#!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using wish \ exec wish "$0" "$*" # # xSZsetup - (c) 1997 Goran Koruga (jm_ on IRC) # # The purpose of xSZsetup is to enable the users of ScrollZ IRC client to # set-up their own color scheme with help of a user interface. # # Thanks go to Frank Pilhofer for letting me use tk_SelectFiles and it's # counterparts (CompressSlashes, CanonPattern and MFSSelectShow). I have # trimmed down tk_SelectFiles later on since I don't need ability to # select directories and/or multiple files. I've also added some binds # to tk_SelectFiles so user can use keyboard too (i.e. Esc,...) # BTW, Frank is author of excellent uudecoder called uudeview (the stuff # he let me use in xSZsetup is from xdeview - X interface for uudeview) # # Requirements to run xSZsetup are: # - Tcl 7.5 (or newer) # - Tk 4.1 (or newer) # It might work on Tk older than 4.1 but you will have to edit it a bit # (i.e. remove all -anchor and -justify switches). Be warned that look # might suffer under Tk older than 4.1. # # $Id: xSZsetup,v 1.3 2001/10/05 18:36:42 f Exp $ # # some global variables set Name "xSZsetup" set Version "v1.0pl04" # lists for ease of use set AttrNames [ list OFF BOLD UNDERLINE FLASH REVERSE ] set ColNames [ list BLACK RED GREEN YELLOW BLUE PURPLE CYAN WHITE ] set BgColNames [ list BLACKBG REDBG GREENBG YELLOWBG BLUEBG PURPLEBG CYANBG\ WHITEBG ] set CmdsNames [ list WARNING JOIN MSG NOTICE NETSPLIT INVITE MODE SETTING\ HELP LEAVE NOTIFY CTCP KICK DCC WHO WHOIS PUBLIC CDCC LINKS\ DCCCHAT CSCAN NICK ME OV ] set ColorNames [ list Color1 Color2 Color3 Color4 Color5 Color6 ] # default load path set MFSLoadFilterPath "~/.ScrollZ" # default extension set MFSLoadFilterPattern "*.save" set ds "/" set parent ".." # current Cmd we are working on set CurrCmd WARNING set CurrCmdName Warning set CurrCmdNum 1 set CurrColor Color1 set CurrAttrs(OFF) 0 set CurrAttrs(BOLD) 0 set CurrAttrs(UNDERLINE) 0 set CurrAttrs(FLASH) 0 set CurrAttrs(REVERSE) 0 # set up our own colors set Col(BLACK) Black set Col(BoldBLACK) \#545454 set Col(RED) \#B20000 set Col(BoldRED) \#FF5454 set Col(GREEN) \#00B200 set Col(BoldGREEN) \#54FF54 set Col(YELLOW) \#B25400 set Col(BoldYELLOW) \#FFFF54 set Col(BLUE) \#0000B2 set Col(BoldBLUE) \#5454FF set Col(PURPLE) \#B200B2 set Col(BoldPURPLE) \#FF54FF set Col(CYAN) \#00B2B2 set Col(BoldCYAN) \#54FFFF set Col(WHITE) \#B2B2B2 set Col(BoldWHITE) White # set up our own background colors set Col(BLACKBG) $Col(BLACK) set Col(REDBG) $Col(RED) set Col(GREENBG) $Col(GREEN) set Col(YELLOWBG) $Col(YELLOW) set Col(BLUEBG) $Col(BLUE) set Col(PURPLEBG) $Col(PURPLE) set Col(CYANBG) $Col(CYAN) set Col(WHITEBG) $Col(WHITE) # get default background set DefaultBg \#AFB1C3 proc UpdateStatus { Text } { ._Status._Text config -text $Text update } proc Quit {} { # SZSetupCleanUp destroy . } proc Default {} { InitVars RefreshColors RefreshText UpdateStatus "Default colors from ScrollZ v1.8b selected" after 5000 UpdateStatus "Ready" } # load selected file and parse each line in ScrollZ.save file # check for those that start with COLOR proc Load {} { global CmdsNames ColorNames Name Version CmdsColors AttrNames global CurrCmd CurrColor CurrAttrs FileCheck UpdateStatus "Waiting for you to select filename..." set FileCheck 1 set FileName [ tk_SelectFiles "Select File to load from" ] if { $FileName == "" } { UpdateStatus "Ready" return } set LineNumber 0 if { ![ file exists $FileName] } { tk_dialog ._Dialog "Oops" "File $FileName doesn't exist!\ Aborting..." error 0 OK return } if { [ catch { open $FileName r } readID ] } { tk_dialog ._Dialog "Oops" "Can't read from file $FileName!\ Aborting..." error 0 OK return } UpdateStatus "Loading from $FileName" while {![eof $readID]} { gets $readID Buffer incr LineNumber if { [ string index $Buffer 0 ] == "#" } { continue } if { [ string toupper [ lindex $Buffer 0 ] ] == "COLOR" } { if { [ llength $Buffer ] != 8 } { tk_dialog ._Dialog "Oops" "Error while reading $FileName!\ Check line $LineNumber..." error 0 OK close $readID UpdateStatus "Error while loading $FileName" # update status after 5s after 5000 UpdateStatus "Ready" return } set EventName [ string toupper [ lrange $Buffer 1 1 ] ] set Colors(Color1) [ string toupper [ lrange $Buffer 2 2 ] ] set Colors(Color2) [ string toupper [ lrange $Buffer 3 3 ] ] set Colors(Color3) [ string toupper [ lrange $Buffer 4 4 ] ] set Colors(Color4) [ string toupper [ lrange $Buffer 5 5 ] ] set Colors(Color5) [ string toupper [ lrange $Buffer 6 6 ] ] set Colors(Color6) [ string toupper [ lrange $Buffer 7 7 ] ] foreach index $CmdsNames { if { $index == $EventName } { foreach colindex $ColorNames { set CmdsColors($EventName,$colindex,Col) "" set CmdsColors($EventName,$colindex,Bg) "" foreach attrindex $AttrNames { set CmdsColors($EventName,$colindex,$attrindex) 0 } if { ! [ ParseColor $index $colindex $Colors($colindex) ] } { tk_dialog ._Dialog "Oops" "Error while parsing\ $FileName line $LineNumber! Check $colindex..."\ error 0 OK UpdateStatus "Error while from $FileName" # update status after 5s after 5000 UpdateStatus "Ready" close $readID return } } break } } } } UpdateStatus "Load from $FileName OK" # update status after 5s after 5000 UpdateStatus "Ready" close $readID RefreshColors RefreshText foreach index $AttrNames { set CurrAttrs($index) $CmdsColors($CurrCmd,$CurrColor,$index) } } # Parse each color string and set attribute, color and/or background color # Various parts are separated by ',' proc ParseColor { Cmd Col ColorString } { global AttrNames ColNames BgColNames CmdsColors CmdsNames ColorNames set ColorList [ split $ColorString , ] foreach colorstr $ColorList { set Found 0 foreach blah $AttrNames { if { [ string toupper $blah ] == $colorstr } { set CmdsColors($Cmd,$Col,$blah) 1 set Found 1 break } } if { ! $Found } { foreach blah $ColNames { if { $blah == $colorstr } { set CmdsColors($Cmd,$Col,Col) $blah set Found 1 break } } if { ! $Found } { foreach blah $BgColNames { if { $blah == $colorstr } { set CmdsColors($Cmd,$Col,Bg) $blah set Found 1 break } } } } } return $Found } # # title: Title of this dialog box. Printed in the title bar # startpath: the path where we want the selection to start # # global variable FileCheck is used to determine if we should check if # file exists (useful for save dialog) # proc tk_SelectFiles { title { startpath "" } } { global MFSLoadFilterPath MFSLoadFilterPattern MFSSelectFinish global MFSCurPattern MFSCurSelection MFSlbf MFSlbd MFSlbi ds parent global DefaultBg set MFSLoadFilterPath [ CompressSlashes $MFSLoadFilterPath ] set OldFilterPath $MFSLoadFilterPath set OldFilterPattern $MFSLoadFilterPattern if { $startpath != "" } { set MFSLoadFilterPath [ CompressSlashes $startpath ] } set MFSCurPattern [ file join $MFSLoadFilterPath $MFSLoadFilterPattern ] set MFSSelectFinish {} set MFSCurSelection "" set MFSlbf ._Selector._Top._FileList.sub.box set MFSlbd ._Selector._Top._DirList.sub.box set MFSlbi ._Selector._SelList._FileList._List toplevel ._Selector wm title ._Selector $title wm minsize ._Selector 300 200 frame ._Selector._Filter -relief raised -bd 1 -background $DefaultBg label ._Selector._Filter._Label -text "Filter:" -background $DefaultBg \ -underline 0 entry ._Selector._Filter._Filter -relief sunken -textvariable MFSCurPattern \ -background $DefaultBg pack ._Selector._Filter._Label -side left -padx 4 -pady 4 pack ._Selector._Filter._Filter -side right -padx 8 -pady 4 \ -fill x -expand true pack ._Selector._Filter -side top -fill x frame ._Selector._Top -relief groove -bd 1 -background $DefaultBg frame ._Selector._Top._DirList -background $DefaultBg frame ._Selector._Top._DirList.sub -background $DefaultBg label ._Selector._Top._DirList.label -text "Directories" \ -background $DefaultBg listbox ._Selector._Top._DirList.sub.box -relief sunken \ -xscrollcommand "._Selector._Top._DirList.sub.xsb set" \ -yscrollcommand "._Selector._Top._DirList.sub.ysb set" \ -selectmode normal -height 8 -background $DefaultBg scrollbar ._Selector._Top._DirList.sub.xsb -orient horizontal \ -command "._Selector._Top._DirList.sub.box xview" \ -background $DefaultBg scrollbar ._Selector._Top._DirList.sub.ysb \ -command "._Selector._Top._DirList.sub.box yview" \ -background $DefaultBg pack ._Selector._Top._DirList.sub.xsb -side bottom -fill x pack ._Selector._Top._DirList.sub.ysb -side right -fill y pack ._Selector._Top._DirList.sub.box -side left -expand true -fill both pack ._Selector._Top._DirList.label -side top -anchor w -padx 4 pack ._Selector._Top._DirList.sub -side bottom -expand true -fill both frame ._Selector._Top._FileList -background $DefaultBg frame ._Selector._Top._FileList.sub -background $DefaultBg label ._Selector._Top._FileList.label -text "Files" -background $DefaultBg listbox ._Selector._Top._FileList.sub.box -relief sunken \ -xscrollcommand "._Selector._Top._FileList.sub.xsb set" \ -yscrollcommand "._Selector._Top._FileList.sub.ysb set" \ -selectmode normal -height 8 -background $DefaultBg scrollbar ._Selector._Top._FileList.sub.xsb -orient horizontal \ -command "._Selector._Top._FileList.sub.box xview" \ -background $DefaultBg scrollbar ._Selector._Top._FileList.sub.ysb \ -command "._Selector._Top._FileList.sub.box yview" \ -background $DefaultBg pack ._Selector._Top._FileList.sub.xsb -side bottom -fill x pack ._Selector._Top._FileList.sub.ysb -side right -fill y pack ._Selector._Top._FileList.sub.box -side left \ -expand true -fill both pack ._Selector._Top._FileList.label -side top -anchor w -padx 4 pack ._Selector._Top._FileList.sub -side bottom \ -expand true -fill both pack ._Selector._Top._DirList -side left -expand true -fill both -padx 4 pack ._Selector._Top._FileList -side right -expand true \ -fill both -padx 4 frame ._Selector._Selection -relief groove -bd 1 -background $DefaultBg label ._Selector._Selection.lab -text "Selection" -background $DefaultBg \ -underline 0 entry ._Selector._Selection.ent -relief sunken \ -textvariable MFSCurSelection -background $DefaultBg pack ._Selector._Selection.ent -side bottom -padx 4 -fill x pack ._Selector._Selection.lab -side bottom -anchor w -padx 4 frame ._Selector._Buttons -relief raised -bd 1 -background $DefaultBg frame ._Selector._Buttons.b -background $DefaultBg button ._Selector._Buttons.b._Ok -text "Ok" -width 8 \ -background $DefaultBg -highlightthicknes 0 -underline 0 \ -command { global FIleCheck if { $FileCheck && ( ! [ file exists $MFSCurSelection ] || \ ! [ file readable $MFSCurSelection ] || \ [ file isdirectory $MFSCurSelection ] ) } { tk_dialog ._Dialog { Invalid Choice } "$MFSCurSelection\ does not exist, is not readable or is a\ directory" {} 0 OK } else { set MFSSelectFinish ok } } button ._Selector._Buttons.b._Filter -text "Filter" -width 8 \ -highlightthicknes 0 -background $DefaultBg -underline 0 \ -command { set MFSCurPattern [ CanonPattern $MFSCurPattern ] MFSSelectShow 1 } button ._Selector._Buttons.b._Cancel -text "Cancel" -width 8 \ -highlightthicknes 0 -command { set MFSSelectFinish cancel } \ -background $DefaultBg -underline 0 pack ._Selector._Buttons.b._Ok \ ._Selector._Buttons.b._Filter \ ._Selector._Buttons.b._Cancel \ -side left -ipadx 4 -ipady 4 -padx 15 -pady 4 pack ._Selector._Buttons.b pack ._Selector._Top -side top -expand true -fill both -ipadx 8 -ipady 8 pack ._Selector._Selection -side top -fill both -ipadx 8 -ipady 4 pack ._Selector._Buttons -side bottom -fill x # # the items are up on screen. define bindings # bind ._Selector._Filter._Filter { set MFSCurPattern [ CanonPattern $MFSCurPattern ] MFSSelectShow 1 } bind $MFSlbd { set Selection [ lindex [ $MFSlbd curselection ] 0 ] if { $Selection != "" } { set TheFile [ $MFSlbd get $Selection ] set MFSLoadFilterPath [ CompressSlashes \ [ file join $MFSLoadFilterPath $TheFile ] ] set MFSCurPattern [ \ file join $MFSLoadFilterPath $MFSLoadFilterPattern] MFSSelectShow 1 } } bind $MFSlbd { set Selection [ $MFSlbd index @%x,%y ] set TheFile [ $MFSlbd get $Selection ] if { $Selection != "" } { set MFSLoadFilterPath [ CompressSlashes \ [ file join $MFSLoadFilterPath $TheFile ] ] set MFSCurPattern [ \ file join $MFSLoadFilterPath $MFSLoadFilterPattern] MFSSelectShow 1 } } bind $MFSlbd { set Selection [ $MFSlbd index @%x,%y ] set TheFile [ $MFSlbd get $Selection ] if { $TheFile != "" } { set MFSCurSelection [ file join $MFSLoadFilterPath $TheFile ]$ds } } bind $MFSlbf { set Selection [ $MFSlbf index @%x,%y ] set TheFile [ $MFSlbf get $Selection ] if { $TheFile != "" } { set MFSCurSelection [ file join $MFSLoadFilterPath $TheFile ] } } bind $MFSlbf { set Selection [ lindex [ $MFSlbf curselection ] 0 ] if { $Selection != "" } { set TheFile [ $MFSlbf get $Selection ] set MFSCurSelection [ file join $MFSLoadFilterPath $TheFile ] set MFSSelectFinish ok } } bind $MFSlbf { set Selection [ $MFSlbf index @%x,%y ] set TheFile [ $MFSlbf get $Selection ] if { $Selection != "" } { set TheFile [ $MFSlbf get $Selection ] set MFSCurSelection [ file join $MFSLoadFilterPath $TheFile ] set MFSSelectFinish ok } } bind ._Selector._Selection.ent { global FIleCheck set MFSCurSelection [ CompressSlashes $MFSCurSelection ] if { $FileCheck && ( ! [ file exists $MFSCurSelection ] || \ ! [ file readable $MFSCurSelection ] ) } { tk_dialog ._Dialog { Invalid Choice } "$MFSCurSelection\ does not exist or is not readable" {} 0 OK } else { set MFSSelectFinish ok } } bind ._Selector { set Selection [ lindex [ $MFSlbf curselection ] 0 ] if { $Selection != "" } { set TheFile [ $MFSlbf get $Selection ] set MFSCurSelection [ file join $MFSLoadFilterPath $TheFile ] set MFSSelectFinish ok } } bind ._Selector { set Selection [ lindex [ $MFSlbf curselection ] 0 ] if { $Selection != "" } { set TheFile [ $MFSlbf get $Selection ] set MFSCurSelection [ file join $MFSLoadFilterPath $TheFile ] set MFSSelectFinish ok } } bind ._Selector { set MFSSelectFinish "cancel" } bind ._Selector { set MFSSelectFinish "cancel" } bind ._Selector { focus ._Selector._Filter._Filter } bind ._Selector { focus ._Selector._Selection.ent } MFSSelectShow 1 set oldFocus [ focus ] tkwait visibility ._Selector grab set ._Selector focus ._Selector tkwait variable MFSSelectFinish set FileList {} if { $MFSSelectFinish == "cancel" } { set MFSLoadFilterPath $OldFilterPath set MFSLoadFilterPattern $OldFilterPattern } else { set FileList $MFSCurSelection } destroy ._Selector focus $oldFocus return $FileList } # # Canonicalize a path: compress multiple slashes, remove slash at end, # expand double-dots and perform tilde expansion # proc CompressSlashes { Path } { global ds parent set thepath [ file split $Path ] set lastel [ expr [ llength $thepath ] - 1 ] set newpat {} set ignore 0 set element "." for { set index $lastel } { $index >= 0 } { incr index -1 } { set element [ lindex $thepath $index ] if { $element == {} } { } elseif { $element == "." } { } elseif { $element == $parent } { incr ignore } elseif { $index == 0 && [ string range $element 0 0 ] == "~" } { set hopath [ file split [ glob -nocomplain $element ] ] if { $hopath == {} } { tk_dialog ._Dialog { User does not exist } "This user does\ not exist." {} 0 OK } elseif { $ignore } { if { $ignore > [ llength $hopath ] } { set newpat [ linsert $newpat 0 {} ] } else { set holen [ llength $hopath ] set newpat [ concat [ lrange $hopath 0 \ [ expr $holen - $ignore - 1 ] ] \ $newpat ] } } else { set newpat [ concat $hopath $newpat ] } } elseif { $ignore } { incr ignore -1 } else { set newpat [ linsert $newpat 0 $element ] } } if { $element == {} } { set newpat [ linsert $newpat 0 {} ] } elseif { $element == $ds } { } elseif { $element == "." || $element == $parent } { if { $ignore } { set curdir [ file split [ pwd ] ] if { $ignore > [ llength $curdir ] } { set newpat [ linsert $newpat 0 {} ] } else { set cdlen [ llength $curdir ] set newpat [ concat [ lrange $curdir 0 \ [ expr $cdlen - $ignore - 1 ] ] \ $newpat ] } } else { set newpat [ linsert $newpat 0 "." ] } } else { set newpat [ linsert $newpat 0 "." ] } set ThePath [ eval file join $newpat ] return $ThePath } # # Canonize our search pattern # proc CanonPattern { Pattern } { global MFSLoadFilterPath MFSLoadFilterPattern ds parent set ThePath [ CompressSlashes $Pattern ] set TheDir [ file dirname $ThePath ] set TheFile [ file tail $ThePath ] # split up by directory and pattern if { $TheDir == {} } { set MFSLoadFilterPath "." set MFSLoadFilterPattern "*" } elseif { [ file exists $ThePath ] && [ file isdirectory $ThePath ] } { set MFSLoadFilterPath $ThePath if { $MFSLoadFilterPattern == {} } { set MFSLoadFilterPattern "*" } } else { set MFSLoadFilterPath $TheDir set MFSLoadFilterPattern $TheFile } set MFSCurPattern [ file join $MFSLoadFilterPath $MFSLoadFilterPattern ] return $MFSCurPattern } # # Update elements in Listboxes after directory or filter change # proc MFSSelectShow { havefiles } { global MFSLoadFilterPath MFSLoadFilterPattern ds parent if { $havefiles } { global MFSlbf } global MFSlbd if { $havefiles } { $MFSlbf delete 0 end } $MFSlbd delete 0 end if { ! [ file readable $MFSLoadFilterPath ] } { tk_dialog ._Dialog { File Error } "You do not have the proper\ permissions to browse this Directory: $MFSLoadFilterPath" \ {} 0 OK if { [ file pathtype $MFSLoadFilterPath ] == "absolute" } { if { [ llength [ file split $MFSLoadFilterPath ] ] > 1 } { $MFSlbd insert 0 $parent$ds } } return } # # insert files into file list # if { $havefiles } { set pat [ file join $MFSLoadFilterPath $MFSLoadFilterPattern ] foreach file [ lsort [ glob -nocomplain -- $pat ] ] { set basename [ file tail $file ] if { ! [ file isdirectory $file ] } { $MFSlbf insert end $basename } } } # # insert directories into directory list # also show '.*' dirs, but don't show '.' file # set pat [ file join $MFSLoadFilterPath .* ] foreach file [ lsort [ glob -nocomplain -- $pat ] ] { set basename [ file tail $file ] if { $basename != "." && [ file isdirectory $file ] } { append basename / $MFSlbd insert end $basename } } set pat [ file join $MFSLoadFilterPath * ] foreach file [ lsort [ glob -nocomplain -- $pat ] ] { set basename [ file tail $file ] if { $basename != "." && [ file isdirectory $file ] } { append basename / $MFSlbd insert end $basename } } } # Save to selected file proc Save {} { global Name Version CmdsColors CmdsNames ColorNames AttrNames FileCheck UpdateStatus "Waiting for you to select filename..." set FileCheck 0 set tempname [ tk_SelectFiles "Select File to save to" ] if { $tempname == "" } { UpdateStatus "Ready" return } set FileFlag w if { [ file exists $tempname ] } { set RetValue [ tk_dialog ._Dialog "Oops" "File $tempname already exists!\n\ What should I do?" error 0 " Append " " Overwrite " " Cancel " ] if { $RetValue == 0 } { set FileFlag a UpdateStatus "Appending to file $tempname" } elseif { $RetValue == 1 } then { set FileFlag w UpdateStatus "Overwriting file $tempname" } else { return } } if { [ catch { open $tempname $FileFlag } writeID ] } { tk_dialog ._Dialog "Oops" "Cannot write to file $tempname!\ Colors not saved." error 0 OK return } puts $writeID "# Generated by $Name $Version" foreach index $CmdsNames { puts -nonewline $writeID "COLOR $index\t" foreach colindex $ColorNames { set comma 0 foreach attrindex $AttrNames { if { $CmdsColors($index,$colindex,$attrindex) } { if { $comma } { puts -nonewline $writeID "," } set comma 1 puts -nonewline $writeID "$attrindex" } } if { $CmdsColors($index,$colindex,Col) != "" } { if { $comma } { puts -nonewline $writeID "," } set comma 1 puts -nonewline $writeID "$CmdsColors($index,$colindex,Col)" } if { $CmdsColors($index,$colindex,Bg) != "" } { if { $comma } { puts -nonewline $writeID "," } puts -nonewline $writeID "$CmdsColors($index,$colindex,Bg)" } # Color6 is last one in a row so don't add extra spaces if { $colindex != "Color6" } { puts -nonewline $writeID " " } } puts $writeID "" } close $writeID UpdateStatus "Write to $tempname OK" # update status after 5s after 5000 UpdateStatus "Ready" } # display dialog box proc About {} { global AboutFinish Name Version DefaultBg Col set AboutFinish {} toplevel ._About wm title ._About "About $Name" frame ._About._Right -relief raised -bd 2 -background $DefaultBg label ._About._Right._Text1 -text "$Name $Version" \ -background $DefaultBg -foreground $Col(BoldBLUE) label ._About._Right._Text2 -text "Written by Goran Koruga (jm_ on IRC)" \ -background $DefaultBg -foreground $Col(BoldCYAN) label ._About._Right._Text3 -text "This is X version of SZSetup program\ for customizing ScrollZ colors. It was written in hope it\ might help users create more color schemes. Thanks to Frank\ Pilhofer for for letting me use his stuff." \ -wraplength 250 -background $DefaultBg -foreground Black button ._About._Right._Button -text "Ok" -command { set AboutFinish ok } \ -highlightthicknes 0 -background $DefaultBg pack ._About._Right._Button -fill both -padx 90 -pady 8 -side bottom pack ._About._Right._Text1 ._About._Right._Text2 ._About._Right._Text3 \ -fill both -padx 10 -pady 5 -side top pack ._About._Right -fill both set oldFocus [ focus ] tkwait visibility ._About grab set ._About focus ._About tkwait variable AboutFinish destroy ._About focus $oldFocus } # initialize all colors to default proc InitVars { } { global NumEvents CmdsColors CmdsNames ColorNames AttrNames global CurrCmd CurrColor CurrAttrs # they all default to plain white foreach index $CmdsNames { foreach colindex $ColorNames { set CmdsColors($index,$colindex,Col) WHITE set CmdsColors($index,$colindex,Bg) "" foreach attrindex $AttrNames { set CmdsColors($index,$colindex,$attrindex) 0 } } } # set defaults from ScrollZ # Warning set CmdsColors(WARNING,Color1,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(WARNING,Color1,Col) RED set CmdsColors(WARNING,Color2,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(WARNING,Color2,Col) WHITE set CmdsColors(WARNING,Color3,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(WARNING,Color3,Col) YELLOW set CmdsColors(WARNING,Color4,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(WARNING,Color4,Col) CYAN # Join set CmdsColors(JOIN,Color1,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(JOIN,Color2,Col) PURPLE set CmdsColors(JOIN,Color3,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(JOIN,Color3,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(JOIN,Color5,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(JOIN,Color5,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(JOIN,Color6,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(JOIN,Color6,Col) RED # Msg set CmdsColors(MSG,Color1,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(MSG,Color1,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(MSG,Color2,Col) PURPLE set CmdsColors(MSG,Color4,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(MSG,Color4,Col) BLACK set CmdsColors(MSG,Color5,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(MSG,Color5,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(MSG,Color6,Col) CYAN # Notice set CmdsColors(NOTICE,Color1,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(NOTICE,Color1,Col) GREEN set CmdsColors(NOTICE,Color2,Col) GREEN set CmdsColors(NOTICE,Color4,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(NOTICE,Color4,Col) GREEN set CmdsColors(NOTICE,Color5,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(NOTICE,Color5,Col) WHITE # Netsplit set CmdsColors(NETSPLIT,Color1,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(NETSPLIT,Color1,Col) WHITE set CmdsColors(NETSPLIT,Color4,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(NETSPLIT,Color4,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(NETSPLIT,Color5,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(NETSPLIT,Color6,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(NETSPLIT,Color6,Col) YELLOW # Invite set CmdsColors(INVITE,Color1,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(INVITE,Color2,Col) PURPLE set CmdsColors(INVITE,Color3,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(INVITE,Color3,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(INVITE,Color4,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(INVITE,Color4,Col) RED # Mode set CmdsColors(MODE,Color1,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(MODE,Color3,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(MODE,Color3,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(MODE,Color5,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(MODE,Color5,Col) WHITE set CmdsColors(MODE,Color6,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(MODE,Color6,Col) RED # Setting set CmdsColors(SETTING,Color1,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(SETTING,Color1,Col) WHITE set CmdsColors(SETTING,Color2,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(SETTING,Color2,Col) PURPLE set CmdsColors(SETTING,Color3,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(SETTING,Color3,Col) YELLOW set CmdsColors(SETTING,Color4,Col) PURPLE set CmdsColors(SETTING,Color5,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(SETTING,Color5,Col) CYAN # Help set CmdsColors(HELP,Color1,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(HELP,Color1,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(HELP,Color2,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(HELP,Color2,Col) YELLOW set CmdsColors(HELP,Color3,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(HELP,Color4,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(HELP,Color4,Col) GREEN set CmdsColors(HELP,Color5,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(HELP,Color5,Col) CYAN # Leave set CmdsColors(LEAVE,Color1,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(LEAVE,Color2,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(LEAVE,Color2,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(LEAVE,Color4,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(LEAVE,Color4,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(LEAVE,Color5,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(LEAVE,Color5,Col) RED # Notify set CmdsColors(NOTIFY,Color1,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(NOTIFY,Color2,Col) PURPLE set CmdsColors(NOTIFY,Color3,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(NOTIFY,Color3,Col) BLACK set CmdsColors(NOTIFY,Color4,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(NOTIFY,Color4,Col) WHITE set CmdsColors(NOTIFY,Color5,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(NOTIFY,Color5,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(NOTIFY,Color6,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(NOTIFY,Color6,Col) CYAN # Ctcp set CmdsColors(CTCP,Color1,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(CTCP,Color2,Col) PURPLE set CmdsColors(CTCP,Color3,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(CTCP,Color3,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(CTCP,Color4,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(CTCP,Color4,Col) CYAN # Kick set CmdsColors(KICK,Color1,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(KICK,Color2,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(KICK,Color3,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(KICK,Color3,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(KICK,Color5,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(KICK,Color5,Col) WHITE set CmdsColors(KICK,Color6,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(KICK,Color6,Col) CYAN # Dcc set CmdsColors(DCC,Color1,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(DCC,Color2,Col) PURPLE set CmdsColors(DCC,Color3,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(DCC,Color3,Col) WHITE set CmdsColors(DCC,Color4,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(DCC,Color5,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(DCC,Color5,Col) YELLOW set CmdsColors(DCC,Color6,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(DCC,Color6,Col) RED # Who set CmdsColors(WHO,Color1,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(WHO,Color2,Col) PURPLE set CmdsColors(WHO,Color3,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(WHO,Color3,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(WHO,Color5,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(WHO,Color5,Col) WHITE # Whois set CmdsColors(WHOIS,Color1,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(WHOIS,Color2,Col) PURPLE set CmdsColors(WHOIS,Color3,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(WHOIS,Color3,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(WHOIS,Color5,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(WHOIS,Color5,Col) BLUE set CmdsColors(WHOIS,Color6,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(WHOIS,Color6,Col) RED # Public set CmdsColors(PUBLIC,Color2,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(PUBLIC,Color2,Col) BLUE set CmdsColors(PUBLIC,Color3,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(PUBLIC,Color3,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(PUBLIC,Color4,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(PUBLIC,Color4,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(PUBLIC,Color6,Col) CYAN # Cdcc set CmdsColors(CDCC,Color1,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(CDCC,Color2,Col) PURPLE set CmdsColors(CDCC,Color3,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(CDCC,Color3,Col) WHITE set CmdsColors(CDCC,Color4,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(CDCC,Color4,Col) YELLOW set CmdsColors(CDCC,Color5,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(CDCC,Color6,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(CDCC,Color6,Col) CYAN # Links set CmdsColors(LINKS,Color1,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(LINKS,Color2,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(LINKS,Color2,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(LINKS,Color3,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(LINKS,Color3,Col) YELLOW set CmdsColors(LINKS,Color4,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(LINKS,Color4,Col) WHITE set CmdsColors(LINKS,Color5,Col) PURPLE # Dccchat set CmdsColors(DCCCHAT,Color1,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(DCCCHAT,Color1,Col) RED set CmdsColors(DCCCHAT,Color2,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(DCCCHAT,Color2,Col) WHITE set CmdsColors(DCCCHAT,Color4,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(DCCCHAT,Color4,Col) RED set CmdsColors(DCCCHAT,Color5,Col) RED # Cscan set CmdsColors(CSCAN,Color1,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(CSCAN,Color1,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(CSCAN,Color2,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(CSCAN,Color2,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(CSCAN,Color3,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(CSCAN,Color4,Col) PURPLE set CmdsColors(CSCAN,Color6,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(CSCAN,Color6,Col) RED # Nick set CmdsColors(NICK,Color1,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(NICK,Color3,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(NICK,Color4,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(NICK,Color4,Col) GREEN set CmdsColors(NICK,Color5,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(NICK,Color5,Col) PURPLE # Me set CmdsColors(ME,Color1,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(ME,Color1,Col) WHITE set CmdsColors(ME,Color2,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(ME,Color2,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(ME,Color3,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(ME,Color4,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(ME,Color4,Col) CYAN # OV set CmdsColors(OV,Color1,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(OV,Color2,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(OV,Color4,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(OV,Color4,Col) CYAN set CmdsColors(OV,Color6,BOLD) 1 set CmdsColors(OV,Color6,Col) RED # set CurrAttrs to the ones found in default CmdsColors foreach index $AttrNames { set CurrAttrs($index) $CmdsColors($CurrCmd,$CurrColor,$index) } } proc ChoseColor { Color } { global CmdsColors CurrCmd CurrColor set CmdsColors($CurrCmd,$CurrColor,Col) $Color RefreshColors RefreshText } proc ChoseAttr { Attr } { global CmdsColors CurrCmd CurrColor CurrAttrs set CmdsColors($CurrCmd,$CurrColor,$Attr) $CurrAttrs($Attr) RefreshColors RefreshText } proc ChoseBgColor { BgColor } { global CmdsColors CurrCmd CurrColor set CmdsColors($CurrCmd,$CurrColor,Bg) $BgColor RefreshColors RefreshText } proc ChooseCmd { Cmd Num Name } { global CurrCmd CurrCmdName CurrCmdNum CurrColor DefaultBg CurrAttrs global CmdsColors AttrNames ._MainFrame._Cmds$CurrCmdNum._$CurrCmdName config -background $DefaultBg set CurrCmd $Cmd set CurrCmdName $Name set CurrCmdNum $Num ._MainFrame._Cmds$CurrCmdNum._$CurrCmdName config -background navajowhite foreach index $AttrNames { set CurrAttrs($index) $CmdsColors($CurrCmd,$CurrColor,$index) } RefreshColors RefreshText } proc ClearAllColors {} { global CmdsColors AttrNames ColorNames CurrCmd CurrColor CurrAttrs foreach colindex $ColorNames { set CmdsColors($CurrCmd,$colindex,Col) WHITE set CmdsColors($CurrCmd,$colindex,Bg) "" foreach index $AttrNames { set CmdsColors($CurrCmd,$colindex,$index) 0 set CurrAttrs($index) 0 } } RefreshColors RefreshText } proc ClearColor {} { global CmdsColors AttrNames CurrCmd CurrColor CurrAttrs set CmdsColors($CurrCmd,$CurrColor,Col) WHITE set CmdsColors($CurrCmd,$CurrColor,Bg) "" foreach index $AttrNames { set CmdsColors($CurrCmd,$CurrColor,$index) 0 set CurrAttrs($index) 0 } RefreshColors RefreshText } proc SelectColor { Color } { global AttrNames CurrAttrs CmdsColors CurrCmd CurrColor foreach index $AttrNames { set CurrAttrs($index) $CmdsColors($CurrCmd,$Color,$index) } } # redraw sample of all 6 colors proc RefreshColors {} { global ColorNames foreach index $ColorNames { ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Colors._$index config \ -foreground [ FgColor $index ] -background [ BgColor $index ] } } # redraw example for current cmd proc RefreshText {} { global CurrCmd # first erase all fields foreach index [ list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ] { foreach word [ list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ] { ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L$index"._"W$word" config \ -text "" } } Refresh$CurrCmd } # redraw example for Warning proc RefreshWARNING {} { global Col ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W1" config \ -text "Error" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W2" config \ -text "can't open file ScrollZ.save" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W1" config \ -text "Error" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W2" config \ -text "in ScrollZ.save," \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W3" config \ -text "unknown command" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W4" config \ -text "," \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W5" config \ -text "line 7" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] } # redraw example for Join proc RefreshJOIN {} { global Col ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W1" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W2" config \ -text "(" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W3" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W4" config \ -text "@" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W5" config \ -text "rocks.com" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W6" config \ -text ")" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W7" config \ -text "has joined channel" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W8" config \ -text "#butt" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W1" config \ -text "Join to" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W2" config \ -text "#butt" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W3" config \ -text "is now" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W4" config \ -text "synched" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W5" config \ -text "(0.666 seconds)" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W1" config \ -text "Color5" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W2" config \ -text "is for friends," \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W3" config \ -text "Color1" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W4" config \ -text "is for normal users" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W1" config \ -text "Color6" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color6 ] -background [ BgColor Color6 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W2" config \ -text "is for shitted users" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) } # redraw example for Msg proc RefreshMSG {} { global Col ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W1" config \ -text "\[" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W2" config \ -text "-" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W3" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color6 ] -background [ BgColor Color6 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W4" config \ -text "-" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W5" config \ -text "\]" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W6" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W7" config \ -text "Toilets rule" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W1" config \ -text "*" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W2" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W3" config \ -text "*" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W4" config \ -text "Toilets rule" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W5" config \ -text " (" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W6" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W7" config \ -text "@" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W8" config \ -text "rocks.com" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W9" config \ -text "\[" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W10" config \ -text "12:04" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W11" config \ -text "\]" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W12" config \ -text ")" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) } # redraw example for Notice proc RefreshNOTICE {} { global Col ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W1" config \ -text "<" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W2" config \ -text "-" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W3" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W4" config \ -text "-" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W5" config \ -text ">" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W6" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W7" config \ -text "I am the great Cornholio!" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W1" config \ -text "-" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W2" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W3" config \ -text "-" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W4" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W5" config \ -text "No way, I am the great Cornholio!" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] } # redraw example for Netsplit proc RefreshNETSPLIT {} { global Col ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W1" config \ -text "Netsplit detected" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W2" config \ -text "at" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W3" config \ -text "11:03" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W4" config \ -text ": \[" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W5" config \ -text "irc.dumb" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W6" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W7" config \ -text "<-" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color6 ] -background [ BgColor Color6 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W8" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W9" config \ -text "irc.cool" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W10" config \ -text "\]" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W1" config \ -text "Logged netsplit information" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W1" config \ -text "Channel" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W2" config \ -text ":" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W3" config \ -text "Nicks" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W4" config \ -text " \[" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W5" config \ -text "irc.dumb" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W4" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W5" config \ -text "<-" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color6 ] -background [ BgColor Color6 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W6" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W7" config \ -text "irc.cool" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W8" config \ -text "\] : \[" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W9" config \ -text "23" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W10" config \ -text "\]" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W1" config \ -text "#butt" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W2" config \ -text " : " \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W3" config \ -text "Beavis Butt-head" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L5"._"W1" config \ -text "End of netsplit information" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L6"._"W1" config \ -text "Netjoined" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L6"._"W2" config \ -text "at" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L6"._"W3" config \ -text "11:05" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L6"._"W4" config \ -text ": \[" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L6"._"W5" config \ -text "irc.dumb" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L6"._"W6" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L6"._"W7" config \ -text "<-" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color6 ] -background [ BgColor Color6 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L6"._"W8" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L6"._"W9" config \ -text "irc.cool" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L6"._"W10" config \ -text "\]" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L7"._"W1" config \ -text "Netsplit hack" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L7"._"W2" config \ -text "\[" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L7"._"W3" config \ -text "irc.cool" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L7"._"W4" config \ -text "\] on" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L7"._"W5" config \ -text "#butt" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L7"._"W4" config \ -text "by :" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L7"._"W5" config \ -text "Butt-head" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] } # redraw example for Invite proc RefreshINVITE {} { global Col ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W1" config \ -text "Bat" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W2" config \ -text "(" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W3" config \ -text "bat" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W4" config \ -text "@" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W5" config \ -text "leet.com" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W6" config \ -text ")" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W7" config \ -text "invites you to channel" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W8" config \ -text "#te" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W1" config \ -text "Bat" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W2" config \ -text "(" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W3" config \ -text "bat" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W4" config \ -text "@" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W5" config \ -text "leet.com" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W6" config \ -text ")" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W7" config \ -text "invites you to channel" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W8" config \ -text "#te" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W9" config \ -text "-" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W10" config \ -text "fake" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] } # redraw example for Mode proc RefreshMODE {} { global Col ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W1" config \ -text "Mode change" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W2" config \ -text "\"" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W3" config \ -text "+o Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W4" config \ -text "\" on channel" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W5" config \ -text "#butt" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W6" config \ -text "by" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W7" config \ -text "Butt-head" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W1" config \ -text "Server modes" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W2" config \ -text "\"" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W3" config \ -text "+nst" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W4" config \ -text "\" on channel" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W5" config \ -text "#butt" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W6" config \ -text "by" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W7" config \ -text "irc.cool" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W1" config \ -text "Fake" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color6 ] -background [ BgColor Color6 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W2" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W3" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W4" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W5" config \ -text "MODE" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W6" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W7" config \ -text "#butt" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W8" config \ -text "\"" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W9" config \ -text "-o Butt-head" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W10" config \ -text "\" from" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W11" config \ -text "irc.cool" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] } # redraw example for Setting proc RefreshSETTING {} { global Col ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W1" config \ -text "Found @Beavis" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W2" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W3" config \ -text "@" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W4" config \ -text "rock.com" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W5" config \ -text "with access" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W6" config \ -text "ICOAUD" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W1" config \ -text "Found @Beavis" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W2" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W3" config \ -text "@" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W4" config \ -text "bites.com" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W5" config \ -text "with" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W6" config \ -text "no access" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W1" config \ -text "#1 " \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W2" config \ -text "Beavis@rocks.com" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W3" config \ -text " " \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W4" config \ -text "ICOAUP" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W5" config \ -text " N " \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W6" config \ -text "#butt*" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W1" config \ -text "#1 " \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W2" config \ -text "BKI" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W3" config \ -text " " \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W4" config \ -text "BillG@Micro\$oft.com" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L5"._"W1" config \ -text " on channels " \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L5"._"W2" config \ -text "*" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L5"._"W3" config \ -text ":" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L5"._"W4" config \ -text "Go away dork!" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L6"._"W1" config \ -text "Added" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L6"._"W2" config \ -text "Butt-head@rocks.com" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L6"._"W3" config \ -text "to your friends list" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L7"._"W1" config \ -text "with CTCP access of" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L7"._"W2" config \ -text "INVITE CHOPS OP AUTOOP UNBAN PROT" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L8"._"W1" config \ -text "on channels" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L8"._"W2" config \ -text "#butt*" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L9"._"W1" config \ -text "jay@sucks.com" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L9"._"W2" config \ -text "removed from your friends list" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L10"._"W1" config \ -text "Fake modes display is" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L10"._"W2" config \ -text "ON" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L10"._"W3" config \ -text "for channels" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L10"._"W4" config \ -text "#butt*" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L11"._"W1" config \ -text "----------------=" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L11"._"W2" config \ -text "ScrollZ settings" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L11"._"W3" config \ -text "=----------------" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L12"._"W1" config \ -text "A-setaway time :" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L12"._"W2" config \ -text "10" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L12"._"W3" config \ -text "| A-join on invite :" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L12"._"W4" config \ -text "ON" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L12"._"W5" config \ -text "for" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L12"._"W6" config \ -text "#butt*" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] } # redraw example for Help proc RefreshHELP {} { global Col ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W1" config \ -text "Help for command" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W2" config \ -text "URL" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W1" config \ -text "Usage" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W2" config \ -text "URL" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W3" config \ -text "\[" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W4" config \ -text "http://" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W5" config \ -text "\]" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W1" config \ -text "When you see highlighted URL, type" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W2" config \ -text "URL" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W3" config \ -text "to save it" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W1" config \ -text "Also look at" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W2" config \ -text "URLCATCH" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] } # redraw example for Leave proc RefreshLEAVE {} { global Col ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W1" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W2" config \ -text "has left channel" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W3" config \ -text "#butt" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W4" config \ -text "(" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W5" config \ -text "I didn't do it" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color6 ] -background [ BgColor Color6 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W6" config \ -text ")" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W1" config \ -text "Signoff:" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W2" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W3" config \ -text "(" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W4" config \ -text "Shut up Butt-head" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W5" config \ -text ")" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W1" config \ -text "Color4" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W2" config \ -text "is for friends," \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W3" config \ -text "Color1" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W4" config \ -text "is for normal users" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W1" config \ -text "Color5" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W2" config \ -text "is for shitted users" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) } # redraw example for Notify proc RefreshNOTIFY {} { global Col ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W1" config \ -text "Sign" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W2" config \ -text "On" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W3" config \ -text "detected:" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W4" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W5" config \ -text "(" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W6" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W7" config \ -text "@" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W8" config \ -text "rocks.com" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W9" config \ -text ")" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W10" config \ -text "\[" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W11" config \ -text "11:39" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W12" config \ -text "\]" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W1" config \ -text "Sign" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W2" config \ -text "Off" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W3" config \ -text "detected:" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W4" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W5" config \ -text "(" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W6" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W7" config \ -text "@" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W8" config \ -text "rocks.com" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W9" config \ -text ")" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W10" config \ -text "\[" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W11" config \ -text "11:39" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W12" config \ -text "\]" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W1" config \ -text "(" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W2" config \ -text "Present" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W3" config \ -text ")" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W4" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W5" config \ -text " \[" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W6" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W7" config \ -text "@" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W8" config \ -text "rocks.com" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W9" config \ -text "\]" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W1" config \ -text " " \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W2" config \ -text "Butt-head" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W3" config \ -text " \[" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W4" config \ -text "Butt-head" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W5" config \ -text "@" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W6" config \ -text "bites.com" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W7" config \ -text "\]" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L5"._"W1" config \ -text "(" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L5"._"W2" config \ -text "Absent" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L5"._"W3" config \ -text " )" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L5"._"W4" config \ -text "Stewart Daria McVicker" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L6"._"W1" config \ -text "Color6" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color6 ] -background [ BgColor Color6 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L6"._"W2" config \ -text "is for friends, " \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L6"._"W3" config \ -text "Color1" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L6"._"W4" config \ -text "is for normal users" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) } # redraw example for Ctcp proc RefreshCTCP {} { global Col ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W1" config \ -text "CTCP PING" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W2" config \ -text "reply from" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W3" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W4" config \ -text ": 0.078 seconds" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W1" config \ -text "CTCP VERSION" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W2" config \ -text "from" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W3" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W4" config \ -text "(" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W5" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W6" config \ -text "@" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W7" config \ -text "rocks.com" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W8" config \ -text ")" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W9" config \ -text "to" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W10" config \ -text "#butt" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] } # redraw example for Kick proc RefreshKICK {} { global Col ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W1" config \ -text "You" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W2" config \ -text "have been" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W3" config \ -text "kicked" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W4" config \ -text "from channel" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W5" config \ -text "#te" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W6" config \ -text "by" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W7" config \ -text "Yuk" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W8" config \ -text "(" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W9" config \ -text "Bye" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W10" config \ -text ")" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W1" config \ -text "Color6" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color6 ] -background [ BgColor Color6 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W2" config \ -text "is for friends" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) } # redraw example for Dcc proc RefreshDCC {} { global Col ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W1" config \ -text "DCC" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W2" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W3" config \ -text "SEND" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W4" config \ -text "(" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W5" config \ -text "butt" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W6" config \ -text ") request from" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W7" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W8" config \ -text "(" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W9" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W10" config \ -text "@" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W11" config \ -text "rocks.com" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W12" config \ -text ")" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W1" config \ -text " " \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W2" config \ -text "rejected" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color6 ] -background [ BgColor Color6 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W3" config \ -text "\[Port=89\]" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W1" config \ -text "DCC" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W2" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W3" config \ -text "SEND" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W4" config \ -text "(" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W5" config \ -text "butt 743" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W6" config \ -text ") request" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W7" config \ -text "received" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W8" config \ -text "from" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W9" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W1" config \ -text " (" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W2" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W3" config \ -text "@" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W4" config \ -text "rocks.com" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W5" config \ -text ")" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L5"._"W1" config \ -text "Warning" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color6 ] -background [ BgColor Color6 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L5"._"W2" config \ -text "fake DCC handshake detected" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) } # redraw example for Who proc RefreshWHO {} { global Col ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W1" config \ -text "#butt" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W2" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W3" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W4" config \ -text " " \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W5" config \ -text "H@" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W6" config \ -text " " \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W7" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W8" config \ -text "@" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W9" config \ -text "rocks.com" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W10" config \ -text "(" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W11" config \ -text "No pain no gain" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W12" config \ -text ")" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W1" config \ -text "#butt" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W2" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W3" config \ -text "Butt-head" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W4" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W5" config \ -text "H*@" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W6" config \ -text " " \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W7" config \ -text "Butt-head" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W8" config \ -text "@" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W9" config \ -text "bites.com" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W10" config \ -text "(" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W11" config \ -text "Cool" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W12" config \ -text ")" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) } # redraw example for Whois proc RefreshWHOIS {} { global Col ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W1" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W2" config \ -text " :" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W3" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W4" config \ -text "@" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W5" config \ -text "rocks.com" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W6" config \ -text "(No pain no gain)" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W1" config \ -text "Friend" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W2" config \ -text " :" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W3" config \ -text "\[Filt\]" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W4" config \ -text "Beav*@*.com" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W5" config \ -text "\[Acs\]" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W6" config \ -text "ICV" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W7" config \ -text "\[Chnl\]" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W8" config \ -text "#but*" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color6 ] -background [ BgColor Color6 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W1" config \ -text "Channels" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W2" config \ -text ":" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W3" config \ -text "#butt @#Beavis&Butt-head" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W1" config \ -text "Server" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W2" config \ -text " :" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W3" config \ -text "irc.cool" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W4" config \ -text " (Cool)" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L5"._"W1" config \ -text "SetAway" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L5"._"W2" config \ -text " :" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L5"._"W3" config \ -text "irc.cool" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L5"._"W4" config \ -text "(Beavis) Let's burn something" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L6"._"W1" config \ -text "IrcOp" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L6"._"W2" config \ -text " :" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L6"._"W3" config \ -text "Beavis is an IRC Operator" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L7"._"W1" config \ -text "SignOn" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L7"._"W2" config \ -text " :" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L7"._"W3" config \ -text "Sep 8 18:52:49" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L7"._"W4" config \ -text " " \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L7"._"W5" config \ -text "Idle" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L7"._"W6" config \ -text ":" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L7"._"W7" config \ -text "163s (2 minutes)" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) } # redraw example for Public proc RefreshPUBLIC {} { global Col ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W1" config \ -text "<" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W2" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color6 ] -background [ BgColor Color6 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W3" config \ -text ">" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W4" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W5" config \ -text "That was cool" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W1" config \ -text "<" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W2" config \ -text "Butt-head" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W3" config \ -text ">" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W4" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W5" config \ -text "Hey Beavis check this out" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W1" config \ -text "<" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W2" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color6 ] -background [ BgColor Color6 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W3" config \ -text ":" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W4" config \ -text "#butt" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W5" config \ -text ">" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W6" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W7" config \ -text "Let's burn something" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] } # redraw example for Cdcc proc RefreshCDCC {} { global Col ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W1" config \ -text "Cdcc" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W2" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W3" config \ -text "created new pack" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W4" config \ -text " : \[" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W5" config \ -text "17.69 kb/3 files" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W6" config \ -text "\]" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W1" config \ -text "Cdcc" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W2" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W3" config \ -text "sending" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W4" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W5" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W6" config \ -text " : \[" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W7" config \ -text "17.69 kb/3 files" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W8" config \ -text "\]" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W1" config \ -text "Cdcc" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W2" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W3" config \ -text "list" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W4" config \ -text "request received from" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W5" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W6" config \ -text "(" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W7" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W8" config \ -text "@" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W9" config \ -text "rocks.com" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W10" config \ -text ")" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W1" config \ -text " to" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W2" config \ -text "#butt" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color6 ] -background [ BgColor Color6 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L5"._"W1" config \ -text "Cdcc" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L5"._"W2" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L5"._"W3" config \ -text "SEND" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L5"._"W4" config \ -text "to" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L5"._"W5" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L5"._"W6" config \ -text "added to queue at position" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L5"._"W7" config \ -text "5" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] } # redraw example for Links proc RefreshLINKS {} { global Col ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W1" config \ -text "." \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W2" config \ -text "-" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W3" config \ -text "No" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W4" config \ -text "-" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W5" config \ -text ". .---" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W6" config \ -text "-" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W7" config \ -text "Server" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W8" config \ -text "-" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W9" config \ -text "---. ." \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W10" config \ -text "-" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W11" config \ -text "Ds" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W12" config \ -text "-" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W13" config \ -text ". .---" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W14" config \ -text "-" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W15" config \ -text "Uplink" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W16" config \ -text "-" \ -foreground $Col(BoldWHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W17" config \ -text "---." \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W1" config \ -text "|" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W2" config \ -text " 1 " \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W3" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W4" config \ -text "|" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W5" config \ -text "|" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W6" config \ -text " irc.cool" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W7" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W8" config \ -text "|" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W9" config \ -text "|" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W10" config \ -text " 0 " \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W11" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W12" config \ -text "| >" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W13" config \ -text "|" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W14" config \ -text " irc.dumb" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W16" config \ -text "|" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W1" config \ -text "|" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W2" config \ -text " 2 " \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W3" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W4" config \ -text "|" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W5" config \ -text "|" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W6" config \ -text " irc.global.net" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W7" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W8" config \ -text "|" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W9" config \ -text "|" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W10" config \ -text " 1 " \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W11" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W12" config \ -text "| >" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W13" config \ -text "|" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W14" config \ -text " irc.bgx.com" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W16" config \ -text "|" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W1" config \ -text "`-------'" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W2" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W3" config \ -text "`-----------------'" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W4" config \ -text "`-------'" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W5" config \ -text " " \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W6" config \ -text "`-----------------'" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] } # redraw example for Dccchat proc RefreshDCCCHAT {} { global Col ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W1" config \ -text "\[" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W2" config \ -text "=" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W3" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W4" config \ -text "=" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W5" config \ -text "\]" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W6" config \ -text "" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W7" config \ -text "Settle down Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W1" config \ -text "=" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W2" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W3" config \ -text "=" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W4" config \ -text "No pain no gain" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] } # redraw example for Cscan proc RefreshCSCAN {} { global Col ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W1" config \ -text "Users on" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W2" config \ -text "#butt" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W3" config \ -text "are : @" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W4" config \ -text "Butt-head" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W5" config \ -text " @" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W6" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W7" config \ -text " +" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W8" config \ -text "Tod" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W9" config \ -text " " \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W10" config \ -text "Stewart" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W1" config \ -text "Found @" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W2" config \ -text "Butt-head" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W3" config \ -text "Butt-head@leet.com with access ICOAUP" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W1" config \ -text "Found @" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W2" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L3"._"W3" config \ -text "Beavis@rocks.com with no access" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W1" config \ -text "Found +" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W2" config \ -text "Tod" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L4"._"W3" config \ -text "Tod@rocks.com with no access" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L5"._"W1" config \ -text "Found " \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L5"._"W2" config \ -text "Stewart" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L5"._"W3" config \ -text "Stewart@sucks.com with no access" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L6"._"W1" config \ -text "Color6" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color6 ] -background [ BgColor Color6 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L6"._"W2" config \ -text "is for shitted people" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) } # redraw example for Nick proc RefreshNICK {} { global Col ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W1" config \ -text "Butt-head" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W2" config \ -text "is now" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W3" config \ -text "known" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W4" config \ -text "as" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W5" config \ -text "Butt-cool" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W1" config \ -text "Users on #butt are :" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W2" config \ -text "@" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W3" config \ -text "Butt-head" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W4" config \ -text "+" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W5" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) } # redraw example for Me proc RefreshME {} { global Col ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W1" config \ -text "*" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W2" config \ -text "Beavis" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color3 ] -background [ BgColor Color3 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W3" config \ -text "rulez the world" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W1" config \ -text "<" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W2" config \ -text "#butt" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color4 ] -background [ BgColor Color4 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W3" config \ -text ">" \ -foreground $Col(WHITE) -background $Col(BLACK) ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W4" config \ -text "*" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color1 ] -background [ BgColor Color1 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L2"._"W5" config \ -text "Butt-head" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color2 ] -background [ BgColor Color2 ] ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L1"._"W6" config \ -text "has lots of chicks" \ -foreground [ FgColor Color5 ] -background [ BgColor Color5 ] } # redraw example for OV proc RefreshOV {} { global Col } # return appropriate foreground according to colors found in variable proc FgColor { Color } { global CmdsColors Col CurrCmd if { $CmdsColors($CurrCmd,$Color,Col) != "" } { if { $CmdsColors($CurrCmd,$Color,BOLD) } { return $Col(Bold$CmdsColors($CurrCmd,$Color,Col)) } else { return $Col($CmdsColors($CurrCmd,$Color,Col)) } } else { if { $CmdsColors($CurrCmd,$Color,BOLD) } { return $Col(BoldWHITE) } else { return $Col(WHITE) } } } # return appropriate background according to colors found in variable proc BgColor { Color} { global CmdsColors Col CurrCmd if { $CmdsColors($CurrCmd,$Color,Bg) != "" } { return $Col($CmdsColors($CurrCmd,$Color,Bg)) } else { return $Col(BLACKBG) } } InitVars # draw main window wm positionfrom . user wm sizefrom . "" wm title . "$Name $Version" wm iconname . "$Name" # set up menu, just 4 entries frame ._MainMenu -relief raised -bd 4 -background $DefaultBg menubutton ._MainMenu._File -text "File " -underline 0 \ -menu ._MainMenu._File._Menu -background $DefaultBg menu ._MainMenu._File._Menu -tearoff 0 -background $DefaultBg ._MainMenu._File._Menu add command -label "Load " -underline 0 \ -command "Load" -background $DefaultBg ._MainMenu._File._Menu add command -label "Save " -underline 0 \ -command "Save" -background $DefaultBg ._MainMenu._File._Menu add separator -background $DefaultBg ._MainMenu._File._Menu add command -label "Default " -underline 0 \ -command "Default" -background $DefaultBg ._MainMenu._File._Menu add command -label "About " -underline 0 \ -command "About" -background $DefaultBg ._MainMenu._File._Menu add separator -background $DefaultBg ._MainMenu._File._Menu add command -label "Quit " -underline 0 \ -command "Quit" -background $DefaultBg pack ._MainMenu._File -side left tk_menuBar ._MainMenu ._MainMenu._File -background $DefaultBg pack ._MainMenu -side top -fill x # set up main frame frame ._MainFrame -relief raised -bd 2 -background $DefaultBg #set up color bar frame ._MainFrame._ColorBar -background $DefaultBg # first foreground colors frame ._MainFrame._ColorBar._Fg -background $DefaultBg label ._MainFrame._ColorBar._Fg._Text -text "Foreground Colors" -justify left \ -background $DefaultBg pack ._MainFrame._ColorBar._Fg._Text -side top -pady 2 foreach index $ColNames { button ._MainFrame._ColorBar._Fg._$index -command "ChoseColor $index" \ -background $Col($index) -highlightthicknes 0 pack ._MainFrame._ColorBar._Fg._$index -side left -ipadx 2 -fill x \ -padx 1 -pady 3 } pack ._MainFrame._ColorBar._Fg -side left -padx 10 # then background colors frame ._MainFrame._ColorBar._Bg -background $DefaultBg label ._MainFrame._ColorBar._Bg._Text -text "Background Colors" -justify left \ -background $DefaultBg pack ._MainFrame._ColorBar._Bg._Text -side top -pady 2 foreach index $ColNames { button ._MainFrame._ColorBar._Bg._$index -command "ChoseBgColor $index" \ -background $Col($index) -highlightthicknes 0 pack ._MainFrame._ColorBar._Bg._$index -side left -ipadx 2 -fill x \ -padx 1 -pady 3 } pack ._MainFrame._ColorBar._Bg -side left -padx 10 # attributes are below foreground colors frame ._MainFrame._ColorBar._Attr -background $DefaultBg label ._MainFrame._ColorBar._Attr._Text -text "Attributes" \ -background $DefaultBg pack ._MainFrame._ColorBar._Attr._Text -padx 40 -anchor w \ -side top frame ._MainFrame._ColorBar._Attr1 -background $DefaultBg foreach index [ list OFF BOLD UNDERLINE ] { set blah [ string tolower [ string range $index 1 end ] ] set name [ string toupper [ string index $index 0 ] ]$blah checkbutton ._MainFrame._ColorBar._Attr1._$index -text "$name" \ -command "ChoseAttr $index" -underline 0 -highlightthicknes 0 \ -variable CurrAttrs($index) -background $DefaultBg -width 8 \ -anchor w pack ._MainFrame._ColorBar._Attr1._$index \ -side left -fill x -ipady 1 } pack ._MainFrame._ColorBar._Attr1 -side bottom -anchor w frame ._MainFrame._ColorBar._Attr2 -background $DefaultBg foreach index [ list FLASH REVERSE ] { set blah [ string tolower [ string range $index 1 end ] ] set name [ string toupper [ string index $index 0 ] ]$blah checkbutton ._MainFrame._ColorBar._Attr2._$index -text "$name" \ -command "ChoseAttr $index" -underline 0 -highlightthicknes 0 \ -variable CurrAttrs($index) -background $DefaultBg -width 8 \ -anchor w pack ._MainFrame._ColorBar._Attr2._$index \ -side left -fill x -ipady 1 } pack ._MainFrame._ColorBar._Attr2 -side bottom -anchor w pack ._MainFrame._ColorBar._Attr -side left # at left we have first part of Cmds frame ._MainFrame._Cmds1 -background $DefaultBg for { set index 0 } { $index < 11 } { incr index } { set cmd [ lindex $CmdsNames $index ] set blah [ string tolower [ string range $cmd 1 end ] ] set name [ string toupper [ string index $cmd 0 ] ]$blah button ._MainFrame._Cmds1._$name -text "$name" -width 5 \ -command "ChooseCmd $cmd 1 $name" -highlightthicknes 0 \ -background $DefaultBg pack ._MainFrame._Cmds1._$name -fill x -side left } # below them we have second part of Cmds frame ._MainFrame._Cmds2 -background $DefaultBg for { set index 11 } { $index < 22 } { incr index } { set cmd [ lindex $CmdsNames $index ] set blah [ string tolower [ string range $cmd 1 end ] ] set name [ string toupper [ string index $cmd 0 ] ]$blah button ._MainFrame._Cmds2._$name -text "$name" -width 5 \ -command "ChooseCmd $cmd 2 $name" -highlightthicknes 0 \ -background $DefaultBg pack ._MainFrame._Cmds2._$name -fill x -side left } # below them we have third part of Cmds frame ._MainFrame._Cmds3 -background $DefaultBg for { set index 22 } { $index < 24 } { incr index } { set cmd [ lindex $CmdsNames $index ] set blah [ string tolower [ string range $cmd 1 end ] ] set name [ string toupper [ string index $cmd 0 ] ]$blah button ._MainFrame._Cmds3._$name -text "$name" -width 5 \ -command "ChooseCmd $cmd 3 $name" -highlightthicknes 0 \ -background $DefaultBg pack ._MainFrame._Cmds3._$name -fill x -side left } # below them we have 6 Colors frame ._MainFrame._Colors -background $DefaultBg button ._MainFrame._Colors._ClearAll -text "Clear all 6" \ -command "ClearAllColors" -highlightthicknes 0 -background $DefaultBg \ -underline 0 -width 6 pack ._MainFrame._Colors._ClearAll -fill x -side top -pady 2 button ._MainFrame._Colors._Clear -text "Clear cur." -command "ClearColor" \ -highlightthicknes 0 -background $DefaultBg -underline 6 -width 6 pack ._MainFrame._Colors._Clear -fill x -side top -pady 2 foreach index $ColorNames { radiobutton ._MainFrame._Colors._$index -text "$index" \ -command "SelectColor $index" -variable CurrColor -value $index \ -highlightthicknes 0 -background $DefaultBg pack ._MainFrame._Colors._$index -fill x -side top -pady 2 } # Sub-MainFrame frame ._MainFrame._Sub -background $DefaultBg # in the middle we have frame for showing all 6 colors and for examples # taken from ScrollZ output of various events frame ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen -background black label ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Dummy \ -text " " \ -font 5x7 -background $DefaultBg pack ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Dummy frame ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Colors -background black foreach index $ColorNames { label ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Colors._$index -text "$index" -width 2 \ -highlightthicknes 2 -highlightbackground $Col(WHITE) pack ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Colors._$index -fill x -side top \ -padx 7 -pady 2 } pack ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Colors -fill x -side left \ -ipadx 15 -pady 10 # examples of how the output will look like frame ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text -background black foreach index [ list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ] { frame ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L$index" -background black pack ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L$index" -side top -anchor w foreach word [ list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ] { label ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L$index"._"W$word" \ -background black -font "8x13bold" pack ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text._"L$index"._"W$word" -side left \ -padx 0 } } pack ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen._Text -fill x -side left -pady 10 pack ._MainFrame._Sub._Screen -fill x -side left # at right there are buttons for quick access frame ._MainFrame._Sub._Buttons -background $DefaultBg foreach index [ list Load Save Default About Quit ] { button ._MainFrame._Sub._Buttons._$index -text "$index" \ -command "$index" -underline 0 -highlightthicknes 0 \ -background $DefaultBg pack ._MainFrame._Sub._Buttons._$index -ipadx 4 -ipady 4 -fill x \ -padx 2 -pady 2 } pack ._MainFrame._Sub._Buttons -side top -padx 8 -pady 8 bind . { Load } bind . { Save } bind . { Default } bind . { About } bind . { Quit } bind . { ClearColor } bind . { ClearAllColors } bind . { set CurrColor Color1 RefreshColors SelectColor Color1 } bind . { set CurrColor Color2 RefreshColors SelectColor Color2 } bind . { set CurrColor Color3 RefreshColors SelectColor Color3 } bind . { set CurrColor Color4 RefreshColors SelectColor Color4 } bind . { set CurrColor Color5 RefreshColors SelectColor Color5 } bind . { set CurrColor Color6 RefreshColors SelectColor Color6 } bind . { if { $CurrAttrs(OFF) } { set CurrAttrs(OFF) 0 } else { set CurrAttrs(OFF) 1 } ChoseAttr OFF } bind . { if { $CurrAttrs(BOLD) } { set CurrAttrs(BOLD) 0 } else { set CurrAttrs(BOLD) 1 } ChoseAttr BOLD } bind . { if { $CurrAttrs(UNDERLINE) } { set CurrAttrs(UNDERLINE) 0 } else { set CurrAttrs(UNDERLINE) 1 } ChoseAttr UNDERLINE } # reconfigure checkbutton for flash to have underlined letter h ._MainFrame._ColorBar._Attr2._FLASH config -underline 4 bind . { if { $CurrAttrs(FLASH) } { set CurrAttrs(FLASH) 0 } else { set CurrAttrs(FLASH) 1 } ChoseAttr FLASH } bind . { if { $CurrAttrs(REVERSE) } { set CurrAttrs(REVERSE) 0 } else { set CurrAttrs(REVERSE) 1 } ChoseAttr REVERSE } # set up status line frame ._Status -relief sunken -bd 1 -background $DefaultBg label ._Status._Desc -text "Status: " -background $DefaultBg label ._Status._Text -text "Ready" -justify left -background $DefaultBg pack ._Status._Desc -side left -padx 2 -pady 2 pack ._Status._Text -side left -pady 2 -fill x #pack MainFrame pack ._MainFrame._Cmds1 -padx 40 -ipady 2 -anchor w pack ._MainFrame._Cmds2 -padx 40 -ipady 2 -anchor w pack ._MainFrame._Cmds3 -padx 40 -anchor w pack ._MainFrame._ColorBar -side top -anchor w -padx 10 pack ._MainFrame._Colors -padx 10 -side left pack ._MainFrame._Sub -side left -anchor n -pady 10 # pack all together pack ._MainMenu -side top -fill x pack ._MainFrame -expand true -fill both pack ._Status -side bottom -fill x # start of main program ChooseCmd WARNING 1 Warning