COMMENT(@(#)$Id: sic.yo,v 1.4 2000/07/31 22:33:13 kalt Exp $) mailto( manpage(sic)(1)($Date: 2000/07/31 22:33:13 $)()() manpagename(sic)(text interface to the Internet Relay Chat system) manpagesynopsis() bf(sic) [ bf(-c confdir) ] [ bf(-i ip) ] [ bf(-l logdir) ] [ bf(-n) ] [ bf(-r script) ] [ bf(-v) ] manpagedescription() The em(sic) program is a full screen, termcap based interface to the Internet Relay Chat. It can handle several concurrent connections, through the use of virtual windows. manpageoptions() startdit() dit(bf(-c confdir)) This can be used to override the default directory in which the configuration files are. The default is $SICDIR. dit(bf(-i ip)) This option instructs em(sic) to use the given address as the local address. This is only useful for multi-homed hosts. The default is $SICIP. dit(bf(-l directory)) This option can be used to override the default directory in which logfiles will be created. The default is $SICLOG. dit(bf(-n)) Normally, on startup em(sic) will automatically connect to the first server specified in the configuration. This option can be used to start em(sic) without initiation any connection. dit(bf(-r filename)) If a filename is specified, the client will read such file (within $SICDIR) and execute any command specified in it. dit(bf(-v)) This will make em(sic) print its version information. enddit() manpagesection(COPYRIGHT) Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Christophe Kalt manpagefiles() "$SICDIR/alias"nl() "$SICDIR/server"nl() "$SICDIR/top"nl() "$SICDIR/startup"nl() "$SICDIR/URLs"nl() "$SICDIR/irc"nl() "$SICDIR/EFnet"nl() "$SICDIR/Undernet"nl() "$SICDIR/DALnet"nl() manpagesection(ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES) The following environment variables are used by em(sic): startdit() dit(bf(SICDIR)) The directory the configuration files are located. The default is $HOME/.sic. dit(bf(SICLOG)) The directory the log files should be created. The default is $SICDIR/log. dit(bf(SICIP)) The IP address that should be used as the local address. dit(bf(SICUSER)) The username to use when registering a connection to an IRC server. The default is $USER if it exists, sicuser otherwise. dit(bf(SICNAME)) The real name to use when registering a connection to an IRC server. The default is "wasting time". enddit() manpageseealso() sic-server(5) sic-alias(5) manpagebugs() Bugs should be reported to the author. manpageauthor() Christophe Kalt