 * src/res.c (C)opyright 1992 Darren Reed. All rights reserved.
 * This file may not be distributed without the author's permission in any
 * shape or form. The author takes no responsibility for any damage or loss
 * of property which results from the use of this software.
 * $Id: res.c,v 2004/01/11 00:23:32 isomer Exp $
 * July 1999 - Rewrote a bunch of stuff here. Change hostent builder code,
 *     added callbacks and reference counting of returned hostents.
 *     --Bleep (Thomas Helvey <tomh@inxpress.net>)
#include "config.h"

#include "res.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "ircd.h"
#include "ircd_alloc.h"
#include "ircd_events.h"
#include "ircd_features.h"
#include "ircd_log.h"
#include "ircd_osdep.h"
#include "ircd_reply.h"
#include "ircd_snprintf.h"
#include "ircd_string.h"
#include "msg.h"
#include "numeric.h"
#include "s_bsd.h"
#include "s_debug.h"
#include "s_misc.h"
#include "send.h"
#include "struct.h"
#include "support.h"
#include "sys.h"

#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <regex.h>

#include <arpa/nameser.h>
#include <resolv.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>

#include <limits.h>
#if (CHAR_BIT != 8)
#error this code needs to be able to address individual octets 

 * Some systems do not define INADDR_NONE (
 * INADDR_NONE is actually a valid address, but it should never
 * be returned from any nameserver.
 * NOTE: The bit pattern for INADDR_NONE and INADDR_ANY ( should be 
 * the same on all hosts so we shouldn't need to use htonl or ntohl to
 * compare or set the values.
#define INADDR_NONE ((unsigned int) 0xffffffff)

#define MAXPACKET       1024  /* rfc sez 512 but we expand names so ... */
#define RES_MAXALIASES  35    /* maximum aliases allowed */
#define RES_MAXADDRS    35    /* maximum addresses allowed */
 * OSF1 doesn't have RES_NOALIASES

 * macros used to calulate offsets into fixed query buffer
#define ALIAS_BLEN  ((RES_MAXALIASES + 1) * sizeof(char*))
#define ADDRS_BLEN  ((RES_MAXADDRS + 1) * sizeof(struct in_addr*))

#define ADDRS_DLEN     (RES_MAXADDRS * sizeof(struct in_addr))

#define AR_TTL          600   /* TTL in seconds for dns cache entries */

 * the following values should be prime
#define ARES_CACSIZE    307
#define MAXCACHED       281

 * RFC 1104/1105 wasn't very helpful about what these fields
 * should be named, so for now, we'll just name them this way.
 * we probably should look at what named calls them or something.
#define TYPE_SIZE       2
#define CLASS_SIZE      2
#define TTL_SIZE        4
#define RDLENGTH_SIZE   2

 * Building the Hostent
 * The Hostent struct is arranged like this:
 *          +-------------------------------+
 * Hostent: | struct hostent h              |
 *          |-------------------------------|
 *          | char *buf                     |
 *          +-------------------------------+
 * allocated:
 *          +-------------------------------+
 * buf:     | h_aliases pointer array       | Max size: ALIAS_BLEN;
 *          | NULL                          | contains `char *'s
 *          |-------------------------------|
 *          | h_addr_list pointer array     | Max size: ADDRS_BLEN;
 *          | NULL                          | contains `struct in_addr *'s
 *          |-------------------------------|
 *          | h_addr_list addresses         | Max size: ADDRS_DLEN;
 *          |                               | contains `struct in_addr's
 *          |-------------------------------|
 *          | storage for hostname strings  | Max size: ALIAS_DLEN;
 *          +-------------------------------+ contains `char's
 *  For requests the size of the h_aliases, and h_addr_list pointer
 *  array sizes are set to MAXALISES and MAXADDRS respectively, and
 *  buf is a fixed size with enough space to hold the largest expected
 *  reply from a nameserver, see RFC 1034 and RFC 1035.
 *  For cached entries the sizes are dependent on the actual number
 *  of aliases and addresses. If new aliases and addresses are found
 *  for cached entries, the buffer is grown and the new entries are added.
 *  The hostent struct is filled in with the addresses of the entries in
 *  the Hostent buf as follows:
 *  h_name      - contains a pointer to the start of the hostname string area,
 *                or NULL if none is set.  The h_name is followed by the
 *                aliases, in the storage for hostname strings area.
 *  h_aliases   - contains a pointer to the start of h_aliases pointer array.
 *                This array contains pointers to the storage for hostname
 *                strings area and is terminated with a NULL.  The first alias
 *                is stored directly after the h_name.
 *  h_addr_list - contains a pointer to the start of h_addr_list pointer array.
 *                This array contains pointers to in_addr structures in the
 *                h_addr_list addresses area and is terminated with a NULL.
 *  Filling the buffer this way allows for proper alignment of the h_addr_list
 *  addresses.
 *  This arrangement allows us to alias a Hostent struct pointer as a
 *  real struct hostent* without lying. It also allows us to change the
 *  values contained in the cached entries and requests without changing
 *  the actual hostent pointer, which is saved in a client struct and can't
 *  be changed without blowing things up or a lot more fiddling around.
 *  It also allows for defered allocation of the fixed size buffers until
 *  they are really needed.
 *  Nov. 17, 1997 --Bleep

struct Hostent {
  struct hostent h;      /* the hostent struct we are passing around */
  char*          buf;    /* buffer for data pointed to from hostent */

struct ResRequest {
  struct ResRequest* next;
  int                id;
  int                sent;          /* number of requests sent */
  time_t             ttl;
  char               type;
  char               retries;       /* retry counter */
  char               sends;         /* number of sends (>1 means resent) */
  char               resend;        /* send flag. 0 == dont resend */
  time_t             sentat;
  time_t             timeout;
  struct in_addr     addr;
  char*              name;
  struct DNSQuery    query;         /* query callback for this request */
  struct Hostent     he;

struct CacheEntry {
  struct CacheEntry* hname_next;
  struct CacheEntry* hnum_next;
  struct CacheEntry* list_next;
  time_t             expireat;
  time_t             ttl;
  struct Hostent     he;
  struct DNSReply    reply;

struct CacheTable {
  struct CacheEntry* num_list;
  struct CacheEntry* name_list;

int ResolverFileDescriptor    = -1;   /* GLOBAL - used in s_bsd.c */

static struct Socket resSock;		/* Socket describing resolver */
static struct Timer  resExpireDNS;	/* Timer for DNS expiration */
static struct Timer  resExpireCache;	/* Timer for cache expiration */

static time_t nextDNSCheck    = 0;
static time_t nextCacheExpire = 1;

 * Keep a spare file descriptor open. res_init calls fopen to read the
 * resolv.conf file. If ircd is hogging all the file descriptors below 256,
 * on systems with crippled FILE structures this will cause wierd bugs.
 * This is definitely needed for Solaris which uses an unsigned char to
 * hold the file descriptor.  --Dianora
static int                spare_fd = -1;

static int                cachedCount = 0;
static struct CacheTable  hashtable[ARES_CACSIZE];
static struct CacheEntry* cacheTop;
static struct ResRequest* requestListHead;   /* head of resolver request list */
static struct ResRequest* requestListTail;   /* tail of resolver request list */

static void     add_request(struct ResRequest* request);
static void     rem_request(struct ResRequest* request);
static struct ResRequest*   make_request(const struct DNSQuery* query);
static time_t   timeout_query_list(time_t now);
static time_t   expire_cache(time_t now);
static void     rem_cache(struct CacheEntry*);
static void     do_query_name(const struct DNSQuery* query, 
                              const char* name, 
                              struct ResRequest* request);
static void     do_query_number(const struct DNSQuery* query,
                                const struct in_addr*, 
                                struct ResRequest* request);
static void     query_name(const char* name, 
                           int query_class, 
                           int query_type, 
                           struct ResRequest* request);
static void     resend_query(struct ResRequest* request);
static struct CacheEntry*  make_cache(struct ResRequest* request);
static struct CacheEntry*  find_cache_name(const char* name);
static struct CacheEntry*  find_cache_number(struct ResRequest* request, 
                                             const char* addr);
static struct ResRequest*   find_id(int);

static struct cacheinfo {
  int  ca_adds;
  int  ca_dels;
  int  ca_expires;
  int  ca_lookups;
  int  ca_na_hits;
  int  ca_nu_hits;
  int  ca_updates;
} cainfo;

static  struct  resinfo {
  int  re_errors;
  int  re_nu_look;
  int  re_na_look;
  int  re_replies;
  int  re_requests;
  int  re_resends;
  int  re_sent;
  int  re_timeouts;
  int  re_shortttl;
  int  re_unkrep;
} reinfo;

 * From bind 8.3, these aren't declared in earlier versions of bind
extern u_short  _getshort(const u_char *);
extern u_int    _getlong(const u_char *);
 * int
 * res_isourserver(ina)
 *      looks up "ina" in _res.ns_addr_list[]
 * returns:
 *      0  : not found
 *      >0 : found
 * author:
 *      paul vixie, 29may94
static int
res_ourserver(const struct __res_state* statp, const struct sockaddr_in* inp) 
  struct sockaddr_in ina;
  int ns;

  ina = *inp;
  for (ns = 0;  ns < statp->nscount;  ns++) {
    const struct sockaddr_in *srv = &statp->nsaddr_list[ns];

    if (srv->sin_family == ina.sin_family &&
         srv->sin_port == ina.sin_port &&
         (srv->sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_ANY ||
          srv->sin_addr.s_addr == ina.sin_addr.s_addr))
             return (1);
  return (0);

/* Socket callback for resolver */
static void res_callback(struct Event* ev)
  assert(ev_type(ev) == ET_READ || ev_type(ev) == ET_ERROR);


 * start_resolver - do everything we need to read the resolv.conf file
 * and initialize the resolver file descriptor if needed
static void start_resolver(void)
  Debug((DEBUG_DNS, "Resolver: start_resolver"));
   * close the spare file descriptor so res_init can read resolv.conf
   * successfully. Needed on Solaris
  if (spare_fd > -1)

  res_init();      /* res_init always returns 0 */
   * make sure we have a valid file descriptor below 256 so we can
   * do this again. Needed on Solaris
  spare_fd = open("/dev/null",O_RDONLY,0);
  if ((spare_fd < 0) || (spare_fd > 255)) {
    char sparemsg[80];
    ircd_snprintf(0, sparemsg, sizeof(sparemsg), "invalid spare_fd %d",

  if (!_res.nscount) {
    _res.nscount = 1;
    _res.nsaddr_list[0].sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
  _res.options |= RES_NOALIASES;

  if (ResolverFileDescriptor < 0) {
    ResolverFileDescriptor = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
    if (-1 == ResolverFileDescriptor) {
      report_error("Resolver: error creating socket for %s: %s", 
                   cli_name(&me), errno);
    if (!os_set_nonblocking(ResolverFileDescriptor))
      report_error("Resolver: error setting non-blocking for %s: %s", 
                   cli_name(&me), errno);
    if (!socket_add(&resSock, res_callback, 0, SS_DATAGRAM,
		    SOCK_EVENT_READABLE, ResolverFileDescriptor))
      report_error("Resolver: unable to queue resolver file descriptor for %s",
		   cli_name(&me), ENFILE);

/* Call the query timeout function */
static void expire_DNS_callback(struct Event* ev)
  time_t next;

  next = timeout_query_list(CurrentTime);

  timer_add(&resExpireDNS, expire_DNS_callback, 0, TT_ABSOLUTE, next);

/* Call the cache expire function */
static void expire_cache_callback(struct Event* ev)
  time_t next;

  next = expire_cache(CurrentTime);

  timer_add(&resExpireCache, expire_cache_callback, 0, TT_ABSOLUTE, next);

 * init_resolver - initialize resolver and resolver library
int init_resolver(void)
  Debug((DEBUG_DNS, "Resolver: init_resolver"));
#ifdef  LRAND48
  memset(&cainfo,   0, sizeof(cainfo));
  memset(hashtable, 0, sizeof(hashtable));
  memset(&reinfo,   0, sizeof(reinfo));

  requestListHead = requestListTail = 0;

  /* initiate the resolver timers */
  timer_add(timer_init(&resExpireDNS), expire_DNS_callback, 0,
	    TT_RELATIVE, 1);
  timer_add(timer_init(&resExpireCache), expire_cache_callback, 0,
	    TT_RELATIVE, 1);

  errno = h_errno = 0;

  Debug((DEBUG_DNS, "Resolver: fd %d errno: %d h_errno: %d: %s",
         ResolverFileDescriptor, errno, h_errno, 
         (strerror(errno)) ? strerror(errno) : "Unknown"));
  return ResolverFileDescriptor;

 * restart_resolver - flush the cache, reread resolv.conf, reopen socket
void restart_resolver(void)
  /* flush_cache();  flush the dns cache */

static int validate_hostent(const struct hostent* hp)
  const char* name;
  int  i = 0;
  assert(0 != hp);
  for (name = hp->h_name; name; name = hp->h_aliases[i++]) {
    if (!string_is_hostname(name))
      return 0;
  return 1;

 * add_request - place a new request in the request list
static void add_request(struct ResRequest* request)
  assert(0 != request);
  if (!requestListHead)
    requestListHead = requestListTail = request;
  else {
    requestListTail->next = request;
    requestListTail = request;
  request->next = NULL;

 * rem_request - remove a request from the list. 
 * This must also free any memory that has been allocated for 
 * temporary storage of DNS results.
static void rem_request(struct ResRequest* request)
  struct ResRequest** current;
  struct ResRequest*  prev = NULL;

  assert(0 != request);
  for (current = &requestListHead; *current; ) {
    if (*current == request) {
      *current = request->next;
      if (requestListTail == request)
        requestListTail = prev;
    prev    = *current;
    current = &(*current)->next;

 * make_request - Create a DNS request record for the server.
static struct ResRequest* make_request(const struct DNSQuery* query)
  struct ResRequest* request;
  assert(0 != query);
  request = (struct ResRequest*) MyMalloc(sizeof(struct ResRequest));
  memset(request, 0, sizeof(struct ResRequest));

  request->sentat           = CurrentTime;
  request->retries          = feature_int(FEAT_IRCD_RES_RETRIES);
  request->resend           = 1;
  request->timeout          = feature_int(FEAT_IRCD_RES_TIMEOUT);
  request->addr.s_addr      = INADDR_NONE;
  request->he.h.h_addrtype  = AF_INET;
  request->he.h.h_length    = sizeof(struct in_addr);
  request->query.vptr       = query->vptr;
  request->query.callback   = query->callback;

  request->next             = NULL;
  request->he.buf           = NULL;
  request->he.h.h_name      = NULL;
  request->he.h.h_aliases   = NULL;
  request->he.h.h_addr_list = NULL;
  return request;

 * timeout_query_list - Remove queries from the list which have been 
 * there too long without being resolved.
static time_t timeout_query_list(time_t now)
  struct ResRequest* request;
  struct ResRequest* next_request = 0;
  time_t             next_time    = 0;
  time_t             timeout      = 0;

  Debug((DEBUG_DNS, "Resolver: timeout_query_list at %s", myctime(now)));
  for (request = requestListHead; request; request = next_request) {
    next_request = request->next;
    timeout = request->sentat + request->timeout;
    if (timeout < now) {
      if (--request->retries <= 0) {
        (*request->query.callback)(request->query.vptr, 0);
      else {
        request->sentat = now;
        request->timeout += request->timeout;
    if (!next_time || timeout < next_time) {
      next_time = timeout;
  return (next_time > now) ? next_time : (now + AR_TTL);

 * expire_cache - removes entries from the cache which are older 
 * than their expiry times. returns the time at which the server 
 * should next poll the cache.
static time_t expire_cache(time_t now)
  struct CacheEntry* cp;
  struct CacheEntry* cp_next;
  time_t             expire = 0;

  Debug((DEBUG_DNS, "Resolver: expire_cache at %s", myctime(now)));
  for (cp = cacheTop; cp; cp = cp_next) {
    cp_next = cp->list_next;
    if (cp->expireat < now) {
    else if (!expire || expire > cp->expireat)
      expire = cp->expireat;
  return (expire > now) ? expire : (now + AR_TTL);

 * timeout_resolver - check request list and cache for expired entries
time_t timeout_resolver(time_t now)
  if (nextDNSCheck < now)
    nextDNSCheck = timeout_query_list(now);
  if (nextCacheExpire < now)
    nextCacheExpire = expire_cache(now);
  return IRCD_MIN(nextDNSCheck, nextCacheExpire);

 * delete_resolver_queries - cleanup outstanding queries 
 * for which there no longer exist clients or conf lines.
void delete_resolver_queries(const void* vptr)
  struct ResRequest* request;
  struct ResRequest* next_request;

  for (request = requestListHead; request; request = next_request) {
    next_request = request->next;
    if (vptr == request->query.vptr)

 * send_res_msg - sends msg to all nameservers found in the "_res" structure.
 * This should reflect /etc/resolv.conf. We will get responses
 * which arent needed but is easier than checking to see if nameserver
 * isnt present. Returns number of messages successfully sent to 
 * nameservers or -1 if no successful sends.
static int send_res_msg(const u_char* msg, int len, int rcount)
  int i;
  int sent = 0;
  int max_queries = IRCD_MIN(_res.nscount, rcount);

  assert(0 != msg);
   * RES_PRIMARY option is not implemented
   * if (_res.options & RES_PRIMARY || 0 == max_queries)
  if (0 == max_queries)
    max_queries = 1;

  Debug((DEBUG_DNS, "Resolver: sendto %d", max_queries));

  for (i = 0; i < max_queries; i++) {
    if (sendto(ResolverFileDescriptor, msg, len, 0, 
               (struct sockaddr*) &(_res.nsaddr_list[i]),
               sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) == len) {
      log_write(LS_RESOLVER, L_ERROR, 0, "Resolver: send failed %m");
  return sent;

 * find_id - find a dns request id (id is determined by dn_mkquery)
static struct ResRequest* find_id(int id)
  struct ResRequest* request;

  for (request = requestListHead; request; request = request->next) {
    if (request->id == id)
      return request;
  return NULL;

 * gethost_byname - get host address from name
struct DNSReply* gethost_byname(const char* name, 
                               const struct DNSQuery* query)
  struct CacheEntry* cp;
  assert(0 != name);

  Debug((DEBUG_DNS, "Resolver: gethost_byname %s", name));
  if ((cp = find_cache_name(name)))
    return &(cp->reply);

  do_query_name(query, name, NULL);
  nextDNSCheck = 1;
  return NULL;

 * gethost_byaddr - get host name from address
struct DNSReply* gethost_byaddr(const char* addr,
                                const struct DNSQuery* query)
  struct CacheEntry *cp;

  assert(0 != addr);

  Debug((DEBUG_DNS, "Resolver: gethost_byaddr %s", ircd_ntoa(addr)));

  if ((cp = find_cache_number(NULL, addr)))
    return &(cp->reply);

  do_query_number(query, (const struct in_addr*) addr, NULL);
  nextDNSCheck = 1;
  return NULL;

 * do_query_name - nameserver lookup name
static void do_query_name(const struct DNSQuery* query, 
                          const char* name, struct ResRequest* request)
  char  hname[HOSTLEN + 1];
  assert(0 != name);

  ircd_strncpy(hname, name, HOSTLEN);
  hname[HOSTLEN] = '\0';

  if (!request) {
    request       = make_request(query);
    request->type = T_A;
    request->name = (char*) MyMalloc(strlen(hname) + 1);
    strcpy(request->name, hname);
  query_name(hname, C_IN, T_A, request);

 * do_query_number - Use this to do reverse IP# lookups.
static void do_query_number(const struct DNSQuery* query, 
                            const struct in_addr* addr,
                            struct ResRequest* request)
  char  ipbuf[32];
  const unsigned char* cp;

  assert(0 != addr);
  cp = (const unsigned char*) &addr->s_addr;
  ircd_snprintf(0, ipbuf, sizeof(ipbuf), "%u.%u.%u.%u.in-addr.arpa.",
		(unsigned int)(cp[3]), (unsigned int)(cp[2]),
		(unsigned int)(cp[1]), (unsigned int)(cp[0]));

  if (!request) {
    request              = make_request(query);
    request->type        = T_PTR;
    request->addr.s_addr = addr->s_addr;
  query_name(ipbuf, C_IN, T_PTR, request);

 * query_name - generate a query based on class, type and name.
static void query_name(const char* name, int query_class,
                       int type, struct ResRequest* request)
  char buf[MAXPACKET];
  int  request_len = 0;

  assert(0 != name);
  assert(0 != request);

  Debug((DEBUG_DNS, "Resolver: query_name: %s %d %d", name, query_class, type));
  memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
  if ((request_len = res_mkquery(QUERY, name, query_class, type, 
                                 0, 0, 0, (unsigned char*) buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) {
    HEADER* header = (HEADER*) buf;
#ifndef LRAND48
    int            k = 0;
    struct timeval tv;
     * generate a unique id
     * NOTE: we don't have to worry about converting this to and from
     * network byte order, the nameserver does not interpret this value
     * and returns it unchanged
#ifdef LRAND48
    do {
      header->id = (header->id + lrand48()) & 0xffff;
    } while (find_id(header->id));
    gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
    do {
      header->id = (header->id + k + tv.tv_usec) & 0xffff;
    } while (find_id(header->id));
#endif /* LRAND48 */
    request->id = header->id;
    Debug((DEBUG_DNS, "Resolver: query_name %d: %s %d %d", request->id, 
          name, query_class, type));
    request->sent += send_res_msg((const unsigned char*) buf, request_len, request->sends);

static void resend_query(struct ResRequest* request)
  assert(0 != request);

  if (request->resend == 0)
  switch(request->type) {
  case T_PTR:
    do_query_number(NULL, &request->addr, request);
  case T_A:
    do_query_name(NULL, request->name, request);

/* Returns true if this is a valid name */
static int validate_name(char *name)
  while (*name) {
    if ((*name<'A' || *name>'Z') 
     && (*name<'a' || *name>'z') 
     && (*name<'0' || *name>'9')
     && (*name!='-')) {
      return 0;
  return 1;

 * proc_answer - process name server reply
 * build a hostent struct in the passed request
static int proc_answer(struct ResRequest* request, HEADER* header,
                       u_char* buf, u_char* eob)
  char   hostbuf[HOSTLEN + 1]; /* working buffer */
  u_char* current;             /* current position in buf */
  char** alias;                /* alias list */
  char** addr;                 /* address list */
  char** base_addr;            /* original pointer to address list */
  char*  name;                 /* pointer to name string */
  char*  address;              /* pointer to address */
  char*  base_address;         /* original pointer to address */
  char*  endp;                 /* end of our buffer */
  int    query_class;          /* answer class */
  int    type;                 /* answer type */
  int    rd_length;            /* record data length */
  int    answer_count = 0;     /* answer counter */
  int    n;                    /* temp count */
  int    addr_count  = 0;      /* number of addresses in hostent */
  int    alias_count = 0;      /* number of aliases in hostent */
  int    t_ptr_seen = 0;       /* Seen a T_PTR in proc_answer? */
  struct hostent* hp;          /* hostent getting filled */

  assert(0 != request);
  assert(0 != header);
  assert(0 != buf);
  assert(0 != eob);
  current = buf + sizeof(HEADER);
  hp = &(request->he.h);
   * lazy allocation of request->he.buf, we don't allocate a buffer
   * unless there is something to put in it.
  if (!request->he.buf) {
    request->he.buf = (char*) MyMalloc(MAXGETHOSTLEN + 1);
    request->he.buf[MAXGETHOSTLEN] = '\0';
     * array of alias list pointers starts at beginning of buf
    hp->h_aliases = (char**) request->he.buf;
    hp->h_aliases[0] = NULL;
     * array of address list pointers starts after alias list pointers
     * the actual addresses follow the the address list pointers
    hp->h_addr_list = (char**)(request->he.buf + ALIAS_BLEN);
     * don't copy the host address to the beginning of h_addr_list
    hp->h_addr_list[0] = NULL;
  endp = request->he.buf + MAXGETHOSTLEN;
   * find the end of the address list
  addr = hp->h_addr_list;
  while (*addr) {
  base_addr = addr;
   * make address point to first available address slot
  address = request->he.buf + ADDRS_OFFSET +
                    (sizeof(struct in_addr) * addr_count);
  base_address = address;

   * find the end of the alias list
  alias = hp->h_aliases;
  while (*alias) {
   * make name point to first available space in request->buf
  if (alias_count > 0) {
    name = hp->h_aliases[alias_count - 1];
    name += (strlen(name) + 1);
  else if (hp->h_name)
    name = hp->h_name + strlen(hp->h_name) + 1;
    name = request->he.buf + ADDRS_OFFSET + ADDRS_DLEN;
   * skip past queries
  while (header->qdcount-- > 0) {
    if ((n = dn_skipname(current, eob)) < 0)
    current += (n + QFIXEDSZ);
   * process each answer sent to us blech.
  while (header->ancount-- > 0 && current < eob && name < endp) {
    n = dn_expand(buf, eob, current, hostbuf, sizeof(hostbuf));
    if (n <= 0) {
       * no more answers left
      return answer_count;
    hostbuf[HOSTLEN] = '\0';
     * With Address arithmetic you have to be very anal
     * this code was not working on alpha due to that
     * (spotted by rodder/jailbird/dianora)
    current += (size_t) n;

    if (!((current + ANSWER_FIXED_SIZE) < eob))

    type = _getshort(current);
    current += TYPE_SIZE;

    query_class = _getshort(current);
    current += CLASS_SIZE;

    request->ttl = _getlong(current);
    current += TTL_SIZE;

    rd_length = _getshort(current);
    current += RDLENGTH_SIZE;

     * Wait to set request->type until we verify this structure 
    switch(type) {
    case T_A:
       * check for invalid rd_length or too many addresses
       * ignore T_A relies if looking for a T_PTR
      if (t_ptr_seen)
	return answer_count;
      if (rd_length != sizeof(struct in_addr))
        return answer_count;
      if (++addr_count < RES_MAXADDRS) {
        if (answer_count == 1)
          hp->h_addrtype = (query_class == C_IN) ?  AF_INET : AF_UNSPEC;

        memcpy(address, current, sizeof(struct in_addr));
        *addr++ = address;
        *addr = 0;
        address += sizeof(struct in_addr);

        if (!hp->h_name) {
          strcpy(name, hostbuf);
          hp->h_name = name;
          name += strlen(name) + 1;
        Debug((DEBUG_DNS, "Resolver: A %s for %s", 
               ircd_ntoa((char*) hp->h_addr_list[addr_count - 1]), hostbuf));
      current += rd_length;
    case T_PTR:
      t_ptr_seen = 1;
      addr_count = 0;
      addr = base_addr;
      *addr = 0;
      address = base_address;
      n = dn_expand(buf, eob, current, hostbuf, sizeof(hostbuf));
      if (n < 0) {
         * broken message
        return 0;
      else if (n == 0) {
         * no more answers left
        return answer_count;
       * This comment is based on analysis by Shadowfax, Wohali and johan, 
       * not me.  (Dianora) I am only commenting it.
       * dn_expand is guaranteed to not return more than sizeof(hostbuf)
       * but do all implementations of dn_expand also guarantee
       * buffer is terminated with null byte? Lets not take chances.
       *  -Dianora
      hostbuf[HOSTLEN] = '\0';

      /* Validate the name meets RFC */
      if (validate_name(hostbuf)) {
	return 0;

      current += (size_t) n;

      Debug((DEBUG_DNS, "Resolver: PTR %s", hostbuf));
       * copy the returned hostname into the host name
       * ignore duplicate ptr records
      if (!hp->h_name) {
        strcpy(name, hostbuf);
        hp->h_name = name;
        name += strlen(name) + 1;
    case T_CNAME:
      Debug((DEBUG_DNS, "Resolver: CNAME %s", hostbuf));
      if (++alias_count < RES_MAXALIASES) {
        ircd_strncpy(name, hostbuf, endp - name);
        *alias++ = name;
        *alias   = 0;
        name += strlen(name) + 1;
      current += rd_length;
    default :
      Debug((DEBUG_DNS,"Resolver: proc_answer type: %d for: %s", type, hostbuf));
  return answer_count;

 * resolver_read - read a dns reply from the nameserver and process it.
 * return 0 if nothing was read from the socket, otherwise return 1
int resolver_read(void)
  u_char             buf[sizeof(HEADER) + MAXPACKET];
  HEADER*            header       = 0;
  struct ResRequest* request      = 0;
  struct CacheEntry* cp           = 0;
  unsigned int       rc           = 0;
  int                answer_count = 0;
  struct sockaddr_in sin;

  Debug((DEBUG_DNS, "Resolver: read"));
  if (IO_SUCCESS != os_recvfrom_nonb(ResolverFileDescriptor,
                                     (char*) buf, sizeof(buf), &rc, &sin)) {
    return 0;
  if (rc < sizeof(HEADER)) {
    Debug((DEBUG_DNS, "Resolver: short reply %d: %s", rc, 
           (strerror(errno)) ? strerror(errno) : "Unknown"));
    return 0;
   * convert DNS reply reader from Network byte order to CPU byte order.
  header = (HEADER*) buf;
  /* header->id = ntohs(header->id); */
  header->ancount = ntohs(header->ancount);
  header->qdcount = ntohs(header->qdcount);
  header->nscount = ntohs(header->nscount);
  header->arcount = ntohs(header->arcount);
   * response for an id which we have already received an answer for
   * just ignore this response.
  if (0 == (request = find_id(header->id))) {
    Debug((DEBUG_DNS, "Resolver: can't find request id: %d", header->id));
    return 1;
   * check against possibly fake replies
  if (!res_ourserver(&_res, &sin)) {
    Debug((DEBUG_DNS, "Resolver: fake reply from: %s", (const char*) &sin.sin_addr));
    return 1;

  if ((header->rcode != NOERROR) || (header->ancount == 0)) {
    if (SERVFAIL == header->rcode)
    else {
       * If a bad error was returned, we stop here and dont send
       * send any more (no retries granted).
       * Isomer: Perhaps we should return these error messages back to
       *         the client?
      switch (header->rcode) {
        case NOERROR:
          Debug((DEBUG_DNS, "Fatal DNS error: No Error"));
        case FORMERR:
          Debug((DEBUG_DNS, "Fatal DNS error: Format Error"));
        case SERVFAIL:
          Debug((DEBUG_DNS, "Fatal DNS error: Server Failure"));
        case NXDOMAIN:
          Debug((DEBUG_DNS, "DNS error: Non Existant Domain"));
        case NOTIMP:
          Debug((DEBUG_DNS, "Fatal DNS error: Not Implemented"));
        case REFUSED:
          Debug((DEBUG_DNS, "Fatal DNS error: Query Refused"));
          Debug((DEBUG_DNS, "Unassigned fatal DNS error: %i", header->rcode));
#endif /* DEBUGMODE */
      (*request->query.callback)(request->query.vptr, 0);
    return 1;
   * If this fails there was an error decoding the received packet, 
   * try it again and hope it works the next time.
  answer_count = proc_answer(request, header, buf, buf + rc);
  if (answer_count) {
    if (T_PTR == request->type) {
      struct DNSReply* reply = 0;
      if (0 == request->he.h.h_name) {
         * got a PTR response with no name, something bogus is happening
         * don't bother trying again, the client address doesn't resolve 
        (*request->query.callback)(request->query.vptr, reply);
        return 1;
      Debug((DEBUG_DNS, "relookup %s <-> %s",
             request->he.h.h_name, ircd_ntoa((char*) &request->addr)));
       * Lookup the 'authoritive' name that we were given for the
       * ip#.  By using this call rather than regenerating the
       * type we automatically gain the use of the cache with no
       * extra kludges.
      reply = gethost_byname(request->he.h.h_name, &request->query);
      if (reply) {
        (*request->query.callback)(request->query.vptr, reply);
      else {
         * If name wasn't found, a request has been queued and it will
         * be the last one queued.  This is rather nasty way to keep
         * a host alias with the query. -avalon
        requestListTail->he.buf = request->he.buf;
        request->he.buf = 0;
        memcpy(&requestListTail->he.h, &request->he.h, sizeof(struct hostent));
    else {
       * got a name and address response, client resolved
       * XXX - Bug found here by Dianora -
       * make_cache() occasionally returns a NULL pointer when a
       * PTR returned a CNAME, cp was not checked before so the
       * callback was being called with a value of 0x2C != NULL.
      struct DNSReply* reply = 0;
      if (validate_hostent(&request->he.h)) {
        if ((cp = make_cache(request)))
          reply = &cp->reply;
      (*request->query.callback)(request->query.vptr, reply);
  else if (!request->sent) {
     * XXX - we got a response for a query we didn't send with a valid id?
     * this should never happen, bail here and leave the client unresolved
    (*request->query.callback)(request->query.vptr, 0);
  return 1;

 * resolver_read_multiple - process up to count reads
void resolver_read_multiple(int count)
  int i = 0;
  for ( ; i < count; ++i) {
    if (0 == resolver_read())

static size_t calc_hostent_buffer_size(const struct hostent* hp)
  char** p;
  size_t count = 0;
  assert(0 != hp);

   * space for name
  count += (strlen(hp->h_name) + 1);
   * space for aliases
  for (p = hp->h_aliases; *p; ++p)
    count += (strlen(*p) + 1 + sizeof(char*));
   * space for addresses
  for (p = hp->h_addr_list; *p; ++p)
    count += (hp->h_length + sizeof(char*));
   * space for 2 nulls to terminate h_aliases and h_addr_list 
  count += (2 * sizeof(char*));
  return count;

 * dup_hostent - Duplicate a hostent struct, allocate only enough memory for
 * the data we're putting in it.
static void dup_hostent(struct Hostent* new_hp, struct hostent* hp)
  char*  p;
  char** ap;
  char** pp;
  int    alias_count = 0;
  int    addr_count = 0;
  size_t bytes_needed = 0;

  assert(0 != new_hp);
  assert(0 != hp);

  /* how much buffer do we need? */
  bytes_needed += (strlen(hp->h_name) + 1);

  pp = hp->h_aliases;
  while (*pp) {
    bytes_needed += (strlen(*pp++) + 1 + sizeof(char*));
  pp = hp->h_addr_list;
  while (*pp++) {
    bytes_needed += (hp->h_length + sizeof(char*));
  /* Reserve space for 2 nulls to terminate h_aliases and h_addr_list */
  bytes_needed += (2 * sizeof(char*));

  /* Allocate memory */
  new_hp->buf = (char*) MyMalloc(bytes_needed);

  new_hp->h.h_addrtype = hp->h_addrtype;
  new_hp->h.h_length = hp->h_length;

  /* first write the address list */
  pp = hp->h_addr_list;
  ap = new_hp->h.h_addr_list =
      (char**)(new_hp->buf + ((alias_count + 1) * sizeof(char*)));
  p = (char*)ap + ((addr_count + 1) * sizeof(char*));
  while (*pp)
    *ap++ = p;
    memcpy(p, *pp++, hp->h_length);
    p += hp->h_length;
  *ap = 0;
  /* next write the name */
  new_hp->h.h_name = p;
  strcpy(p, hp->h_name);
  p += (strlen(p) + 1);

  /* last write the alias list */
  pp = hp->h_aliases;
  ap = new_hp->h.h_aliases = (char**) new_hp->buf;
  while (*pp) {
    *ap++ = p;
    strcpy(p, *pp++);
    p += (strlen(p) + 1);
  *ap = 0;

 * update_hostent - Add records to a Hostent struct in place.
static void update_hostent(struct Hostent* hp, char** addr, char** alias)
  char*  p;
  char** ap;
  char** pp;
  int    alias_count = 0;
  int    addr_count = 0;
  char*  buf = NULL;
  size_t bytes_needed = 0;

  if (!hp || !hp->buf)

  /* how much buffer do we need? */
  bytes_needed = strlen(hp->h.h_name) + 1;
  pp = hp->h.h_aliases;
  while (*pp) {
    bytes_needed += (strlen(*pp++) + 1 + sizeof(char*));
  if (alias) {
    pp = alias;
    while (*pp) {
      bytes_needed += (strlen(*pp++) + 1 + sizeof(char*));
  pp = hp->h.h_addr_list;
  while (*pp++) {
    bytes_needed += (hp->h.h_length + sizeof(char*));
  if (addr) {
    pp = addr;
    while (*pp++) {
      bytes_needed += (hp->h.h_length + sizeof(char*));
  /* Reserve space for 2 nulls to terminate h_aliases and h_addr_list */
  bytes_needed += 2 * sizeof(char*);

  /* Allocate memory */
  buf = (char*) MyMalloc(bytes_needed);
  assert(0 != buf);

  /* first write the address list */
  pp = hp->h.h_addr_list;
  ap = hp->h.h_addr_list =
      (char**)(buf + ((alias_count + 1) * sizeof(char*)));
  p = (char*)ap + ((addr_count + 1) * sizeof(char*));
  while (*pp) {
    memcpy(p, *pp++, hp->h.h_length);
    *ap++ = p;
    p += hp->h.h_length;
  if (addr) {
    while (*addr) {
      memcpy(p, *addr++, hp->h.h_length);
      *ap++ = p;
      p += hp->h.h_length;
  *ap = 0;

  /* next write the name */
  strcpy(p, hp->h.h_name);
  hp->h.h_name = p;
  p += (strlen(p) + 1);

  /* last write the alias list */
  pp = hp->h.h_aliases;
  ap = hp->h.h_aliases = (char**) buf;
  while (*pp) {
    strcpy(p, *pp++);
    *ap++ = p;
    p += (strlen(p) + 1);
  if (alias) {
    while (*alias) {
      strcpy(p, *alias++);
      *ap++ = p;
      p += (strlen(p) + 1);
  *ap = 0;
  /* release the old buffer */
  p = hp->buf;
  hp->buf = buf;

 * hash_number - IP address hash function
static int hash_number(const unsigned char* ip)
  /* could use loop but slower */
  unsigned int hashv;
  const u_char* p = (const u_char*) ip;

  assert(0 != p);

  hashv = *p++;
  hashv += hashv + *p++;
  hashv += hashv + *p++;
  hashv += hashv + *p;
  hashv %= ARES_CACSIZE;
  return hashv;

 * hash_name - hostname hash function
static int hash_name(const char* name)
  unsigned int hashv = 0;
  const u_char* p = (const u_char*) name;

  assert(0 != p);

  for (; *p && *p != '.'; ++p)
    hashv += *p;
  hashv %= ARES_CACSIZE;
  return hashv;

 * add_to_cache - Add a new cache item to the queue and hash table.
static struct CacheEntry* add_to_cache(struct CacheEntry* ocp)
  int  hashv;

  assert(0 != ocp);

  ocp->list_next = cacheTop;
  cacheTop = ocp;

  hashv = hash_name(ocp->he.h.h_name);

  ocp->hname_next = hashtable[hashv].name_list;
  hashtable[hashv].name_list = ocp;

  hashv = hash_number((const unsigned char*) ocp->he.h.h_addr);

  ocp->hnum_next = hashtable[hashv].num_list;
  hashtable[hashv].num_list = ocp;

   * LRU deletion of excessive cache entries.
  if (++cachedCount > MAXCACHED) {
    struct CacheEntry* cp;
    struct CacheEntry* cp_next;
    for (cp = ocp->list_next; cp; cp = cp_next) {
      cp_next = cp->list_next;
  return ocp;

 * update_list - does not alter the cache structure passed. It is assumed that
 * it already contains the correct expire time, if it is a new entry. Old
 * entries have the expirey time updated.
static void update_list(struct ResRequest* request, struct CacheEntry* cachep)
  struct CacheEntry*  cp = cachep;
  char*    s;
  char*    t;
  int      i;
  int      j;
  char**   ap;
  char*    addrs[RES_MAXADDRS + 1];
  char*    aliases[RES_MAXALIASES + 1];

   * search for the new cache item in the cache list by hostname.
   * If found, move the entry to the top of the list and return.

  if (!request)
   * Compare the cache entry against the new record.  Add any
   * previously missing names for this entry.
  *aliases = 0;
  ap = aliases;
  for (i = 0, s = request->he.h.h_name; s; s = request->he.h.h_aliases[i++]) {
    for (j = 0, t = cp->he.h.h_name; t; t = cp->he.h.h_aliases[j++]) {
      if (0 == ircd_strcmp(t, s))
    if (!t) {
      *ap++ = s;
      *ap = 0;
   * Do the same again for IP#'s.
  *addrs = 0;
  ap = addrs;
  for (i = 0; (s = request->he.h.h_addr_list[i]); i++) {
    for (j = 0; (t = cp->he.h.h_addr_list[j]); j++) {
      if (!memcmp(t, s, sizeof(struct in_addr)))
    if (!t) {
      *ap++ = s;
      *ap = 0;
  if (*addrs || *aliases)
    update_hostent(&cp->he, addrs, aliases);

 * find_cache_name - find name in nameserver cache
static struct CacheEntry* find_cache_name(const char* name)
  struct CacheEntry* cp;
  char*   s;
  int     hashv;
  int     i;

  assert(0 != name);
  hashv = hash_name(name);

  cp = hashtable[hashv].name_list;

  for (; cp; cp = cp->hname_next) {
    for (i = 0, s = cp->he.h.h_name; s; s = cp->he.h.h_aliases[i++]) {
      if (0 == ircd_strcmp(s, name)) {
        return cp;

  for (cp = cacheTop; cp; cp = cp->list_next) {
     * if no aliases or the hash value matches, we've already
     * done this entry and all possiblilities concerning it.
    if (!cp->he.h.h_name || hashv == hash_name(cp->he.h.h_name))
    for (i = 0, s = cp->he.h.h_aliases[i]; s; s = cp->he.h.h_aliases[++i]) {
      if (0 == ircd_strcmp(name, s)) {
        return cp;
  return NULL;

 * find_cache_number - find a cache entry by ip# and update its expire time
static struct CacheEntry* find_cache_number(struct ResRequest* request,
                                            const char* addr)
  struct CacheEntry* cp;
  int     hashv;
  int     i;

  assert(0 != addr);
  hashv = hash_number((const unsigned char*) addr);
  cp = hashtable[hashv].num_list;

  for (; cp; cp = cp->hnum_next) {
    for (i = 0; cp->he.h.h_addr_list[i]; ++i) {
      if (!memcmp(cp->he.h.h_addr_list[i], addr, sizeof(struct in_addr))) {
        return cp;
  for (cp = cacheTop; cp; cp = cp->list_next) {
     * single address entry...would have been done by hashed
     * search above...
     * if the first IP# has the same hashnumber as the IP# we
     * are looking for, its been done already.
    if (!cp->he.h.h_addr_list[1] || 
        hashv == hash_number((const unsigned char*) cp->he.h.h_addr_list[0]))
    for (i = 1; cp->he.h.h_addr_list[i]; ++i) {
      if (!memcmp(cp->he.h.h_addr_list[i], addr, sizeof(struct in_addr))) {
        return cp;
  return NULL;

static struct CacheEntry* make_cache(struct ResRequest* request)
  struct CacheEntry* cp;
  int     i;
  struct hostent* hp;
  assert(0 != request);

  hp = &request->he.h;
   * shouldn't happen but it just might...
  assert(0 != hp->h_name);
/*    assert(0 != hp->h_addr_list[0]); */
  if (!hp->h_name || !hp->h_addr_list[0])
    return NULL;
   * Make cache entry.  First check to see if the cache already exists
   * and if so, return a pointer to it.
  for (i = 0; hp->h_addr_list[i]; ++i) {
    if ((cp = find_cache_number(request, hp->h_addr_list[i]))) {
      update_list(request, cp);
      return cp;
   * a matching entry wasnt found in the cache so go and make one up.
  cp = (struct CacheEntry*) MyMalloc(sizeof(struct CacheEntry));
  assert(0 != cp);

  memset(cp, 0, sizeof(struct CacheEntry));
  dup_hostent(&cp->he, hp);
  cp->reply.hp = &cp->he.h;
   * hmmm... we could time out the cache after 10 minutes regardless
   * would that be reasonable since we don't save the reply?
  if (request->ttl < AR_TTL) {
    cp->ttl = AR_TTL;
    cp->ttl = request->ttl;
  cp->expireat = CurrentTime + cp->ttl;
  return add_to_cache(cp);

 * rem_cache - delete a cache entry from the cache structures 
 * and lists and return all memory used for the cache back to the memory pool.
static void rem_cache(struct CacheEntry* ocp)
  struct CacheEntry** cp;
  int                 hashv;
  struct hostent*     hp;
  assert(0 != ocp);

  if (0 < ocp->reply.ref_count) {
    if (ocp->expireat < CurrentTime) {
      ocp->expireat = CurrentTime + AR_TTL;
      Debug((DEBUG_DNS, "Resolver: referenced cache entry not removed for: %s",
   * remove cache entry from linked list
  for (cp = &cacheTop; *cp; cp = &((*cp)->list_next)) {
    if (*cp == ocp) {
      *cp = ocp->list_next;
  hp = &ocp->he.h;
   * remove cache entry from hashed name list
  assert(0 != hp->h_name);
  hashv = hash_name(hp->h_name);

  for (cp = &hashtable[hashv].name_list; *cp; cp = &((*cp)->hname_next)) {
    if (*cp == ocp) {
      *cp = ocp->hname_next;
   * remove cache entry from hashed number list
  hashv = hash_number((const unsigned char*) hp->h_addr);
  assert(-1 < hashv);

  for (cp = &hashtable[hashv].num_list; *cp; cp = &((*cp)->hnum_next)) {
    if (*cp == ocp) {
      *cp = ocp->hnum_next;
   * free memory used to hold the various host names and the array
   * of alias pointers.

void flush_resolver_cache(void)
   * stubbed - iterate cache and remove everything that isn't referenced

 * m_dns - dns status query
int m_dns(struct Client *cptr, struct Client *sptr, int parc, char *parv[])
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
  struct CacheEntry* cp;
  int     i;
  struct hostent* hp;

  if (parv[1] && *parv[1] == 'l') {
    for(cp = cacheTop; cp; cp = cp->list_next) {
      hp = &cp->he.h;
      sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_NOTICE, sptr, "%C :Expire %d ttl %d host %s(%s)",
		    sptr, cp->expireat - CurrentTime, cp->ttl,
		    hp->h_name, ircd_ntoa(hp->h_addr));
      for (i = 0; hp->h_aliases[i]; i++)
        sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_NOTICE, sptr, "%C : %s = %s (CN)", sptr,
		      hp->h_name, hp->h_aliases[i]);
      for (i = 1; hp->h_addr_list[i]; i++)
        sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_NOTICE, sptr, "%C : %s = %s (IP)", sptr,
		      hp->h_name, ircd_ntoa(hp->h_addr_list[i]));
    return 0;
  sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_NOTICE, sptr,"%C :""\x02""Cache\x02: "
		  	"Adds %d Dels %d Expires %d Lookups %d "
			"Hits(addr/name) %d/%d "
			"Updates %d", sptr,
		cainfo.ca_adds, cainfo.ca_dels, cainfo.ca_expires,
		cainfo.ca_lookups, cainfo.ca_na_hits, cainfo.ca_nu_hits, 
  sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_NOTICE, sptr,"%C :\x02Resolver\x02: "
		  "Errors %d Lookups %d/%d Replies %d Requests %d",
		sptr, reinfo.re_errors, reinfo.re_na_look,
		reinfo.re_nu_look, reinfo.re_replies, reinfo.re_requests);
  sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_NOTICE, sptr,"%C :\x02Resolver\x02: "
		  "Unknown Reply %d Short TTL(<10m) %d Resent %d Resends %d "
		  "Timeouts: %d", sptr,
		reinfo.re_unkrep, reinfo.re_shortttl, reinfo.re_sent,
		reinfo.re_resends, reinfo.re_timeouts);
  sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_NOTICE, sptr, "%C :ResolverFileDescriptor = %d", 
		  sptr, ResolverFileDescriptor);
  return 0;

size_t cres_mem(struct Client* sptr)
  struct CacheEntry* entry;
  struct ResRequest* request;
  size_t cache_mem     = 0;
  size_t request_mem   = 0;
  int    cache_count   = 0;
  int    request_count = 0;

  for (entry = cacheTop; entry; entry = entry->list_next) {
    cache_mem += sizeof(struct CacheEntry);
    cache_mem += calc_hostent_buffer_size(&entry->he.h); 
  for (request = requestListHead; request; request = request->next) {
    request_mem += sizeof(struct ResRequest);
    if (request->name)
      request_mem += strlen(request->name) + 1; 
    if (request->he.buf)
      request_mem += MAXGETHOSTLEN + 1;

  if (cachedCount != cache_count) {
    send_reply(sptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSDEBUG,
	       ":Resolver: cache count mismatch: %d != %d", cachedCount,
    assert(cachedCount == cache_count);
  send_reply(sptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSDEBUG,
	     ":Resolver: cache %d(%d) requests %d(%d)", cache_count,
	     cache_mem, request_count, request_mem);
  return cache_mem + request_mem;

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