* IRC - Internet Relay Chat, ircd/s_misc.c (formerly ircd/date.c)
* Copyright (C) 1990 Jarkko Oikarinen and
* University of Oulu, Computing Center
* See file AUTHORS in IRC package for additional names of
* the programmers.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* $Id: s_misc.c,v 2004/01/11 00:23:33 isomer Exp $
#include "config.h"
#include "s_misc.h"
#include "IPcheck.h"
#include "channel.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "ircd.h"
#include "ircd_alloc.h"
#include "ircd_features.h"
#include "ircd_log.h"
#include "ircd_reply.h"
#include "ircd_snprintf.h"
#include "ircd_string.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "match.h"
#include "msg.h"
#include "numeric.h"
#include "numnicks.h"
#include "parse.h"
#include "querycmds.h"
#include "res.h"
#include "s_bsd.h"
#include "s_conf.h"
#include "s_debug.h"
#include "s_stats.h"
#include "s_user.h"
#include "send.h"
#include "struct.h"
#include "support.h"
#include "sys.h"
#include "uping.h"
#include "userload.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
static char *months[] = {
"January", "February", "March", "April",
"May", "June", "July", "August",
"September", "October", "November", "December"
static char *weekdays[] = {
"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
"Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"
* stats stuff
static struct ServerStatistics ircst;
struct ServerStatistics* ServerStats = &ircst;
char *date(time_t clock)
static char buf[80], plus;
struct tm *lt, *gm;
struct tm gmbuf;
int minswest;
if (!clock)
clock = CurrentTime;
gm = gmtime(&clock);
memcpy(&gmbuf, gm, sizeof(gmbuf));
gm = &gmbuf;
lt = localtime(&clock);
minswest = (gm->tm_hour - lt->tm_hour) * 60 + (gm->tm_min - lt->tm_min);
if (lt->tm_yday != gm->tm_yday)
if ((lt->tm_yday > gm->tm_yday && lt->tm_year == gm->tm_year) ||
(lt->tm_yday < gm->tm_yday && lt->tm_year != gm->tm_year))
minswest -= 24 * 60;
minswest += 24 * 60;
plus = (minswest > 0) ? '-' : '+';
if (minswest < 0)
minswest = -minswest;
sprintf(buf, "%s %s %d %d -- %02d:%02d %c%02d:%02d",
weekdays[lt->tm_wday], months[lt->tm_mon], lt->tm_mday,
1900 + lt->tm_year, lt->tm_hour, lt->tm_min,
plus, minswest / 60, minswest % 60);
return buf;
* myctime
* This is like standard ctime()-function, but it zaps away
* the newline from the end of that string. Also, it takes
* the time value as parameter, instead of pointer to it.
* Note that it is necessary to copy the string to alternate
* buffer (who knows how ctime() implements it, maybe it statically
* has newline there and never 'refreshes' it -- zapping that
* might break things in other places...)
char *myctime(time_t value)
static char buf[28];
char *p;
strcpy(buf, ctime(&value));
if ((p = strchr(buf, '\n')) != NULL)
*p = '\0';
return buf;
* get_client_name
* Return the name of the client for various tracking and
* admin purposes. The main purpose of this function is to
* return the "socket host" name of the client, if that
* differs from the advertised name (other than case).
* But, this can be used to any client structure.
* Returns:
* "name[user@ip#.port]" if 'showip' is true;
* "name" if 'showip' is false.
* NOTE 1:
* Watch out the allocation of "nbuf", if either sptr->name
* or sptr->sockhost gets changed into pointers instead of
* directly allocated within the structure...
* NOTE 2:
* Function return either a pointer to the structure (sptr) or
* to internal buffer (nbuf). *NEVER* use the returned pointer
* to modify what it points!!!
const char* get_client_name(const struct Client* sptr, int showip)
static char nbuf[HOSTLEN * 2 + USERLEN + 5];
if (MyConnect(sptr)) {
if (showip)
ircd_snprintf(0, nbuf, sizeof(nbuf), "%s[%s@%s]", cli_name(sptr),
(IsIdented(sptr)) ? cli_username(sptr) : "", cli_sock_ip(sptr));
return cli_name(sptr);
return nbuf;
return cli_name(sptr);
const char *get_client_host(const struct Client *cptr)
return get_client_name(cptr, HIDE_IP);
* Form sockhost such that if the host is of form user@host, only the host
* portion is copied.
void get_sockhost(struct Client *cptr, char *host)
char *s;
if ((s = strchr(host, '@')))
s = host;
ircd_strncpy(cli_sockhost(cptr), s, HOSTLEN);
* Exit one client, local or remote. Assuming for local client that
* all dependants already have been removed, and socket is closed.
* Rewritten by Run - 24 sept 94
* bcptr : client being (s)quitted
* sptr : The source (prefix) of the QUIT or SQUIT
* --Run
static void exit_one_client(struct Client* bcptr, const char* comment)
struct SLink *lp;
if (cli_serv(bcptr) && cli_serv(bcptr)->client_list) /* Was SetServerYXX called ? */
ClearServerYXX(bcptr); /* Removes server from server_list[] */
if (IsUser(bcptr)) {
* clear out uping requests
if (IsUPing(bcptr))
uping_cancel(bcptr, 0);
* Stop a running /LIST clean
if (MyUser(bcptr) && cli_listing(bcptr)) {
cli_listing(bcptr)->chptr->mode.mode &= ~MODE_LISTED;
cli_listing(bcptr) = NULL;
* If a person is on a channel, send a QUIT notice
* to every client (person) on the same channel (so
* that the client can show the "**signoff" message).
* (Note: The notice is to the local clients *only*)
sendcmdto_common_channels_butone(bcptr, CMD_QUIT, NULL, ":%s", comment);
/* Clean up invitefield */
while ((lp = cli_user(bcptr)->invited))
del_invite(bcptr, lp->value.chptr);
/* Clean up silencefield */
while ((lp = cli_user(bcptr)->silence))
del_silence(bcptr, lp->value.cp);
/* Clean up snotice lists */
if (MyUser(bcptr))
set_snomask(bcptr, ~0, SNO_DEL);
if (IsInvisible(bcptr))
if (IsOper(bcptr))
if (MyConnect(bcptr))
Count_clientdisconnects(bcptr, UserStats);
else {
Count_remoteclientquits(UserStats, bcptr);
else if (IsServer(bcptr))
/* Remove downlink list node of uplink */
remove_dlink(&(cli_serv(cli_serv(bcptr)->up))->down, cli_serv(bcptr)->updown);
cli_serv(bcptr)->updown = 0;
if (MyConnect(bcptr))
else if (IsMe(bcptr))
sendto_opmask_butone(0, SNO_OLDSNO, "ERROR: tried to exit me! : %s",
return; /* ...must *never* exit self! */
else if (IsUnknown(bcptr) || IsConnecting(bcptr) || IsHandshake(bcptr))
* Update IPregistry
if (IsIPChecked(bcptr))
* Remove from serv->client_list
* NOTE: user is *always* NULL if this is a server
if (cli_user(bcptr)) {
/* bcptr->user->server->serv->client_list[IndexYXX(bcptr)] = NULL; */
RemoveYXXClient(cli_user(bcptr)->server, cli_yxx(bcptr));
/* Remove bcptr from the client list */
if (hRemClient(bcptr) != 0)
Debug((DEBUG_ERROR, "%p !in tab %s[%s] %p %p %p %d %d %p",
bcptr, cli_name(bcptr), cli_from(bcptr) ? cli_sockhost(cli_from(bcptr)) : "??host",
cli_from(bcptr), cli_next(bcptr), cli_prev(bcptr), cli_fd(bcptr),
cli_status(bcptr), cli_user(bcptr)));
* exit_downlinks - added by Run 25-9-94
* Removes all clients and downlinks (+clients) of any server
* QUITs are generated and sent to local users.
* cptr : server that must have all dependents removed
* sptr : source who thought that this was a good idea
* comment : comment sent as sign off message to local clients
static void exit_downlinks(struct Client *cptr, struct Client *sptr, char *comment)
struct Client *acptr;
struct DLink *next;
struct DLink *lp;
struct Client **acptrp;
int i;
/* Run over all its downlinks */
for (lp = cli_serv(cptr)->down; lp; lp = next)
next = lp->next;
acptr = lp->value.cptr;
/* Remove the downlinks and client of the downlink */
exit_downlinks(acptr, sptr, comment);
/* Remove the downlink itself */
exit_one_client(acptr, cli_name(&me));
/* Remove all clients of this server */
acptrp = cli_serv(cptr)->client_list;
for (i = 0; i <= cli_serv(cptr)->nn_mask; ++acptrp, ++i) {
if (*acptrp)
exit_one_client(*acptrp, comment);
* exit_client, rewritten 25-9-94 by Run
* This function exits a client of *any* type (user, server, etc)
* from this server. Also, this generates all necessary prototol
* messages that this exit may cause.
* This function implicitly exits all other clients depending on
* this connection.
* For convenience, this function returns a suitable value for
* m_funtion return value:
* CPTR_KILLED if (cptr == bcptr)
* 0 if (cptr != bcptr)
* This function can be called in two ways:
* 1) From before or in parse(), exitting the 'cptr', in which case it was
* invoked as exit_client(cptr, cptr, &me,...), causing it to always
* return CPTR_KILLED.
* 2) Via parse from a m_function call, in which case it was invoked as
* exit_client(cptr, acptr, sptr, ...). Here 'sptr' is known; the client
* that generated the message in a way that we can assume he already
* did remove acptr from memory himself (or in other cases we don't mind
* because he will be delinked.) Or invoked as:
* exit_client(cptr, acptr/sptr, &me, ...) when WE decide this one should
* be removed.
* In general: No generated SQUIT or QUIT should be sent to source link
* sptr->from. And CPTR_KILLED should be returned if cptr got removed (too).
* --Run
int exit_client(struct Client *cptr, /* Connection being handled by
read_message right now */
struct Client* victim, /* Client being killed */
struct Client* killer, /* The client that made the decision
to remove this one, never NULL */
const char* comment) /* Reason for the exit */
struct Client* acptr = 0;
struct DLink *dlp;
time_t on_for;
char comment1[HOSTLEN + HOSTLEN + 2];
if (MyConnect(victim)) {
SetFlag(victim, FLAG_CLOSING);
if (feature_bool(FEAT_CONNEXIT_NOTICES) && IsUser(victim))
sendto_opmask_butone(0, SNO_CONNEXIT,
"Client exiting: %s (%s@%s) [%s] [%s] <%s%s>",
cli_name(victim), cli_user(victim)->username,
cli_user(victim)->host, comment,
ircd_ntoa((const char*) &(cli_ip(victim))),
NumNick(victim) /* Two %'s */
on_for = CurrentTime - cli_firsttime(victim);
if (IsUser(victim))
log_write(LS_USER, L_TRACE, 0, "%Tu %i %s@%s %s %s %s%s %s :%s",
cli_firsttime(victim), on_for,
cli_user(victim)->username, cli_sockhost(victim),
ircd_ntoa((const char *) &(cli_ip(victim))),
IsAccount(victim) ? cli_username(victim) : "0",
NumNick(victim), /* Two %'s */
cli_name(victim), cli_info(victim));
if (victim != cli_from(killer) /* The source knows already */
&& IsClient(victim)) /* Not a Ping struct or Log file */
if (IsServer(victim) || IsHandshake(victim))
sendcmdto_one(killer, CMD_SQUIT, victim, "%s 0 :%s", cli_name(&me), comment);
else if (!IsConnecting(victim)) {
if (!IsDead(victim)) {
if (IsServer(victim))
sendcmdto_one(killer, CMD_ERROR, victim,
":Closing Link: %s by %s (%s)", cli_name(victim),
cli_name(killer), comment);
sendrawto_one(victim, MSG_ERROR " :Closing Link: %s by %s (%s)",
cli_name(victim), IsServer(killer) ? cli_name(&me) :
cli_name(killer), comment);
if ((IsServer(victim) || IsHandshake(victim) || IsConnecting(victim)) &&
(killer == &me || (IsServer(killer) &&
(strncmp(comment, "Leaf-only link", 14) ||
strncmp(comment, "Non-Hub link", 12)))))
* Note: check user == user needed to make sure we have the same
* client
if (cli_serv(victim)->user && *(cli_serv(victim))->by &&
(acptr = findNUser(cli_serv(victim)->by))) {
if (cli_user(acptr) == cli_serv(victim)->user) {
sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_NOTICE, acptr,
"%C :Link with %s cancelled: %s", acptr,
cli_name(victim), comment);
else {
* not right client, set by to empty string
acptr = 0;
*(cli_serv(victim))->by = '\0';
if (killer == &me)
sendto_opmask_butone(acptr, SNO_OLDSNO, "Link with %s cancelled: %s",
cli_name(victim), comment);
* Close the Client connection first.
if (IsServer(victim)) {
if (feature_bool(FEAT_HIS_NETSPLIT))
strcpy(comment1, "*.net *.split");
else {
strcpy(comment1, cli_name(cli_serv(victim)->up));
strcat(comment1, " ");
strcat(comment1, cli_name(victim));
if (IsUser(killer))
sendto_opmask_butone(killer, SNO_OLDSNO, "%s SQUIT by %s [%s]:",
(cli_user(killer)->server == victim ||
cli_user(killer)->server == cli_serv(victim)->up) ?
"Local" : "Remote",
get_client_name(killer, HIDE_IP),
else if (killer != &me && cli_serv(victim)->up != killer)
sendto_opmask_butone(0, SNO_OLDSNO, "Received SQUIT %s from %s :",
cli_name(victim), IsServer(killer) ? cli_name(killer) :
get_client_name(killer, HIDE_IP));
sendto_opmask_butone(0, SNO_NETWORK, "Net break: %C %C (%s)",
cli_serv(victim)->up, victim, comment);
* First generate the needed protocol for the other server links
* except the source:
for (dlp = cli_serv(&me)->down; dlp; dlp = dlp->next) {
if (dlp->value.cptr != cli_from(killer) && dlp->value.cptr != victim) {
if (IsServer(victim))
sendcmdto_one(killer, CMD_SQUIT, dlp->value.cptr, "%s %Tu :%s",
cli_name(victim), cli_serv(victim)->timestamp, comment);
else if (IsUser(victim) && !HasFlag(victim, FLAG_KILLED))
sendcmdto_one(victim, CMD_QUIT, dlp->value.cptr, ":%s", comment);
/* Then remove the client structures */
if (IsServer(victim))
exit_downlinks(victim, killer, comment1);
exit_one_client(victim, comment);
* cptr can only have been killed if it was cptr itself that got killed here,
* because cptr can never have been a dependant of victim --Run
return (cptr == victim) ? CPTR_KILLED : 0;
* Exit client with formatted message, added 25-9-94 by Run
int vexit_client_msg(struct Client *cptr, struct Client *bcptr, struct Client *sptr,
const char *pattern, va_list vl)
char msgbuf[1024];
ircd_vsnprintf(0, msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf), pattern, vl);
return exit_client(cptr, bcptr, sptr, msgbuf);
int exit_client_msg(struct Client *cptr, struct Client *bcptr,
struct Client *sptr, const char *pattern, ...)
va_list vl;
char msgbuf[1024];
va_start(vl, pattern);
ircd_vsnprintf(0, msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf), pattern, vl);
return exit_client(cptr, bcptr, sptr, msgbuf);
void initstats(void)
memset(&ircst, 0, sizeof(ircst));
void tstats(struct Client *cptr, struct StatDesc *sd, int stat, char *param)
struct Client *acptr;
int i;
struct ServerStatistics *sp;
struct ServerStatistics tmp;
sp = &tmp;
memcpy(sp, ServerStats, sizeof(struct ServerStatistics));
for (i = 0; i < MAXCONNECTIONS; i++)
if (!(acptr = LocalClientArray[i]))
if (IsServer(acptr))
sp->is_sbs += cli_sendB(acptr);
sp->is_sbr += cli_receiveB(acptr);
sp->is_sks += cli_sendK(acptr);
sp->is_skr += cli_receiveK(acptr);
sp->is_sti += CurrentTime - cli_firsttime(acptr);
if (sp->is_sbs > 1023)
sp->is_sks += (sp->is_sbs >> 10);
sp->is_sbs &= 0x3ff;
if (sp->is_sbr > 1023)
sp->is_skr += (sp->is_sbr >> 10);
sp->is_sbr &= 0x3ff;
else if (IsUser(acptr))
sp->is_cbs += cli_sendB(acptr);
sp->is_cbr += cli_receiveB(acptr);
sp->is_cks += cli_sendK(acptr);
sp->is_ckr += cli_receiveK(acptr);
sp->is_cti += CurrentTime - cli_firsttime(acptr);
if (sp->is_cbs > 1023)
sp->is_cks += (sp->is_cbs >> 10);
sp->is_cbs &= 0x3ff;
if (sp->is_cbr > 1023)
sp->is_ckr += (sp->is_cbr >> 10);
sp->is_cbr &= 0x3ff;
else if (IsUnknown(acptr))
send_reply(cptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSDEBUG, ":accepts %u refused %u",
sp->is_ac, sp->is_ref);
":unknown commands %u prefixes %u", sp->is_unco, sp->is_unpf);
":nick collisions %u unknown closes %u", sp->is_kill, sp->is_ni);
":wrong direction %u empty %u", sp->is_wrdi, sp->is_empt);
":numerics seen %u mode fakes %u", sp->is_num, sp->is_fake);
":auth successes %u fails %u", sp->is_asuc, sp->is_abad);
send_reply(cptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSDEBUG, ":local connections %u",
send_reply(cptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSDEBUG, ":Client server");
send_reply(cptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSDEBUG, ":connected %u %u",
sp->is_cl, sp->is_sv);
send_reply(cptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSDEBUG, ":bytes sent %u.%uK %u.%uK",
sp->is_cks, sp->is_cbs, sp->is_sks, sp->is_sbs);
send_reply(cptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSDEBUG, ":bytes recv %u.%uK %u.%uK",
sp->is_ckr, sp->is_cbr, sp->is_skr, sp->is_sbr);
send_reply(cptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSDEBUG, ":time connected %Tu %Tu",
sp->is_cti, sp->is_sti);
syntax highlighted by Code2HTML, v. 0.9.1