/* * SmartRoute phase 1 * connection rule patch * by Tony Vencill (Tonto on IRC) * * The majority of this file is a recusive descent parser used to convert * connection rules into expression trees when the conf file is read. * All parsing structures and types are hidden in the interest of good * programming style and to make possible future data structure changes * without affecting the interface between this patch and the rest of the * server. The only functions accessible externally are crule_parse, * crule_free, and crule_eval. Prototypes for these functions can be * found in h.h. * * Please direct any connection rule or SmartRoute questions to Tonto on * IRC or by email to vencill@bga.com. * * For parser testing, defining CR_DEBUG generates a stand-alone parser * that takes rules from stdin and prints out memory allocation * information and the parsed rule. This stand alone parser is ignorant * of the irc server and thus cannot do rule evaluation. Do not define * this flag when compiling the server! If you wish to generate the * test parser, compile from the ircd directory with a line similar to * cc -o parser -DCR_DEBUG crule.c * * The define CR_CHKCONF is provided to generate routines needed in * chkconf. These consist of the parser, a different crule_parse that * prints errors to stderr, and crule_free (just for good style and to * more closely simulate the actual ircd environment). crule_eval and * the rule functions are made empty functions as in the stand-alone * test parser. * * $Id: crule.c,v 1.6 2001/04/21 21:49:12 kev Exp $ */ #include "config.h" #include "crule.h" #ifndef CR_DEBUG /* ircd functions and types we need */ #include "client.h" #include "ircd.h" #include "ircd_alloc.h" #include "ircd_chattr.h" #include "ircd_string.h" #include "match.h" #include "s_bsd.h" #include "s_debug.h" #include "struct.h" #include #include #else /* includes and defines to make the stand-alone test parser */ #include #include #define BadPtr(x) (!(x) || (*(x) == '\0')) #define DupString(x,y) \ do { \ x = (char*) MyMalloc(strlen(y)+1); \ strcpy(x,y); \ } while(0) /* We don't care about collation discrepacies here, it seems.... */ #define ircd_strcmp strcasecmp #endif #include #if defined(CR_DEBUG) || defined(CR_CHKCONF) #undef MyMalloc #undef malloc #define MyMalloc malloc #undef MyFree #undef free #define MyFree free #endif /* some constants and shared data types */ #define CR_MAXARGLEN 80 /* why 80? why not? it's > hostname lengths */ #define CR_MAXARGS 3 /* There's a better way to do this, but not now. */ /* * Some symbols for easy reading */ enum crule_token { CR_UNKNOWN, CR_END, CR_AND, CR_OR, CR_NOT, CR_OPENPAREN, CR_CLOSEPAREN, CR_COMMA, CR_WORD }; enum crule_errcode { CR_NOERR, CR_UNEXPCTTOK, CR_UNKNWTOK, CR_EXPCTAND, CR_EXPCTOR, CR_EXPCTPRIM, CR_EXPCTOPEN, CR_EXPCTCLOSE, CR_UNKNWFUNC, CR_ARGMISMAT }; /* * Expression tree structure, function pointer, and tree pointer local! */ typedef int (*crule_funcptr) (int, void **); struct CRuleNode { crule_funcptr funcptr; int numargs; void *arg[CR_MAXARGS]; /* For operators arg points to a tree element; for functions arg points to a char string. */ }; typedef struct CRuleNode* CRuleNodePtr; /* local rule function prototypes */ static int crule_connected(int, void **); static int crule_directcon(int, void **); static int crule_via(int, void **); static int crule_directop(int, void **); static int crule__andor(int, void **); static int crule__not(int, void **); /* local parsing function prototypes */ static int crule_gettoken(int* token, const char** str); static void crule_getword(char*, int*, size_t, const char**); static int crule_parseandexpr(CRuleNodePtr*, int *, const char**); static int crule_parseorexpr(CRuleNodePtr*, int *, const char**); static int crule_parseprimary(CRuleNodePtr*, int *, const char**); static int crule_parsefunction(CRuleNodePtr*, int *, const char**); static int crule_parsearglist(CRuleNodePtr, int *, const char**); #if defined(CR_DEBUG) || defined(CR_CHKCONF) /* * Prototypes for the test parser; if not debugging, * these are defined in h.h */ struct CRuleNode* crule_parse(const char*); void crule_free(struct CRuleNode**); #ifdef CR_DEBUG void print_tree(CRuleNodePtr); #endif #endif /* error messages */ char *crule_errstr[] = { "Unknown error", /* NOERR? - for completeness */ "Unexpected token", /* UNEXPCTTOK */ "Unknown token", /* UNKNWTOK */ "And expr expected", /* EXPCTAND */ "Or expr expected", /* EXPCTOR */ "Primary expected", /* EXPCTPRIM */ "( expected", /* EXPCTOPEN */ ") expected", /* EXPCTCLOSE */ "Unknown function", /* UNKNWFUNC */ "Argument mismatch" /* ARGMISMAT */ }; /* function table - null terminated */ struct crule_funclistent { char name[15]; /* MAXIMUM FUNCTION NAME LENGTH IS 14 CHARS!! */ int reqnumargs; crule_funcptr funcptr; }; struct crule_funclistent crule_funclist[] = { /* maximum function name length is 14 chars */ {"connected", 1, crule_connected}, {"directcon", 1, crule_directcon}, {"via", 2, crule_via}, {"directop", 0, crule_directop}, {"", 0, NULL} /* this must be here to mark end of list */ }; #if !defined(CR_DEBUG) && !defined(CR_CHKCONF) static int crule_connected(int numargs, void *crulearg[]) { struct Client *acptr; /* taken from m_links */ for (acptr = GlobalClientList; acptr; acptr = cli_next(acptr)) { if (!IsServer(acptr) && !IsMe(acptr)) continue; if (match((char *)crulearg[0], cli_name(acptr))) continue; return (1); } return (0); } #else static int crule_connected(int numargs, void **crulearg) { return (0); } #endif #if !defined(CR_DEBUG) && !defined(CR_CHKCONF) static int crule_directcon(int numargs, void *crulearg[]) { int i; struct Client *acptr; /* adapted from m_trace and exit_one_client */ for (i = 0; i <= HighestFd; i++) { if (!(acptr = LocalClientArray[i]) || !IsServer(acptr)) continue; if (match((char *)crulearg[0], cli_name(acptr))) continue; return (1); } return (0); } #else static int crule_directcon(int numargs, void **crulearg) { return (0); } #endif #if !defined(CR_DEBUG) && !defined(CR_CHKCONF) static int crule_via(int numargs, void *crulearg[]) { struct Client *acptr; /* adapted from m_links */ for (acptr = GlobalClientList; acptr; acptr = cli_next(acptr)) { if (!IsServer(acptr) && !IsMe(acptr)) continue; if (match((char *)crulearg[1], cli_name(acptr))) continue; if (match((char *)crulearg[0], cli_name(LocalClientArray[cli_fd(cli_from(acptr))]))) continue; return (1); } return (0); } #else static int crule_via(int numargs, void **crulearg) { return (0); } #endif static int crule_directop(int numargs, void **crulearg) { #if !defined(CR_DEBUG) && !defined(CR_CHKCONF) int i; struct Client *acptr; /* adapted from m_trace */ for (i = 0; i <= HighestFd; i++) { if (!(acptr = LocalClientArray[i]) || !IsAnOper(acptr)) continue; return (1); } #endif return (0); } static int crule__andor(int numargs, void *crulearg[]) { int result1; result1 = ((CRuleNodePtr) crulearg[0])->funcptr (((CRuleNodePtr) crulearg[0])->numargs, ((CRuleNodePtr) crulearg[0])->arg); if (crulearg[2]) /* or */ return (result1 || ((CRuleNodePtr) crulearg[1])->funcptr (((CRuleNodePtr) crulearg[1])->numargs, ((CRuleNodePtr) crulearg[1])->arg)); else return (result1 && ((CRuleNodePtr) crulearg[1])->funcptr (((CRuleNodePtr) crulearg[1])->numargs, ((CRuleNodePtr) crulearg[1])->arg)); } static int crule__not(int numargs, void *crulearg[]) { return (!((CRuleNodePtr) crulearg[0])->funcptr (((CRuleNodePtr) crulearg[0])->numargs, ((CRuleNodePtr) crulearg[0])->arg)); } #if !defined(CR_DEBUG) && !defined(CR_CHKCONF) int crule_eval(struct CRuleNode* rule) { return (rule->funcptr(rule->numargs, rule->arg)); } #endif static int crule_gettoken(int* next_tokp, const char** ruleptr) { char pending = '\0'; *next_tokp = CR_UNKNOWN; while (*next_tokp == CR_UNKNOWN) switch (*(*ruleptr)++) { case ' ': case '\t': break; case '&': if (pending == '\0') pending = '&'; else if (pending == '&') *next_tokp = CR_AND; else return (CR_UNKNWTOK); break; case '|': if (pending == '\0') pending = '|'; else if (pending == '|') *next_tokp = CR_OR; else return (CR_UNKNWTOK); break; case '!': *next_tokp = CR_NOT; break; case '(': *next_tokp = CR_OPENPAREN; break; case ')': *next_tokp = CR_CLOSEPAREN; break; case ',': *next_tokp = CR_COMMA; break; case '\0': (*ruleptr)--; *next_tokp = CR_END; break; case ':': *next_tokp = CR_END; break; default: if ((IsAlpha(*(--(*ruleptr)))) || (**ruleptr == '*') || (**ruleptr == '?') || (**ruleptr == '.') || (**ruleptr == '-')) *next_tokp = CR_WORD; else return (CR_UNKNWTOK); break; } return CR_NOERR; } static void crule_getword(char* word, int* wordlenp, size_t maxlen, const char** ruleptr) { char *word_ptr; word_ptr = word; while ((size_t)(word_ptr - word) < maxlen && (IsAlnum(**ruleptr) || **ruleptr == '*' || **ruleptr == '?' || **ruleptr == '.' || **ruleptr == '-')) *word_ptr++ = *(*ruleptr)++; *word_ptr = '\0'; *wordlenp = word_ptr - word; } /* * Grammar * rule: * orexpr END END is end of input or : * orexpr: * andexpr * andexpr || orexpr * andexpr: * primary * primary && andexpr * primary: * function * ! primary * ( orexpr ) * function: * word ( ) word is alphanumeric string, first character * word ( arglist ) must be a letter * arglist: * word * word , arglist */ struct CRuleNode* crule_parse(const char *rule) { const char* ruleptr = rule; int next_tok; struct CRuleNode* ruleroot = 0; int errcode = CR_NOERR; if ((errcode = crule_gettoken(&next_tok, &ruleptr)) == CR_NOERR) { if ((errcode = crule_parseorexpr(&ruleroot, &next_tok, &ruleptr)) == CR_NOERR) { if (ruleroot != NULL) { if (next_tok == CR_END) return (ruleroot); else errcode = CR_UNEXPCTTOK; } else errcode = CR_EXPCTOR; } } if (ruleroot != NULL) crule_free(&ruleroot); #if !defined(CR_DEBUG) && !defined(CR_CHKCONF) Debug((DEBUG_ERROR, "%s in rule: %s", crule_errstr[errcode], rule)); #else fprintf(stderr, "%s in rule: %s\n", crule_errstr[errcode], rule); #endif return 0; } static int crule_parseorexpr(CRuleNodePtr * orrootp, int *next_tokp, const char** ruleptr) { int errcode = CR_NOERR; CRuleNodePtr andexpr; CRuleNodePtr orptr; *orrootp = NULL; while (errcode == CR_NOERR) { errcode = crule_parseandexpr(&andexpr, next_tokp, ruleptr); if ((errcode == CR_NOERR) && (*next_tokp == CR_OR)) { orptr = (CRuleNodePtr) MyMalloc(sizeof(struct CRuleNode)); #ifdef CR_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "allocating or element at %ld\n", orptr); #endif orptr->funcptr = crule__andor; orptr->numargs = 3; orptr->arg[2] = (void *)1; if (*orrootp != NULL) { (*orrootp)->arg[1] = andexpr; orptr->arg[0] = *orrootp; } else orptr->arg[0] = andexpr; *orrootp = orptr; } else { if (*orrootp != NULL) { if (andexpr != NULL) { (*orrootp)->arg[1] = andexpr; return (errcode); } else { (*orrootp)->arg[1] = NULL; /* so free doesn't seg fault */ return (CR_EXPCTAND); } } else { *orrootp = andexpr; return (errcode); } } if ((errcode = crule_gettoken(next_tokp, ruleptr)) != CR_NOERR) return (errcode); } return (errcode); } static int crule_parseandexpr(CRuleNodePtr * androotp, int *next_tokp, const char** ruleptr) { int errcode = CR_NOERR; CRuleNodePtr primary; CRuleNodePtr andptr; *androotp = NULL; while (errcode == CR_NOERR) { errcode = crule_parseprimary(&primary, next_tokp, ruleptr); if ((errcode == CR_NOERR) && (*next_tokp == CR_AND)) { andptr = (CRuleNodePtr) MyMalloc(sizeof(struct CRuleNode)); #ifdef CR_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "allocating and element at %ld\n", andptr); #endif andptr->funcptr = crule__andor; andptr->numargs = 3; andptr->arg[2] = (void *)0; if (*androotp != NULL) { (*androotp)->arg[1] = primary; andptr->arg[0] = *androotp; } else andptr->arg[0] = primary; *androotp = andptr; } else { if (*androotp != NULL) { if (primary != NULL) { (*androotp)->arg[1] = primary; return (errcode); } else { (*androotp)->arg[1] = NULL; /* so free doesn't seg fault */ return (CR_EXPCTPRIM); } } else { *androotp = primary; return (errcode); } } if ((errcode = crule_gettoken(next_tokp, ruleptr)) != CR_NOERR) return (errcode); } return (errcode); } static int crule_parseprimary(CRuleNodePtr* primrootp, int *next_tokp, const char** ruleptr) { CRuleNodePtr *insertionp; int errcode = CR_NOERR; *primrootp = NULL; insertionp = primrootp; while (errcode == CR_NOERR) { switch (*next_tokp) { case CR_OPENPAREN: if ((errcode = crule_gettoken(next_tokp, ruleptr)) != CR_NOERR) break; if ((errcode = crule_parseorexpr(insertionp, next_tokp, ruleptr)) != CR_NOERR) break; if (*insertionp == NULL) { errcode = CR_EXPCTAND; break; } if (*next_tokp != CR_CLOSEPAREN) { errcode = CR_EXPCTCLOSE; break; } errcode = crule_gettoken(next_tokp, ruleptr); break; case CR_NOT: *insertionp = (CRuleNodePtr) MyMalloc(sizeof(struct CRuleNode)); #ifdef CR_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "allocating primary element at %ld\n", *insertionp); #endif (*insertionp)->funcptr = crule__not; (*insertionp)->numargs = 1; (*insertionp)->arg[0] = NULL; insertionp = (CRuleNodePtr *) & ((*insertionp)->arg[0]); if ((errcode = crule_gettoken(next_tokp, ruleptr)) != CR_NOERR) break; continue; case CR_WORD: errcode = crule_parsefunction(insertionp, next_tokp, ruleptr); break; default: if (*primrootp == NULL) errcode = CR_NOERR; else errcode = CR_EXPCTPRIM; break; } return (errcode); } return (errcode); } static int crule_parsefunction(CRuleNodePtr* funcrootp, int* next_tokp, const char** ruleptr) { int errcode = CR_NOERR; char funcname[CR_MAXARGLEN]; int namelen; int funcnum; *funcrootp = NULL; crule_getword(funcname, &namelen, CR_MAXARGLEN - 1, ruleptr); if ((errcode = crule_gettoken(next_tokp, ruleptr)) != CR_NOERR) return (errcode); if (*next_tokp == CR_OPENPAREN) { for (funcnum = 0;; funcnum++) { if (0 == ircd_strcmp(crule_funclist[funcnum].name, funcname)) break; if (crule_funclist[funcnum].name[0] == '\0') return (CR_UNKNWFUNC); } if ((errcode = crule_gettoken(next_tokp, ruleptr)) != CR_NOERR) return (errcode); *funcrootp = (CRuleNodePtr) MyMalloc(sizeof(struct CRuleNode)); #ifdef CR_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "allocating function element at %ld\n", *funcrootp); #endif (*funcrootp)->funcptr = NULL; /* for freeing aborted trees */ if ((errcode = crule_parsearglist(*funcrootp, next_tokp, ruleptr)) != CR_NOERR) return (errcode); if (*next_tokp != CR_CLOSEPAREN) return (CR_EXPCTCLOSE); if ((crule_funclist[funcnum].reqnumargs != (*funcrootp)->numargs) && (crule_funclist[funcnum].reqnumargs != -1)) return (CR_ARGMISMAT); if ((errcode = crule_gettoken(next_tokp, ruleptr)) != CR_NOERR) return (errcode); (*funcrootp)->funcptr = crule_funclist[funcnum].funcptr; return (CR_NOERR); } else return (CR_EXPCTOPEN); } static int crule_parsearglist(CRuleNodePtr argrootp, int *next_tokp, const char** ruleptr) { int errcode = CR_NOERR; char *argelemp = NULL; char currarg[CR_MAXARGLEN]; int arglen = 0; char word[CR_MAXARGLEN]; int wordlen = 0; argrootp->numargs = 0; currarg[0] = '\0'; while (errcode == CR_NOERR) { switch (*next_tokp) { case CR_WORD: crule_getword(word, &wordlen, CR_MAXARGLEN - 1, ruleptr); if (currarg[0] != '\0') { if ((arglen + wordlen) < (CR_MAXARGLEN - 1)) { strcat(currarg, " "); strcat(currarg, word); arglen += wordlen + 1; } } else { strcpy(currarg, word); arglen = wordlen; } errcode = crule_gettoken(next_tokp, ruleptr); break; default: #if !defined(CR_DEBUG) && !defined(CR_CHKCONF) collapse(currarg); #endif if (!BadPtr(currarg)) { DupString(argelemp, currarg); argrootp->arg[argrootp->numargs++] = (void *)argelemp; } if (*next_tokp != CR_COMMA) return (CR_NOERR); currarg[0] = '\0'; errcode = crule_gettoken(next_tokp, ruleptr); break; } } return (errcode); } /* * This function is recursive.. I wish I knew a nonrecursive way but * I dont. anyway, recursion is fun.. :) * DO NOT CALL THIS FUNTION WITH A POINTER TO A NULL POINTER * (ie: If *elem is NULL, you're doing it wrong - seg fault) */ void crule_free(struct CRuleNode** elem) { int arg, numargs; if ((*(elem))->funcptr == crule__not) { /* type conversions and ()'s are fun! ;) here have an asprin.. */ if ((*(elem))->arg[0] != NULL) crule_free((struct CRuleNode**) &((*(elem))->arg[0])); } else if ((*(elem))->funcptr == crule__andor) { crule_free((struct CRuleNode**) &((*(elem))->arg[0])); if ((*(elem))->arg[1] != NULL) crule_free((struct CRuleNode**) &((*(elem))->arg[1])); } else { numargs = (*(elem))->numargs; for (arg = 0; arg < numargs; arg++) MyFree((*(elem))->arg[arg]); } #ifdef CR_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "freeing element at %ld\n", *elem); #endif MyFree(*elem); *elem = 0; } #ifdef CR_DEBUG static void print_tree(CRuleNodePtr printelem) { int funcnum, arg; if (printelem->funcptr == crule__not) { printf("!( "); print_tree((CRuleNodePtr) printelem->arg[0]); printf(") "); } else if (printelem->funcptr == crule__andor) { printf("( "); print_tree((CRuleNodePtr) printelem->arg[0]); if (printelem->arg[2]) printf("|| "); else printf("&& "); print_tree((CRuleNodePtr) printelem->arg[1]); printf(") "); } else { for (funcnum = 0;; funcnum++) { if (printelem->funcptr == crule_funclist[funcnum].funcptr) break; if (crule_funclist[funcnum].funcptr == NULL) MyCoreDump; } printf("%s(", crule_funclist[funcnum].name); for (arg = 0; arg < printelem->numargs; arg++) { if (arg != 0) printf(","); printf("%s", (char *)printelem->arg[arg]); } printf(") "); } } #endif #ifdef CR_DEBUG int main(void) { char indata[256]; CRuleNode* rule; printf("rule: "); while (fgets(indata, 256, stdin) != NULL) { indata[strlen(indata) - 1] = '\0'; /* lose the newline */ if ((rule = crule_parse(indata)) != NULL) { printf("equivalent rule: "); print_tree((CRuleNodePtr) rule); printf("\n"); crule_free(&rule); } printf("\nrule: "); } printf("\n"); return 0; } #endif