/* * IRC - Internet Relay Chat, ircd/jupe.c * Copyright (C) 1990 Jarkko Oikarinen and * University of Oulu, Finland * Copyright (C) 2000 Kevin L. Mitchell * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * $Id: jupe.c,v 2004/01/11 00:23:32 isomer Exp $ */ #include "config.h" #include "jupe.h" #include "client.h" #include "hash.h" #include "ircd.h" #include "ircd_alloc.h" #include "ircd_features.h" #include "ircd_log.h" #include "ircd_reply.h" #include "ircd_string.h" #include "match.h" #include "msg.h" #include "numeric.h" #include "numnicks.h" #include "s_bsd.h" #include "s_misc.h" #include "send.h" #include "struct.h" #include "support.h" #include "sys.h" /* FALSE bleah */ #include #include static struct Jupe *GlobalJupeList = 0; static struct Jupe * make_jupe(char *server, char *reason, time_t expire, time_t lastmod, unsigned int flags) { struct Jupe *ajupe; ajupe = (struct Jupe*) MyMalloc(sizeof(struct Jupe)); /* alloc memory */ assert(0 != ajupe); DupString(ajupe->ju_server, server); /* copy vital information */ DupString(ajupe->ju_reason, reason); ajupe->ju_expire = expire; ajupe->ju_lastmod = lastmod; ajupe->ju_flags = flags & JUPE_MASK; /* set jupe flags */ ajupe->ju_next = GlobalJupeList; /* link it into the list */ ajupe->ju_prev_p = &GlobalJupeList; if (GlobalJupeList) GlobalJupeList->ju_prev_p = &ajupe->ju_next; GlobalJupeList = ajupe; return ajupe; } static int do_jupe(struct Client *cptr, struct Client *sptr, struct Jupe *jupe) { struct Client *acptr; if (!JupeIsActive(jupe)) /* no action to be taken on inactive jupes */ return 0; acptr = FindServer(jupe->ju_server); /* server isn't online or isn't local or is me */ if (!acptr || !MyConnect(acptr) || IsMe(acptr)) return 0; return exit_client_msg(cptr, acptr, &me, "Juped: %s", jupe->ju_reason); } static void propagate_jupe(struct Client *cptr, struct Client *sptr, struct Jupe *jupe) { if (JupeIsLocal(jupe)) /* don't propagate local jupes */ return; sendcmdto_serv_butone(sptr, CMD_JUPE, cptr, "* %c%s %Tu %Tu :%s", JupeIsRemActive(jupe) ? '+' : '-', jupe->ju_server, jupe->ju_expire - CurrentTime, jupe->ju_lastmod, jupe->ju_reason); } int jupe_add(struct Client *cptr, struct Client *sptr, char *server, char *reason, time_t expire, time_t lastmod, unsigned int flags) { struct Jupe *ajupe; assert(0 != server); assert(0 != reason); /* * You cannot set a negative (or zero) expire time, nor can you set an * expiration time for greater than JUPE_MAX_EXPIRE. */ if (expire <= 0 || expire > JUPE_MAX_EXPIRE) { if (!IsServer(cptr) && MyConnect(cptr)) send_reply(cptr, ERR_BADEXPIRE, expire); return 0; } expire += CurrentTime; /* convert from lifetime to timestamp */ /* Inform ops and log it */ sendto_opmask_butone(0, SNO_NETWORK, "%s adding %sJUPE for %s, expiring at " "%Tu: %s", feature_bool(FEAT_HIS_SNOTICES) || IsServer(sptr) ? cli_name(sptr) : cli_name((cli_user(sptr))->server), flags & JUPE_LOCAL ? "local " : "", server, expire + TSoffset, reason); log_write(LS_JUPE, L_INFO, LOG_NOSNOTICE, "%#C adding %sJUPE for %s, expiring at %Tu: %s", sptr, flags & JUPE_LOCAL ? "local " : "", server, expire + TSoffset, reason); /* make the jupe */ ajupe = make_jupe(server, reason, expire, lastmod, flags); propagate_jupe(cptr, sptr, ajupe); return do_jupe(cptr, sptr, ajupe); /* remove server if necessary */ } int jupe_activate(struct Client *cptr, struct Client *sptr, struct Jupe *jupe, time_t lastmod, unsigned int flags) { unsigned int saveflags = 0; assert(0 != jupe); saveflags = jupe->ju_flags; if (flags & JUPE_LOCAL) jupe->ju_flags &= ~JUPE_LDEACT; else { jupe->ju_flags |= JUPE_ACTIVE; if (jupe->ju_lastmod >= lastmod) /* force lastmod to increase */ jupe->ju_lastmod++; else jupe->ju_lastmod = lastmod; } if ((saveflags & JUPE_ACTMASK) == JUPE_ACTIVE) return 0; /* was active to begin with */ /* Inform ops and log it */ sendto_opmask_butone(0, SNO_NETWORK, "%s activating JUPE for %s, expiring " "at %Tu: %s", feature_bool(FEAT_HIS_SNOTICES) || IsServer(sptr) ? cli_name(sptr) : cli_name((cli_user(sptr))->server), jupe->ju_server, jupe->ju_expire + TSoffset, jupe->ju_reason); log_write(LS_JUPE, L_INFO, LOG_NOSNOTICE, "%#C activating JUPE for %s, expiring at %Tu: %s",sptr, jupe->ju_server, jupe->ju_expire + TSoffset, jupe->ju_reason); if (!(flags & JUPE_LOCAL)) /* don't propagate local changes */ propagate_jupe(cptr, sptr, jupe); return do_jupe(cptr, sptr, jupe); } int jupe_deactivate(struct Client *cptr, struct Client *sptr, struct Jupe *jupe, time_t lastmod, unsigned int flags) { unsigned int saveflags = 0; assert(0 != jupe); saveflags = jupe->ju_flags; if (!JupeIsLocal(jupe)) { if (flags & JUPE_LOCAL) jupe->ju_flags |= JUPE_LDEACT; else { jupe->ju_flags &= ~JUPE_ACTIVE; if (jupe->ju_lastmod >= lastmod) /* force lastmod to increase */ jupe->ju_lastmod++; else jupe->ju_lastmod = lastmod; } if ((saveflags & JUPE_ACTMASK) != JUPE_ACTIVE) return 0; /* was inactive to begin with */ } /* Inform ops and log it */ sendto_opmask_butone(0, SNO_NETWORK, "%s %s JUPE for %s, expiring at %Tu: " "%s", feature_bool(FEAT_HIS_SNOTICES) || IsServer(sptr) ? cli_name(sptr) : cli_name((cli_user(sptr))->server), JupeIsLocal(jupe) ? "removing local" : "deactivating", jupe->ju_server, jupe->ju_expire + TSoffset, jupe->ju_reason); log_write(LS_JUPE, L_INFO, LOG_NOSNOTICE, "%#C %s JUPE for %s, expiring at %Tu: %s", sptr, JupeIsLocal(jupe) ? "removing local" : "deactivating", jupe->ju_server, jupe->ju_expire + TSoffset, jupe->ju_reason); if (JupeIsLocal(jupe)) jupe_free(jupe); else if (!(flags & JUPE_LOCAL)) /* don't propagate local changes */ propagate_jupe(cptr, sptr, jupe); return 0; } struct Jupe * jupe_find(char *server) { struct Jupe* jupe; struct Jupe* sjupe; for (jupe = GlobalJupeList; jupe; jupe = sjupe) { /* go through jupes */ sjupe = jupe->ju_next; if (jupe->ju_expire <= CurrentTime) /* expire any that need expiring */ jupe_free(jupe); else if (0 == ircd_strcmp(server, jupe->ju_server)) /* found it yet? */ return jupe; } return 0; } void jupe_free(struct Jupe* jupe) { assert(0 != jupe); *jupe->ju_prev_p = jupe->ju_next; /* squeeze this jupe out */ if (jupe->ju_next) jupe->ju_next->ju_prev_p = jupe->ju_prev_p; MyFree(jupe->ju_server); /* and free up the memory */ MyFree(jupe->ju_reason); MyFree(jupe); } void jupe_burst(struct Client *cptr) { struct Jupe *jupe; struct Jupe *sjupe; for (jupe = GlobalJupeList; jupe; jupe = sjupe) { /* go through jupes */ sjupe = jupe->ju_next; if (jupe->ju_expire <= CurrentTime) /* expire any that need expiring */ jupe_free(jupe); else if (!JupeIsLocal(jupe)) /* forward global jupes */ sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_JUPE, cptr, "* %c%s %Tu %Tu :%s", JupeIsRemActive(jupe) ? '+' : '-', jupe->ju_server, jupe->ju_expire - CurrentTime, jupe->ju_lastmod, jupe->ju_reason); } } int jupe_resend(struct Client *cptr, struct Jupe *jupe) { if (JupeIsLocal(jupe)) /* don't propagate local jupes */ return 0; sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_JUPE, cptr, "* %c%s %Tu %Tu :%s", JupeIsRemActive(jupe) ? '+' : '-', jupe->ju_server, jupe->ju_expire - CurrentTime, jupe->ju_lastmod, jupe->ju_reason); return 0; } int jupe_list(struct Client *sptr, char *server) { struct Jupe *jupe; struct Jupe *sjupe; if (server) { if (!(jupe = jupe_find(server))) /* no such jupe */ return send_reply(sptr, ERR_NOSUCHJUPE, server); /* send jupe information along */ send_reply(sptr, RPL_JUPELIST, jupe->ju_server, jupe->ju_expire + TSoffset, JupeIsLocal(jupe) ? cli_name(&me) : "*", JupeIsActive(jupe) ? '+' : '-', jupe->ju_reason); } else { for (jupe = GlobalJupeList; jupe; jupe = sjupe) { /* go through jupes */ sjupe = jupe->ju_next; if (jupe->ju_expire <= CurrentTime) /* expire any that need expiring */ jupe_free(jupe); else /* send jupe information along */ send_reply(sptr, RPL_JUPELIST, jupe->ju_server, jupe->ju_expire + TSoffset, JupeIsLocal(jupe) ? cli_name(&me) : "*", JupeIsActive(jupe) ? '+' : '-', jupe->ju_reason); } } /* end of jupe information */ return send_reply(sptr, RPL_ENDOFJUPELIST); } int jupe_memory_count(size_t *ju_size) { struct Jupe *jupe; unsigned int ju = 0; for (jupe = GlobalJupeList; jupe; jupe = jupe->ju_next) { ju++; *ju_size += sizeof(struct Jupe); *ju_size += jupe->ju_server ? (strlen(jupe->ju_server) + 1) : 0; *ju_size += jupe->ju_reason ? (strlen(jupe->ju_reason) + 1) : 0; } return ju; }