/* * IRC - Internet Relay Chat, ircd/s_stats.c * Copyright (C) 2000 Joseph Bongaarts * * See file AUTHORS in IRC package for additional names of * the programmers. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * $Id: s_stats.c,v 2004/01/11 00:23:33 isomer Exp $ */ #include "config.h" #include "s_stats.h" #include "class.h" #include "client.h" #include "gline.h" #include "ircd.h" #include "ircd_chattr.h" #include "ircd_events.h" #include "ircd_features.h" #include "ircd_log.h" #include "ircd_reply.h" #include "ircd_string.h" #include "listener.h" #include "list.h" #include "match.h" #include "motd.h" #include "msg.h" #include "msgq.h" #include "numeric.h" #include "numnicks.h" #include "s_bsd.h" #include "s_conf.h" #include "s_debug.h" #include "s_misc.h" #include "s_serv.h" #include "s_user.h" #include "send.h" #include "struct.h" #include "userload.h" #include "querycmds.h" #include #include #include #include /* * m_stats/s_stats * * Report configuration lines and other statistics from this * server. * * Note: The info is reported in the order the server uses * it--not reversed as in ircd.conf! */ static unsigned int report_array[17][3] = { {CONF_SERVER, RPL_STATSCLINE, 'C'}, {CONF_CLIENT, RPL_STATSILINE, 'I'}, {CONF_LEAF, RPL_STATSLLINE, 'L'}, {CONF_OPERATOR, RPL_STATSOLINE, 'O'}, {CONF_HUB, RPL_STATSHLINE, 'H'}, {CONF_LOCOP, RPL_STATSOLINE, 'o'}, {CONF_UWORLD, RPL_STATSULINE, 'U'}, {0, 0} }; static void stats_configured_links(struct Client* sptr, struct StatDesc* sd, int stat, char* param) { static char null[] = ""; struct ConfItem *tmp; int mask; unsigned int *p; unsigned short int port; char c, *host, *pass, *name; mask = sd->sd_funcdata; for (tmp = GlobalConfList; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { if ((tmp->status & mask)) { for (p = &report_array[0][0]; *p; p += 3) if (*p == tmp->status) break; if (!*p) continue; c = (char)*(p + 2); host = BadPtr(tmp->host) ? null : tmp->host; pass = BadPtr(tmp->passwd) ? null : tmp->passwd; name = BadPtr(tmp->name) ? null : tmp->name; port = tmp->port; /* * On K line the passwd contents can be * displayed on STATS reply. -Vesa */ /* Special-case 'k' or 'K' lines as appropriate... -Kev */ if ((tmp->status & CONF_UWORLD)) send_reply(sptr, p[1], c, host, pass, name, port, get_conf_class(tmp)); else if ((tmp->status & (CONF_SERVER))) send_reply(sptr, p[1], c, "*", name, port, get_conf_class(tmp)); else send_reply(sptr, p[1], c, host, name, port, get_conf_class(tmp)); } } } /* * {CONF_CRULEALL, RPL_STATSDLINE, 'D'}, * {CONF_CRULEAUTO, RPL_STATSDLINE, 'd'}, */ static void stats_crule_list(struct Client* to, struct StatDesc* sd, int stat, char* param) { const struct CRuleConf* p = conf_get_crule_list(); int mask; mask = (stat == 'D' ? CRULE_ALL : CRULE_MASK); for ( ; p; p = p->next) { if (0 != (p->type & mask)) send_reply(to, RPL_STATSDLINE, stat, p->hostmask, p->rule); } } static void stats_engine(struct Client* to, struct StatDesc* sd, int stat, char* param) { send_reply(to, RPL_STATSENGINE, engine_name()); } static void stats_access(struct Client* to, struct StatDesc* sd, int stat, char* param) { struct ConfItem *aconf; int wilds = 0; int count = 1000; if (!param) { stats_configured_links(to, sd, stat, param); return; } wilds = string_has_wildcards(param); for (aconf = GlobalConfList; aconf; aconf = aconf->next) { if (CONF_CLIENT == aconf->status) { if ((!wilds && (!match(aconf->host, param) || !match(aconf->name, param))) || (wilds && (!mmatch(param, aconf->host) || !mmatch(param, aconf->name)))) { send_reply(to, RPL_STATSILINE, 'I', aconf->host, aconf->name, aconf->port, get_conf_class(aconf)); if (--count == 0) break; } } } } /* * {CONF_KILL, RPL_STATSKLINE, 'K'}, * {CONF_IPKILL, RPL_STATSKLINE, 'k'}, */ static void report_deny_list(struct Client* to) { const struct DenyConf* p = conf_get_deny_list(); for ( ; p; p = p->next) send_reply(to, RPL_STATSKLINE, (p->flags & DENY_FLAGS_IP) ? 'k' : 'K', p->hostmask, p->message, p->usermask); } static void stats_klines(struct Client* sptr, struct StatDesc* sd, int stat, char* mask) { int wilds = 0; int count = 3; int limit_query = 0; char* user = 0; char* host; const struct DenyConf* conf; if (!IsAnOper(sptr)) limit_query = 1; if (!mask) { if (limit_query) need_more_params(sptr, "STATS K"); else report_deny_list(sptr); return; } if (!limit_query) { wilds = string_has_wildcards(mask); count = 1000; } if ((host = strchr(mask, '@'))) { user = mask; *host++ = '\0'; } else { host = mask; } for (conf = conf_get_deny_list(); conf; conf = conf->next) { if ((!wilds && ((user || conf->hostmask) && !match(conf->hostmask, host) && (!user || !match(conf->usermask, user)))) || (wilds && !mmatch(host, conf->hostmask) && (!user || !mmatch(user, conf->usermask)))) { send_reply(sptr, RPL_STATSKLINE, (conf->flags & DENY_FLAGS_IP) ? 'k' : 'K', conf->hostmask, conf->message, conf->usermask); if (--count == 0) return; } } } static void stats_links(struct Client* sptr, struct StatDesc* sd, int stat, char* name) { struct Client *acptr; int i; int wilds = 0; if (name) wilds = string_has_wildcards(name); /* * Send info about connections which match, or all if the * mask matches me.name. Only restrictions are on those who * are invisible not being visible to 'foreigners' who use * a wild card based search to list it. */ send_reply(sptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSLINKINFO, "Connection SendQ " "SendM SendKBytes RcveM RcveKBytes :Open since"); for (i = 0; i <= HighestFd; i++) { if (!(acptr = LocalClientArray[i])) continue; /* Don't return clients when this is a request for `all' */ if (!name && IsUser(acptr)) continue; /* Don't show invisible people to non opers unless they know the nick */ if (IsInvisible(acptr) && (!name || wilds) && !IsAnOper(acptr) && (acptr != sptr)) continue; /* Only show the ones that match the given mask - if any */ if (name && wilds && match(name, cli_name(acptr))) continue; /* Skip all that do not match the specific query */ if (!(!name || wilds) && 0 != ircd_strcmp(name, cli_name(acptr))) continue; send_reply(sptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSLINKINFO, "%s %u %u %u %u %u :%Tu", (*(cli_name(acptr))) ? cli_name(acptr) : "", (int)MsgQLength(&(cli_sendQ(acptr))), (int)cli_sendM(acptr), (int)cli_sendK(acptr), (int)cli_receiveM(acptr), (int)cli_receiveK(acptr), CurrentTime - cli_firsttime(acptr)); } } static void stats_commands(struct Client* to, struct StatDesc* sd, int stat, char* param) { struct Message *mptr; for (mptr = msgtab; mptr->cmd; mptr++) if (mptr->count) send_reply(to, RPL_STATSCOMMANDS, mptr->cmd, mptr->count, mptr->bytes); } static void stats_quarantine(struct Client* to, struct StatDesc* sd, int stat, char* param) { struct qline *qline; for (qline = GlobalQuarantineList; qline; qline = qline->next) { if (param && match(param, qline->chname)) /* narrow search */ continue; send_reply(to, RPL_STATSQLINE, qline->chname, qline->reason); } } static void stats_uptime(struct Client* to, struct StatDesc* sd, int stat, char* param) { time_t nowr; nowr = CurrentTime - cli_since(&me); send_reply(to, RPL_STATSUPTIME, nowr / 86400, (nowr / 3600) % 24, (nowr / 60) % 60, nowr % 60); send_reply(to, RPL_STATSCONN, max_connection_count, max_client_count); } static void stats_servers_verbose(struct Client* sptr, struct StatDesc* sd, int stat, char* param) { struct Client *acptr; /* lowercase 'v' is for human-readable, * uppercase 'V' is for machine-readable */ if (stat == 'v') send_reply(sptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSVERBOSE, "%-20s %-20s Flags Hops Numeric Lag RTT Up Down " "Clients/Max Proto %-10s :Info", "Servername", "Uplink", "LinkTS"); for (acptr = GlobalClientList; acptr; acptr = cli_next(acptr)) { if (!IsServer(acptr) && !IsMe(acptr)) continue; if (param && match(param, cli_name(acptr))) /* narrow search */ continue; send_reply(sptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSVERBOSE, stat == 'v' ? "%-20s %-20s %c%c%c%c %4i %s %-4i %5i %4i %4i %4i %5i %5i " "P%-2i %Tu :%s" : "%s %s %c%c%c%c %i %s %i %i %i %i %i %i %i P%i %Tu :%s", cli_name(acptr), cli_name(cli_serv(acptr)->up), IsBurst(acptr) ? 'B' : '-', IsBurstAck(acptr) ? 'A' : '-', IsHub(acptr) ? 'H' : '-', IsService(acptr) ? 'S' : '-', cli_hopcount(acptr), NumServ(acptr), base64toint(cli_yxx(acptr)), cli_serv(acptr)->lag, cli_serv(acptr)->asll_rtt, cli_serv(acptr)->asll_to, cli_serv(acptr)->asll_from, (acptr == &me) ? UserStats.local_clients : cli_serv(acptr)->clients, cli_serv(acptr)->nn_mask, cli_serv(acptr)->prot, cli_serv(acptr)->timestamp, cli_info(acptr)); } } #ifdef DEBUGMODE static void stats_meminfo(struct Client* to, struct StatDesc* sd, int stat, char* param) { class_send_meminfo(to); send_listinfo(to, 0); } #endif static void stats_help(struct Client* to, struct StatDesc* sd, int stat, char* param) { struct StatDesc *asd; if (MyUser(to)) /* only if it's my user */ for (asd = statsinfo; asd->sd_c; asd++) if (asd->sd_c != sd->sd_c) /* don't send the help for us */ sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_NOTICE, to, "%C :%c - %s", to, asd->sd_c, asd->sd_desc); } /* This array of structures contains information about all single-character * stats. Struct StatDesc is defined in s_stats.h. */ struct StatDesc statsinfo[] = { { 'c', STAT_FLAG_OPERFEAT, FEAT_HIS_STATS_c, stats_configured_links, CONF_SERVER, "Remote server connection lines." }, { 'd', STAT_FLAG_OPERFEAT, FEAT_HIS_STATS_d, stats_crule_list, 0, "Dynamic routing configuration." }, { 'e', STAT_FLAG_OPERFEAT, FEAT_HIS_STATS_e, stats_engine, 0, "Report server event loop engine." }, { 'f', STAT_FLAG_OPERFEAT, FEAT_HIS_STATS_f, feature_report, 0, "Feature settings." }, { 'g', STAT_FLAG_OPERFEAT, FEAT_HIS_STATS_g, gline_stats, 0, "Global bans (G-lines)." }, { 'h', STAT_FLAG_OPERFEAT, FEAT_HIS_STATS_h, stats_configured_links, (CONF_HUB | CONF_LEAF), "Hubs information." }, { 'i', (STAT_FLAG_OPERFEAT | STAT_FLAG_VARPARAM), FEAT_HIS_STATS_i, stats_access, CONF_CLIENT, "Connection authorization lines." }, { 'j', STAT_FLAG_OPERFEAT, FEAT_HIS_STATS_j, msgq_histogram, 0, "Message length histogram." }, { 'k', (STAT_FLAG_OPERFEAT | STAT_FLAG_VARPARAM), FEAT_HIS_STATS_k, stats_klines, 0, "Local bans (K-Lines)." }, { 'l', (STAT_FLAG_OPERFEAT | STAT_FLAG_VARPARAM), FEAT_HIS_STATS_l, stats_links, 0, "Current connections information." }, #if 0 { 'M', (STAT_FLAG_OPERFEAT | STAT_FLAG_CASESENS), FEAT_HIS_STATS_M, stats_memtotal, 0, "Memory allocation & leak monitoring." }, #endif { 'm', (STAT_FLAG_OPERFEAT | STAT_FLAG_CASESENS), FEAT_HIS_STATS_m, stats_commands, 0, "Message usage information." }, { 'o', STAT_FLAG_OPERFEAT, FEAT_HIS_STATS_o, stats_configured_links, CONF_OPS, "Operator information." }, { 'p', (STAT_FLAG_OPERFEAT | STAT_FLAG_VARPARAM), FEAT_HIS_STATS_p, show_ports, 0, "Listening ports." }, { 'q', (STAT_FLAG_OPERONLY | STAT_FLAG_VARPARAM), FEAT_HIS_STATS_q, stats_quarantine, 0, "Quarantined channels list." }, #ifdef DEBUGMODE { 'r', STAT_FLAG_OPERFEAT, FEAT_HIS_STATS_r, send_usage, 0, "System resource usage (Debug only)." }, #endif { 'T', (STAT_FLAG_OPERFEAT | STAT_FLAG_CASESENS), FEAT_HIS_STATS_T, motd_report, 0, "Configured Message Of The Day files." }, { 't', (STAT_FLAG_OPERFEAT | STAT_FLAG_CASESENS), FEAT_HIS_STATS_t, tstats, 0, "Local connection statistics (Total SND/RCV, etc)." }, { 'U', (STAT_FLAG_OPERFEAT | STAT_FLAG_CASESENS), FEAT_HIS_STATS_U, stats_configured_links, CONF_UWORLD, "Service server & nick jupes information." }, { 'u', (STAT_FLAG_OPERFEAT | STAT_FLAG_CASESENS), FEAT_HIS_STATS_u, stats_uptime, 0, "Current uptime & highest connection count." }, { 'v', (STAT_FLAG_OPERFEAT | STAT_FLAG_VARPARAM), FEAT_HIS_STATS_v, stats_servers_verbose, 0, "Verbose server information." }, { 'w', STAT_FLAG_OPERFEAT, FEAT_HIS_STATS_w, calc_load, 0, "Userload statistics." }, #ifdef DEBUGMODE { 'x', STAT_FLAG_OPERFEAT, FEAT_HIS_STATS_x, stats_meminfo, 0, "List usage information (Debug only)." }, #endif { 'y', STAT_FLAG_OPERFEAT, FEAT_HIS_STATS_y, report_classes, 0, "Connection classes." }, { 'z', STAT_FLAG_OPERFEAT, FEAT_HIS_STATS_z, count_memory, 0, "Memory/Structure allocation information." }, { '*', (STAT_FLAG_CASESENS | STAT_FLAG_VARPARAM), FEAT_LAST_F, stats_help, 0, "Send help for stats." }, { '\0', 0, FEAT_LAST_F, 0, 0, 0 } }; /* This array is for mapping from characters to statistics descriptors */ struct StatDesc *statsmap[256]; /* Function to build the statsmap from the statsinfo array */ void stats_init(void) { struct StatDesc *sd; int i; /* Make darn sure the statsmap array is initialized to all zeros */ for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) statsmap[i] = 0; /* Build the mapping */ for (sd = statsinfo; sd->sd_c; sd++) { if (sd->sd_flags & STAT_FLAG_CASESENS) /* case sensitive character... */ statsmap[(int)sd->sd_c] = sd; else { /* case insensitive--make sure to put in two entries */ statsmap[(int)ToLower((int)sd->sd_c)] = sd; statsmap[(int)ToUpper((int)sd->sd_c)] = sd; } } }