/* * IRC - Internet Relay Chat, ircd/ircd.c * Copyright (C) 1990 Jarkko Oikarinen and * University of Oulu, Computing Center * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * $Id: ircd.c,v 2003/11/01 10:19:10 isomer Exp $ */ #include "config.h" #include "ircd.h" #include "IPcheck.h" #include "class.h" #include "client.h" #include "crule.h" #include "hash.h" #include "ircd_alloc.h" #include "ircd_events.h" #include "ircd_features.h" #include "ircd_log.h" #include "ircd_reply.h" #include "ircd_signal.h" #include "ircd_string.h" #include "jupe.h" #include "list.h" #include "match.h" #include "motd.h" #include "msg.h" #include "numeric.h" #include "numnicks.h" #include "opercmds.h" #include "parse.h" #include "res.h" #include "s_auth.h" #include "s_bsd.h" #include "s_conf.h" #include "s_debug.h" #include "s_misc.h" #include "s_stats.h" #include "send.h" #include "sys.h" #include "uping.h" #include "userload.h" #include "version.h" #include "whowas.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * External stuff *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ extern void init_counters(void); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Constants / Enums *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ enum { BOOT_DEBUG = 1, BOOT_TTY = 2 }; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Global data (YUCK!) *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ struct Client me; /* That's me */ struct Connection me_con; /* That's me too */ struct Client *GlobalClientList = &me; /* Pointer to beginning of Client list */ time_t TSoffset = 0;/* Offset of timestamps to system clock */ int GlobalRehashFlag = 0; /* do a rehash if set */ int GlobalRestartFlag = 0; /* do a restart if set */ time_t CurrentTime; /* Updated every time we leave select() */ char *configfile = CPATH; /* Server configuration file */ int debuglevel = -1; /* Server debug level */ char *debugmode = ""; /* Server debug level */ static char *dpath = DPATH; static struct Timer connect_timer; /* timer structure for try_connections() */ static struct Timer ping_timer; /* timer structure for check_pings() */ static struct Daemon thisServer = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0 }; int running = 1; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * API: server_die *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void server_die(const char* message) { /* log_write will send out message to both log file and as server notice */ log_write(LS_SYSTEM, L_CRIT, 0, "Server terminating: %s", message); flush_connections(0); close_connections(1); running = 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * API: server_panic *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void server_panic(const char* message) { /* inhibit sending server notice--we may be panicing due to low memory */ log_write(LS_SYSTEM, L_CRIT, LOG_NOSNOTICE, "Server panic: %s", message); flush_connections(0); log_close(); close_connections(1); exit(1); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * API: server_restart *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void server_restart(const char* message) { static int restarting = 0; /* inhibit sending any server notices; we may be in a loop */ log_write(LS_SYSTEM, L_WARNING, LOG_NOSNOTICE, "Restarting Server: %s", message); if (restarting++) /* increment restarting to prevent looping */ return; sendto_opmask_butone(0, SNO_OLDSNO, "Restarting server: %s", message); Debug((DEBUG_NOTICE, "Restarting server...")); flush_connections(0); log_close(); close_connections(!(thisServer.bootopt & (BOOT_TTY | BOOT_DEBUG))); execv(SPATH, thisServer.argv); /* Have to reopen since it has been closed above */ log_reopen(); log_write(LS_SYSTEM, L_CRIT, 0, "execv(%s,%s) failed: %m", SPATH, *thisServer.argv); Debug((DEBUG_FATAL, "Couldn't restart server \"%s\": %s", SPATH, (strerror(errno)) ? strerror(errno) : "")); exit(8); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * outofmemory: Handler for out of memory conditions... *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void outofmemory(void) { Debug((DEBUG_FATAL, "Out of memory: restarting server...")); server_restart("Out of Memory"); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * write_pidfile *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void write_pidfile(void) { char buff[20]; if (thisServer.pid_fd >= 0) { memset(buff, 0, sizeof(buff)); sprintf(buff, "%5d\n", (int)getpid()); if (write(thisServer.pid_fd, buff, strlen(buff)) == -1) Debug((DEBUG_NOTICE, "Error writing to pid file %s: %m", feature_str(FEAT_PPATH))); return; } Debug((DEBUG_NOTICE, "Error opening pid file %s: %m", feature_str(FEAT_PPATH))); } /* check_pid * * inputs: * none * returns: * true - if the pid file exists (and is readable), and the pid refered * to in the file is still running. * false - otherwise. */ static int check_pid(void) { struct flock lock; lock.l_type = F_WRLCK; lock.l_start = 0; lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; lock.l_len = 0; if ((thisServer.pid_fd = open(feature_str(FEAT_PPATH), O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0600)) >= 0) return fcntl(thisServer.pid_fd, F_SETLK, &lock); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * try_connections * * Scan through configuration and try new connections. * * Returns the calendar time when the next call to this * function should be made latest. (No harm done if this * is called earlier or later...) *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void try_connections(struct Event* ev) { struct ConfItem* aconf; struct Client* cptr; struct ConfItem** pconf; int connecting; int confrq; time_t next = 0; struct ConnectionClass* cltmp; struct ConfItem* con_conf = 0; struct Jupe* ajupe; unsigned int con_class = 0; assert(ET_EXPIRE == ev_type(ev)); assert(0 != ev_timer(ev)); connecting = FALSE; Debug((DEBUG_NOTICE, "Connection check at : %s", myctime(CurrentTime))); for (aconf = GlobalConfList; aconf; aconf = aconf->next) { /* Also when already connecting! (update holdtimes) --SRB */ if (!(aconf->status & CONF_SERVER) || aconf->port == 0) continue; /* Also skip juped servers */ if ((ajupe = jupe_find(aconf->name)) && JupeIsActive(ajupe)) continue; /* Skip this entry if the use of it is still on hold until * future. Otherwise handle this entry (and set it on hold until next * time). Will reset only hold times, if already made one successfull * connection... [this algorithm is a bit fuzzy... -- msa >;) ] */ if (aconf->hold > CurrentTime && (next > aconf->hold || next == 0)) { next = aconf->hold; continue; } cltmp = aconf->conn_class; confrq = get_con_freq(cltmp); if(confrq == 0) aconf->hold = next = 0; else aconf->hold = CurrentTime + confrq; /* Found a CONNECT config with port specified, scan clients and see if * this server is already connected? */ cptr = FindServer(aconf->name); if (!cptr && (Links(cltmp) < MaxLinks(cltmp)) && (!connecting || (ConClass(cltmp) > con_class))) { /* * Check connect rules to see if we're allowed to try */ if (0 == conf_eval_crule(aconf->name, CRULE_MASK)) { con_class = ConClass(cltmp); con_conf = aconf; /* We connect only one at time... */ connecting = TRUE; } } if ((next > aconf->hold) || (next == 0)) next = aconf->hold; } if (connecting) { if (con_conf->next) { /* are we already last? */ /* Put the current one at the end and make sure we try all connections */ for (pconf = &GlobalConfList; (aconf = *pconf); pconf = &(aconf->next)) if (aconf == con_conf) *pconf = aconf->next; (*pconf = con_conf)->next = 0; } if (connect_server(con_conf, 0, 0)) sendto_opmask_butone(0, SNO_OLDSNO, "Connection to %s activated.", con_conf->name); } if (next == 0) next = CurrentTime + feature_int(FEAT_CONNECTFREQUENCY); Debug((DEBUG_NOTICE, "Next connection check : %s", myctime(next))); timer_add(&connect_timer, try_connections, 0, TT_ABSOLUTE, next); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * check_pings * * TODO: This should be moved out of ircd.c. It's protocol-specific when you * get right down to it. Can't really be done until the server is more * modular, however... *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void check_pings(struct Event* ev) { int expire = 0; int next_check = CurrentTime; int max_ping = 0; int i; assert(ET_EXPIRE == ev_type(ev)); assert(0 != ev_timer(ev)); next_check += feature_int(FEAT_PINGFREQUENCY); /* Scan through the client table */ for (i=0; i <= HighestFd; i++) { struct Client *cptr = LocalClientArray[i]; if (!cptr) continue; assert(&me != cptr); /* I should never be in the local client array! */ /* Remove dead clients. */ if (IsDead(cptr)) { exit_client(cptr, cptr, &me, cli_info(cptr)); continue; } max_ping = IsRegistered(cptr) ? client_get_ping(cptr) : feature_int(FEAT_CONNECTTIMEOUT); Debug((DEBUG_DEBUG, "check_pings(%s)=status:%s limit: %d current: %d", cli_name(cptr), HasFlag(cptr, FLAG_PINGSENT) ? "[Ping Sent]" : "[]", max_ping, (int)(CurrentTime - cli_lasttime(cptr)))); /* Ok, the thing that will happen most frequently, is that someone will * have sent something recently. Cover this first for speed. * -- * If it's an unregisterd client and hasn't managed to register within * max_ping then it's obviously having problems (broken client) or it's * just up to no good, so we won't skip it, even if its been sending * data to us. * -- hikari */ if ((CurrentTime-cli_lasttime(cptr) < max_ping) && (IsRegistered(cptr))) { expire = cli_lasttime(cptr) + max_ping; if (expire < next_check) next_check = expire; continue; } /* Unregistered clients pingout after max_ping seconds, they don't * get given a second chance - if they were then people could not quite * finish registration and hold resources without being subject to k/g * lines */ if (!IsRegistered(cptr)) { assert(!IsServer(cptr)); if ((CurrentTime-cli_firsttime(cptr) >= max_ping)) { /* Display message if they have sent a NICK and a USER but no * nospoof PONG. */ if (*(cli_name(cptr)) && cli_user(cptr) && *(cli_user(cptr))->username) { send_reply(cptr, SND_EXPLICIT | ERR_BADPING, ":Your client may not be compatible with this server."); send_reply(cptr, SND_EXPLICIT | ERR_BADPING, ":Compatible clients are available at %s", feature_str(FEAT_URL_CLIENTS)); } exit_client_msg(cptr,cptr,&me, "Registration Timeout"); continue; } else { /* OK, they still have enough time left, so we'll just skip to the * next client. Set the next check to be when their time is up, if * that's before the currently scheduled next check -- hikari */ expire = cli_firsttime(cptr) + max_ping; if (expire < next_check) next_check = expire; continue; } } /* Quit the client after max_ping*2 - they should have answered by now */ if (CurrentTime-cli_lasttime(cptr) >= (max_ping*2) ) { /* If it was a server, then tell ops about it. */ if (IsServer(cptr) || IsConnecting(cptr) || IsHandshake(cptr)) sendto_opmask_butone(0, SNO_OLDSNO, "No response from %s, closing link", cli_name(cptr)); exit_client_msg(cptr, cptr, &me, "Ping timeout"); continue; } if (!HasFlag(cptr, FLAG_PINGSENT)) { /* If we havent PINGed the connection and we havent heard from it in a * while, PING it to make sure it is still alive. */ SetFlag(cptr, FLAG_PINGSENT); /* If we're late in noticing don't hold it against them :) */ cli_lasttime(cptr) = CurrentTime - max_ping; if (IsUser(cptr)) sendrawto_one(cptr, MSG_PING " :%s", cli_name(&me)); else { char *asll_ts = militime_float(NULL); sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_PING, cptr, "!%s %s %s", asll_ts, cli_name(cptr), asll_ts); } } expire = cli_lasttime(cptr) + max_ping * 2; if (expire < next_check) next_check=expire; } assert(next_check >= CurrentTime); Debug((DEBUG_DEBUG, "[%i] check_pings() again in %is", CurrentTime, next_check-CurrentTime)); timer_add(&ping_timer, check_pings, 0, TT_ABSOLUTE, next_check); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * parse_command_line * Side Effects: changes GLOBALS me, thisServer, dpath, configfile, debuglevel * debugmode *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void parse_command_line(int argc, char** argv) { const char *options = "d:f:h:ntvx:"; int opt; if (thisServer.euid != thisServer.uid) setuid(thisServer.uid); /* Do we really need to santiy check the non-NULLness of optarg? That's * getopt()'s job... Removing those... -zs */ while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, options)) != EOF) switch (opt) { case 'n': case 't': thisServer.bootopt |= BOOT_TTY; break; case 'd': dpath = optarg; break; case 'f': configfile = optarg; break; case 'h': ircd_strncpy(cli_name(&me), optarg, HOSTLEN); break; case 'v': printf("ircd %s\n", version); printf("Event engines: "); #ifdef USE_KQUEUE printf("kqueue() "); #endif #ifdef USE_DEVPOLL printf("/dev/poll "); #endif #ifdef USE_POLL printf("poll()"); #else printf("select()"); #endif printf("\nCompiled for a maximum of %d connections.\n", MAXCONNECTIONS); exit(0); break; case 'x': debuglevel = atoi(optarg); if (debuglevel < 0) debuglevel = 0; debugmode = optarg; thisServer.bootopt |= BOOT_DEBUG; break; default: printf("Usage: ircd [-f config] [-h servername] [-x loglevel] [-ntv]\n"); printf("\n -n -t\t Don't detach\n -v\t display version\n\n"); printf("Server not started.\n"); exit(1); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * daemon_init *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void daemon_init(int no_fork) { if (!init_connection_limits()) exit(9); close_connections(!(thisServer.bootopt & (BOOT_DEBUG | BOOT_TTY))); if (no_fork) return; if (fork()) exit(0); #ifdef TIOCNOTTY { int fd; if ((fd = open("/dev/tty", O_RDWR)) > -1) { ioctl(fd, TIOCNOTTY, 0); close(fd); } } #endif setsid(); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * check_file_access: random helper function to make sure that a file is * accessible in a certain way, and complain if not. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static char check_file_access(const char *path, char which, int mode) { if (!access(path, mode)) return 1; fprintf(stderr, "Check on %cPATH (%s) failed: %s\n" "Please create this file and/or rerun `configure' " "using --with-%cpath and recompile to correct this.\n", which, path, strerror(errno), which); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * set_core_limit *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if defined(HAVE_SETRLIMIT) && defined(RLIMIT_CORE) static void set_core_limit(void) { struct rlimit corelim; if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &corelim)) { fprintf(stderr, "Read of rlimit core size failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); corelim.rlim_max = RLIM_INFINITY; /* Try to recover */ } corelim.rlim_cur = corelim.rlim_max; if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &corelim)) fprintf(stderr, "Setting rlimit core size failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } #endif /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * set_userid_if_needed() *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int set_userid_if_needed(void) { if (getuid() == 0 || geteuid() == 0 || getgid() == 0 || getegid() == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: This server will not run as superuser.\n"); return 0; } return 1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * main - entrypoint * * TODO: This should set the basic environment up and start the main loop. * we're doing waaaaaaaaay too much server initialization here. I hate * long and ugly control paths... -smd *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { CurrentTime = time(NULL); thisServer.argc = argc; thisServer.argv = argv; thisServer.uid = getuid(); thisServer.euid = geteuid(); #if defined(HAVE_SETRLIMIT) && defined(RLIMIT_CORE) set_core_limit(); #endif umask(077); /* better safe than sorry --SRB */ memset(&me, 0, sizeof(me)); memset(&me_con, 0, sizeof(me_con)); cli_connect(&me) = &me_con; cli_fd(&me) = -1; parse_command_line(argc, argv); if (chdir(dpath)) { fprintf(stderr, "Fail: Cannot chdir(%s): %s, check DPATH\n", dpath, strerror(errno)); return 2; } if (!set_userid_if_needed()) return 3; /* Check paths for accessibility */ if (!check_file_access(SPATH, 'S', X_OK) || !check_file_access(configfile, 'C', R_OK)) return 4; debug_init(thisServer.bootopt & BOOT_TTY); daemon_init(thisServer.bootopt & BOOT_TTY); event_init(MAXCONNECTIONS); setup_signals(); feature_init(); /* initialize features... */ log_init(*argv); if (check_pid()) { Debug((DEBUG_FATAL, "Failed to acquire PID file lock after fork")); exit(2); } set_nomem_handler(outofmemory); if (!init_string()) { log_write(LS_SYSTEM, L_CRIT, 0, "Failed to initialize string module"); return 6; } initload(); init_list(); init_hash(); init_class(); initwhowas(); initmsgtree(); initstats(); init_resolver(); motd_init(); if (!init_conf()) { log_write(LS_SYSTEM, L_CRIT, 0, "Failed to read configuration file %s", configfile); return 7; } init_server_identity(); uping_init(); stats_init(); IPcheck_init(); timer_add(timer_init(&connect_timer), try_connections, 0, TT_RELATIVE, 1); timer_add(timer_init(&ping_timer), check_pings, 0, TT_RELATIVE, 1); CurrentTime = time(NULL); SetMe(&me); cli_magic(&me) = CLIENT_MAGIC; cli_from(&me) = &me; make_server(&me); cli_serv(&me)->timestamp = TStime(); /* Abuse own link timestamp as start TS */ cli_serv(&me)->prot = atoi(MAJOR_PROTOCOL); cli_serv(&me)->up = &me; cli_serv(&me)->down = NULL; cli_handler(&me) = SERVER_HANDLER; SetYXXCapacity(&me, MAXCLIENTS); cli_lasttime(&me) = cli_since(&me) = cli_firsttime(&me) = CurrentTime; hAddClient(&me); write_pidfile(); init_counters(); Debug((DEBUG_NOTICE, "Server ready...")); log_write(LS_SYSTEM, L_NOTICE, 0, "Server Ready"); event_loop(); return 0; }