/* * IRC - Internet Relay Chat, ircd/s_debug.c * Copyright (C) 1990 Jarkko Oikarinen and * University of Oulu, Computing Center * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * $Id: s_debug.c,v 2002/07/14 01:22:05 kev Exp $ * */ #include "config.h" #include "s_debug.h" #include "channel.h" #include "class.h" #include "client.h" #include "gline.h" #include "hash.h" #include "ircd_alloc.h" #include "ircd_features.h" #include "ircd_log.h" #include "ircd_osdep.h" #include "ircd_reply.h" #include "ircd.h" #include "jupe.h" #include "list.h" #include "motd.h" #include "msgq.h" #include "numeric.h" #include "numnicks.h" #include "res.h" #include "s_bsd.h" #include "s_conf.h" #include "s_stats.h" #include "send.h" #include "struct.h" #include "sys.h" #include "whowas.h" #include #include #include #include #include /* offsetof */ #include #include #include /* * Option string. Must be before #ifdef DEBUGMODE. */ static char serveropts[256]; /* should be large enough for anything */ const char* debug_serveropts(void) { int bp; int i = 0; #define AddC(c) serveropts[i++] = (c) bp = feature_int(FEAT_BUFFERPOOL); if (bp < 1000000) { AddC('b'); if (bp > 99999) AddC((char)('0' + (bp / 100000))); if (bp > 9999) AddC((char)('0' + (bp / 10000) % 10)); AddC((char)('0' + (bp / 1000) % 10)); } else { AddC('B'); if (bp > 99999999) AddC((char)('0' + (bp / 100000000))); if (bp > 9999999) AddC((char)('0' + (bp / 10000000) % 10)); AddC((char)('0' + (bp / 1000000) % 10)); } #ifndef NDEBUG AddC('A'); #endif #ifdef DEBUGMODE AddC('D'); #endif if (feature_bool(FEAT_LOCOP_REHASH)) AddC('e'); if (feature_bool(FEAT_OPER_REHASH)) AddC('E'); if (feature_bool(FEAT_OPER_NO_CHAN_LIMIT)) AddC('F'); if (feature_bool(FEAT_OPER_MODE_LCHAN)) AddC('f'); if (feature_bool(FEAT_HUB)) AddC('H'); if (feature_bool(FEAT_SHOW_ALL_INVISIBLE_USERS)) AddC('I'); else if (feature_bool(FEAT_SHOW_INVISIBLE_USERS)) AddC('i'); if (feature_bool(FEAT_OPER_KILL)) { if (feature_bool(FEAT_LOCAL_KILL_ONLY)) AddC('k'); else AddC('K'); } if (feature_bool(FEAT_OPER_WALK_THROUGH_LMODES)) AddC('l'); if (feature_bool(FEAT_IDLE_FROM_MSG)) AddC('M'); if (feature_bool(FEAT_NO_OPER_DEOP_LCHAN)) AddC('o'); if (feature_bool(FEAT_CRYPT_OPER_PASSWORD)) AddC('p'); if (feature_bool(FEAT_RELIABLE_CLOCK)) AddC('R'); if (feature_bool(FEAT_LOCOP_RESTART)) AddC('s'); if (feature_bool(FEAT_OPER_RESTART)) AddC('S'); #if defined(USE_POLL) && defined(HAVE_POLL_H) AddC('U'); #endif if (feature_bool(FEAT_VIRTUAL_HOST)) AddC('v'); serveropts[i] = '\0'; return serveropts; } /* * debug_init * * If the -t option is not given on the command line when the server is * started, all debugging output is sent to the file set by LPATH in config.h * Here we just open that file and make sure it is opened to fd 2 so that * any fprintf's to stderr also goto the logfile. If the debuglevel is not * set from the command line by -x, use /dev/null as the dummy logfile as long * as DEBUGMODE has been defined, else dont waste the fd. */ void debug_init(int use_tty) { #ifdef DEBUGMODE if (debuglevel >= 0) { printf("isatty = %d ttyname = %s\n", isatty(2), ttyname(2)); log_debug_init(use_tty); } #endif } #ifdef DEBUGMODE void vdebug(int level, const char *form, va_list vl) { static int loop = 0; int err = errno; if (!loop && (debuglevel >= 0) && (level <= debuglevel)) { loop = 1; log_vwrite(LS_DEBUG, L_DEBUG, 0, form, vl); loop = 0; } errno = err; } void debug(int level, const char *form, ...) { va_list vl; va_start(vl, form); vdebug(level, form, vl); va_end(vl); } static void debug_enumerator(struct Client* cptr, const char* msg) { assert(0 != cptr); send_reply(cptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSDEBUG, ":%s", msg); } /* * This is part of the STATS replies. There is no offical numeric for this * since this isnt an official command, in much the same way as HASH isnt. * It is also possible that some systems wont support this call or have * different field names for "struct rusage". * -avalon */ void send_usage(struct Client *cptr, struct StatDesc *sd, int stat, char *param) { os_get_rusage(cptr, CurrentTime - cli_since(&me), debug_enumerator); send_reply(cptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSDEBUG, ":DBUF alloc %d used %d", DBufAllocCount, DBufUsedCount); } #endif /* DEBUGMODE */ void count_memory(struct Client *cptr, struct StatDesc *sd, int stat, char *param) { struct Client *acptr; struct SLink *link; struct Channel *chptr; struct ConfItem *aconf; const struct ConnectionClass* cltmp; struct Membership* member; int acc = 0, /* accounts */ c = 0, /* clients */ cn = 0, /* connections */ ch = 0, /* channels */ lcc = 0, /* local client conf links */ us = 0, /* user structs */ chi = 0, /* channel invites */ chb = 0, /* channel bans */ wwu = 0, /* whowas users */ cl = 0, /* classes */ co = 0, /* conf lines */ memberships = 0; /* channel memberships */ int usi = 0, /* users invited */ aw = 0, /* aways set */ wwa = 0, /* whowas aways */ gl = 0, /* glines */ ju = 0; /* jupes */ size_t chm = 0, /* memory used by channels */ chbm = 0, /* memory used by channel bans */ cm = 0, /* memory used by clients */ cnm = 0, /* memory used by connections */ awm = 0, /* memory used by aways */ wwam = 0, /* whowas away memory used */ wwm = 0, /* whowas array memory used */ glm = 0, /* memory used by glines */ jum = 0, /* memory used by jupes */ com = 0, /* memory used by conf lines */ dbufs_allocated = 0, /* memory used by dbufs */ dbufs_used = 0, /* memory used by dbufs */ msg_allocated = 0, /* memory used by struct Msg */ msgbuf_allocated = 0, /* memory used by struct MsgBuf */ rm = 0, /* res memory used */ totcl = 0, totch = 0, totww = 0, tot = 0; count_whowas_memory(&wwu, &wwm, &wwa, &wwam); wwm += sizeof(struct Whowas) * feature_int(FEAT_NICKNAMEHISTORYLENGTH); wwm += sizeof(struct Whowas *) * WW_MAX; for (acptr = GlobalClientList; acptr; acptr = cli_next(acptr)) { c++; if (MyConnect(acptr)) { cn++; for (link = cli_confs(acptr); link; link = link->next) lcc++; } if (cli_user(acptr)) { us++; for (link = cli_user(acptr)->invited; link; link = link->next) usi++; for (member = cli_user(acptr)->channel; member; member = member->next_channel) ++memberships; if (cli_user(acptr)->away) { aw++; awm += (strlen(cli_user(acptr)->away) + 1); } } if (IsAccount(acptr)) acc++; } cm = c * sizeof(struct Client); cnm = cn * sizeof(struct Connection); for (chptr = GlobalChannelList; chptr; chptr = chptr->next) { ch++; chm += (strlen(chptr->chname) + sizeof(struct Channel)); for (link = chptr->invites; link; link = link->next) chi++; for (link = chptr->banlist; link; link = link->next) { chb++; chbm += (strlen(link->value.cp) + 1 + sizeof(struct SLink)); } } for (aconf = GlobalConfList; aconf; aconf = aconf->next) { co++; com += aconf->host ? strlen(aconf->host) + 1 : 0; com += aconf->passwd ? strlen(aconf->passwd) + 1 : 0; com += aconf->name ? strlen(aconf->name) + 1 : 0; com += sizeof(struct ConfItem); } for (cltmp = get_class_list(); cltmp; cltmp = cltmp->next) cl++; send_reply(cptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSDEBUG, ":Clients %d(%zu) Connections %d(%zu)", c, cm, cn, cnm); send_reply(cptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSDEBUG, ":Users %d(%zu) Accounts %d(%zu) Invites %d(%zu)", us, us * sizeof(struct User), acc, acc * (ACCOUNTLEN + 1), usi, usi * sizeof(struct SLink)); send_reply(cptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSDEBUG, ":User channels %d(%zu) Aways %d(%zu)", memberships, memberships * sizeof(struct Membership), aw, awm); send_reply(cptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSDEBUG, ":Attached confs %d(%zu)", lcc, lcc * sizeof(struct SLink)); totcl = cm + cnm + us * sizeof(struct User) + memberships * sizeof(struct Membership) + awm; totcl += lcc * sizeof(struct SLink) + usi * sizeof(struct SLink); send_reply(cptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSDEBUG, ":Conflines %d(%zu)", co, com); send_reply(cptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSDEBUG, ":Classes %d(%zu)", cl, cl * sizeof(struct ConnectionClass)); send_reply(cptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSDEBUG, ":Channels %d(%zu) Bans %d(%zu)", ch, chm, chb, chbm); send_reply(cptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSDEBUG, ":Channel membrs %d(%zu) invite %d(%zu)", memberships, memberships * sizeof(struct Membership), chi, chi * sizeof(struct SLink)); totch = chm + chbm + chi * sizeof(struct SLink); send_reply(cptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSDEBUG, ":Whowas users %d(%zu) away %d(%zu)", wwu, wwu * sizeof(struct User), wwa, wwam); send_reply(cptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSDEBUG, ":Whowas array %d(%zu)", feature_int(FEAT_NICKNAMEHISTORYLENGTH), wwm); motd_memory_count(cptr); gl = gline_memory_count(&glm); ju = jupe_memory_count(&jum); send_reply(cptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSDEBUG, ":Glines %d(%zu) Jupes %d(%zu)", gl, glm, ju, jum); totww = wwu * sizeof(struct User) + wwam + wwm; send_reply(cptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSDEBUG, ":Hash: client %d(%zu), chan is the same", HASHSIZE, sizeof(void *) * HASHSIZE); /* * NOTE: this count will be accurate only for the exact instant that this * message is being sent, so the count is affected by the dbufs that * are being used to send this message out. If this is not desired, move * the dbuf_count_memory call to a place before we start sending messages * and cache DBufAllocCount and DBufUsedCount in variables until they * are sent. */ dbuf_count_memory(&dbufs_allocated, &dbufs_used); send_reply(cptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSDEBUG, ":DBufs allocated %d(%zu) used %d(%zu)", DBufAllocCount, dbufs_allocated, DBufUsedCount, dbufs_used); /* The DBuf caveats now count for this, but this routine now sends * replies all on its own. */ msgq_count_memory(cptr, &msg_allocated, &msgbuf_allocated); rm = cres_mem(cptr); tot = totww + totch + totcl + com + cl * sizeof(struct ConnectionClass) + dbufs_allocated + msg_allocated + msgbuf_allocated + rm; tot += sizeof(void *) * HASHSIZE * 3; #if defined(MDEBUG) send_reply(cptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSDEBUG, ":Allocations: %zu(%zu)", fda_get_block_count(), fda_get_byte_count()); #endif send_reply(cptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSDEBUG, ":Total: ww %zu ch %zu cl %zu co %zu db %zu ms %zu mb %zu", totww, totch, totcl, com, dbufs_allocated, msg_allocated, msgbuf_allocated); }