "); #else /* JIMMIE */ /* if user passed -a they want to probe 1024 interfaces */ if (newhname && !my_strnicmp(newhname, "-A", 2)) { tryall = 1; newhname = NULL; } /* figure out OS 1 = Linux 2 = BSD 3 = Solaris */ if ((uname(&unamebuf)) != -1) { if (wild_match("*linux*", unamebuf.sysname)) type = 1; else if (wild_match("*bsd*", unamebuf.sysname)) type = 2; else if (wild_match("*sunos*", unamebuf.sysname)) type = 3; } /* create temporary file */ snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "/tmp/sztmp%ld.%d", time((time_t *) 0) % 10000, getpid()); /* for linux we use ioctl() to obtain configured ips */ #ifdef __linux__ /* obtain device name */ *devname = '\0'; if ((fp = fopen("/proc/net/dev", "r"))) { /* skip two lines of header */ fgets(putbuf, sizeof(putbuf), fp); fgets(putbuf, sizeof(putbuf), fp); while (fgets(putbuf, sizeof(putbuf), fp)) { tmpstr = putbuf; while (*tmpstr && isspace(*tmpstr)) tmpstr++; strmcpy(tmpbuf, tmpstr, sizeof(tmpbuf)); tmpstr = tmpbuf; while (*tmpstr && *tmpstr != ':') tmpstr++; *tmpstr = '\0'; if (strcmp(tmpbuf, "lo") && strncmp(tmpbuf, "dummy", 5)) { if (strlen(tmpbuf) > 0) { tmpstr--; *tmpstr = '\0'; if (*devname) strmcat(devname, ",", sizeof(devname)); strmcat(devname, tmpbuf, sizeof(devname)); } break; } } fclose(fp); } if (!(*devname)) { say("No suitable devices found, aborting"); return; } oldumask = umask(0177); if ((fp = fopen(filename, "w")) == NULL) { say("Error, can't open temporary file for writing, aborting"); unlink(filename); umask(oldumask); return; } /* we need open socket for ioctl() to work */ if ((tmpsock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) { say("Error obtaining socket, aborting"); fclose(fp); unlink(filename); umask(oldumask); return; } /* probe eth0 through eth3 */ devtok = devname; while ((curdev = strtok(devtok, ","))) { devtok = NULL; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int isvalid; int numinvalid = 0; snprintf(ifr.ifr_name, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name), "%s%d", devname, i); /* obtain destination address */ ioctl(tmpsock, SIOCGIFDSTADDR, &ifr); isvalid = ioctl(tmpsock, SIOCGIFADDR, &ifr); if (i == 0 && isvalid < 0) { say("Error during ioctl for device %s, aborting", ifr.ifr_name); fclose(fp); unlink(filename); close(tmpsock); umask(oldumask); return; } if (isvalid == 0) fprintf(fp, "inet %s\n", inet_ntoa(((struct sockaddr_in *) &(ifr.ifr_dstaddr))->sin_addr)); for (count = 0; count < 1023; count++) { snprintf(ifr.ifr_name, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name), "%s%d:%d", devname, i, count); /* obtain destination address */ ioctl(tmpsock, SIOCGIFDSTADDR, &ifr); if ((isvalid = ioctl(tmpsock, SIOCGIFADDR, &ifr)) < 0) numinvalid++; else numinvalid = 0; if (isvalid == 0) fprintf(fp, "inet %s\n", inet_ntoa(((struct sockaddr_in *) &(ifr.ifr_dstaddr))->sin_addr)); /* abort when we detect 10 failed ioctl()s in sequence */ if (!tryall && numinvalid > 9) break; } } } close(tmpsock); fclose(fp); umask(oldumask); #else /* __linux__ */ /* run /sbin/ifconfig */ switch (type) { case 2: /* BSD */ tmpstr = "-m -a"; break; case 3: /* Solaris */ tmpstr = "-a"; break; default: /* other OSes, wild guess */ tmpstr = "-a"; break; } snprintf(tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf), "/sbin/ifconfig %s >%s 2>/dev/null", tmpstr, filename); system(tmpbuf); #endif /* __linux__ */ if ((fp = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) { say("Error, can't open temporary file for reading"); unlink(filename); return; } count = 0; while (fgets(tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf), fp)) { hname = NULL; if ((tmpstr = strstr(tmpbuf, "inet "))) tmpstr += 5; hname = new_next_arg(tmpstr, &tmpstr); if (!hname || !strcmp(hname, "")) continue; /* find hostname for this IP */ ipnum = inet_addr(hname); hostaddr = gethostbyaddr((char *) &ipnum, sizeof(ipnum), AF_INET); /* add to list */ if (hostaddr && (listnew = (struct splitstr *) new_malloc(sizeof(struct splitstr)))) { listnew->servers = NULL; listnew->next = NULL; malloc_strcpy(&(listnew->servers), (char *) hostaddr->h_name); add_to_list_ext((List **) &tmplist, (List *) listnew, (int (*) _((List *, List *))) AddLast); } } fclose(fp); if (tmplist) { countall = 0; *putbuf = '\0'; /* let's print all available hostnames */ for (listnew = tmplist,i = 1; listnew; i++, countall++) { tmplist = listnew; listnew = listnew->next; snprintf(tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf), "%2d) %-33s", i, tmplist->servers); strmcat(putbuf, tmpbuf, sizeof(putbuf)); count++; if (count == 2 || strlen(tmplist->servers) > 35) { if (!newhname) say("%s", putbuf); count = 0; *putbuf = '\0'; } if (newhname) { if ((*newhname == '#' && i == atoi(&newhname[1])) || (is_number(newhname) && i == atoi(newhname))) malloc_strcpy(&chosenname, tmplist->servers); else if (!chosenname) malloc_strcpy(&chosenname, newhname); } new_free(&(tmplist->servers)); new_free(&tmplist); } if (!newhname) { if (count) say("%s", putbuf); say("Use /NEWHOST #number to select hostname"); if (countall == 1) say("Use /NEWHOST -A to query more interfaces"); } } else say("No valid hostnames found"); if (chosenname) { malloc_strcpy(&source_host, chosenname); set_string_var(IRCHOST_VAR, chosenname); set_irchost(); ReconnectServer(NULL,NULL,NULL); new_free(&chosenname); } unlink(filename); #endif /* !JIMMIE */ }