if [ "$1" != "install" ] ; then
cat <<EOS
This script will build TalkSoup.app for OS X.
There are a few requirements:
TalkSoup and netclasses should -=not=- be installed in any way, shape, or
form on your machine.
You need to have netclasses unpacked into ../netclasses This script needs
to be ran from the root of the TalkSoup repository, so your directory
structure would be something like:
andy somedir/TalkSoup $ ls ../
netclasses TalkSoup
andy somedir/TalkSoup $ Misc/setup_osx.sh install
You must have gnustep-make correctly installed and already loaded into the
And of course, you need all the tools you would normally use to install
When you want to really run this script run with "install" argument as
shown above
exit 1
if ! [ -e Misc/setup_osx.sh ]; then
echo "I don't think you read the instructions, you dolt..."
echo "Just run $0 and RTFM ;)"
exit 1
trap "exit 1" ERR
echo "Cleaning up"
sleep 1
rm -fr build || true
rm -fr TalkSoup.app || true
rm -fr TalkSoupBundles/netclasses.framework || true
mkdir build
echo "Compiling netclasses"
sleep 1
# First we make netclasses correctly...
trap "exit 1" ERR
cd ../netclasses
if ! [ -e GNUmakefile ]; then
make debug=yes
cd Source
mv netclasses.framework ../../TalkSoup/TalkSoupBundles
) || exit 1
make debug=yes
echo "Installing TalkSoup into build/"
mkdir -p build/Library/Application\ Support/TalkSoup/{OutFilters,InFilters,Input,Output}
make debug=yes install GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DIR="$PWD"/build
rm -fr build/Library/Frameworks
echo "Moving in the plugins..."
mv build/Library/Application\ Support/TalkSoup/* build/Applications/TalkSoup.debug/Contents/Resources
mkdir build/Applications/TalkSoup.debug/Contents/Frameworks
echo "Taking care of frameworks"
tar -C TalkSoupBundles -cf - TalkSoupBundles.framework netclasses.framework | \
tar -C build/Applications/TalkSoup.debug/Contents/Frameworks -xf -
mv build/Applications/TalkSoup.debug TalkSoup.app
rm -fr build
echo "TalkSoup.app is done"
echo "Taking care of the install names"
find TalkSoup.app/Contents -type f | while read line ; do
if ! [ -x "$line" ]; then
if ! ( file "$line" | grep -q "Mach-O" ); then
echo "Changing install path for $line"
install_name_tool -change TalkSoupBundles.framework/TalkSoupBundles @executable_path/../Frameworks/TalkSoupBundles.framework/TalkSoupBundles "$line"
install_name_tool -change netclasses.framework/netclasses @executable_path/../Frameworks/netclasses.framework/netclasses "$line"
exit 0
syntax highlighted by Code2HTML, v. 0.9.1