This file is maintained by Sheik ( Last revised on 12/3/2006 New - solid-ircd 3.4.7(stable) ------------------------------ User Modes & Oper Modes Changes --------------------------------- User mode +Y (Deaf Mode) Opermode (+W) Will hide servers & channels on ircop's whois from normal users. Whois notice has been merged with (+y) Core Changes ------------------ Elmer has been fully implemented on this release Readded G-line GCC4 compatible. Readded FREEZE from solid-ircd2.2.20(Freeze works like shun, when set the user will not be able to send text to the channel, if the user reconnects when freeze is set, it will wear off, this was readded for the purpose of saving some time, its quicker than setting shun, since freeze is simply set by doing /freeze nick) Configuration Changes --------------------- Added the following on config.h -------------------------------- /* * ERROR_FREEZE_NOTICE * When a user is freezed if this is defined the user will get a error message of text not send * when ever they attempt to talk. */ #undef ERROR_FREEZE_NOTICE /* * STRICT_LIST * This function is enabled by default it prevents unregistered * users from viewing channels using /list they're notified to use /qlist instead * this helps prevent spambots. * -Sheik 16/04/2005 * */ #define STRICT_LIST /* * IRCOP_LIST * This option will enable /ircops which list all the active * opers on the network, +H opers are excluded from this. * Added by Sheik on 22/04/2005 * */ #define IRCOP_LIST /* STRICT_HOSTMASK * * This function prevents users from unsetting +v * This is used to prevent users from evading bans by unsetting their hostmaks. */ #define STRICT_HOSTMASK /* * STATS_P_ENABLED * If Defined will make a /stats P request by opers return * all listneing ports and rather they are ssl or not * if not defined it acts as a /stats p request */ #define STATS_P_ENABLED /* * STATS_P_OPERONLY * Recommended * Allows only opers to do a /stats P request and view * Listening ports and rather they are ssl or not * Requires STATS_P_ENABLED * if you undefine this you must also undefine NO_LOCAL_USER_STATS * & NO_USER_STATS only do this if you want normal users to be able to use /stats */ #define STATS_P_OPERONLY /* PLUS_R_TO_NONREG_WARN * Warn +R users that their target will not be able to reply. */ #undef PLUS_R_TO_NONREG_WARN /* * RESTRICT_ADMINONLY * This function will restrict stats C & c for server administrators only. * */ #define RESTRICT_C_LINES_ADMINONLY /* * DEFAULT_GLINE_TIME * * Define this to the default time for a gline (in minutes) for glines with * unspecified times. A time of 0 will create a permanent gline. */ #define DEFAULT_GLINE_TIME 30 /* * GLINE_MIN_STORE_TIME * * The minimum duration (in minutes) a gline must be before it will be stored * in the on-disk journal. */ #define GLINE_MIN_STORE_TIME 180 /* * GLINE_STORE_COMPACT_THRESH * * The maximum number of entries to write to the active gline storage journal * before compacting it. This threshold prevents the journal from growing * indefinitely while glines are added and removed on a running server. */ #define GLINE_STORE_COMPACT_THRESH 1000 #define NETWORK_GLINE_NAME "g-line" #define NETWORK_GLINNED_NAME "g-lined"