/* * IRC - Internet Relay Chat, include/common.c * Copyright (C) 1998 Andrea Cocito * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* * TABLE GENERATOR * The following part of code is NOT included in the actual server's * or library source, it's just used to build the above tables * * This should rebuild the actual tables and automatically place them * into this source file, note that this part of code is for developers * only, it's supposed to work on both signed and unsigned chars but I * actually tested it only on signed-char architectures, the code and * macros actually used by the server instead DO work and have been tested * on platforms where0 char is both signed or unsigned, this is true as long * as the macros are set properly and without any need to rebuild * the tables (wich as said an admin should NEVER do, tables need to be rebuilt * only when one wants to really change the results or when one has to * compile on architectures where a char is NOT eight bits [?!], yes * it all is supposed to work in that case too... but I can't test it * because I've not found a machine in the world where this happes). * * NEVER -f[un]signed-char on gcc since that does NOT fix the named macros * and you end up in a non-ANSI environment where CHAR_MIN and CHAR_MAX * are _not_ the real limits of a default 'char' type. This is true for * both admins and coders. * */ #include "config.h" #include "ircd_chattr.h" #include #include #include static void zeroTables(void); static void markString(int macro, const char *s); static void unMarkString(int macro, const char *s); static void markRange(int macro, char from, char to); static void moveMacro(int from, int to); static void setLowHi(const char firstlow, const char lastlow, const char firsthi); char NTL_tolower_tab[1 + CHAR_MAX - CHAR_MIN]; /* 256 bytes */ char NTL_toupper_tab[1 + CHAR_MAX - CHAR_MIN]; /* 256 bytes */ int NTL_char_attrib[1 + CHAR_MAX - CHAR_MIN]; /* 256 ints = 0.5 to 2 kilobytes */ /* * makeTables() * Where we make the tables, edit ONLY this to change the tables. */ static void makeTables(void) { /* Start from a known status */ zeroTables(); /* Make the very elementary sets */ markRange(NTL_LOWER, 'a', 'z'); markString(NTL_LOWER, "{|}~"); markRange(NTL_UPPER, 'A', 'Z'); markString(NTL_UPPER, "[\\]^"); markRange(NTL_DIGIT, '0', '9'); markRange(NTL_CNTRL, '\000', '\037'); markString(NTL_PUNCT, "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@_`"); markString(NTL_SPACE, "\011\012\013\014\015\040"); /* Make the derived sets, * WARNING: The order of these calls is important, some depend on * the results of the previous ones ! */ moveMacro(NTL_LOWER | NTL_UPPER, NTL_ALPHA); moveMacro(NTL_ALPHA | NTL_DIGIT, NTL_ALNUM); moveMacro(NTL_ALNUM | NTL_PUNCT, NTL_GRAPH); moveMacro(NTL_GRAPH, NTL_PRINT); markString(NTL_PRINT, " "); markRange(NTL_IRCCH, 0, (char) UCHAR_MAX); unMarkString(NTL_IRCCH, "\007\040\054\240"); markRange(NTL_IRCCL, '\300', '\326'); markRange(NTL_IRCCL, '\330', '\336'); moveMacro(NTL_ALNUM, NTL_IRCHN); markString(NTL_IRCHN, "-_."); /* Some DNS might allow '_' per RFC 1033 ! */ moveMacro(NTL_DIGIT, NTL_IRCIP); markString(NTL_IRCIP, "."); moveMacro(NTL_DIGIT | NTL_ALPHA, NTL_IRCNK); markString(NTL_IRCNK, "-_`"); moveMacro(NTL_ALNUM, NTL_IRCUI); markRange(NTL_IRCUI, '\xe0', '\xf6'); markRange(NTL_IRCUI, '\xf8', '\xfe'); markRange(NTL_IRCUI, '\xc0', '\xd6'); markRange(NTL_IRCUI, '\xd8', '\xde'); markString(NTL_IRCUI, ".-_^'`~"); markString(NTL_EOL, "\n\r"); markString(NTL_CHPFX, "#&"); markString(NTL_KTIME, " ,-0123456789"); /* And finally let's take care of the toLower/toUpper stuff */ setLowHi('a', 'z', 'A'); setLowHi('\xe0', '\xf6', '\xc0'); setLowHi('\xf8', '\xfe', '\xd8'); setLowHi('{', '~', '['); } /* * main() * This is the main program to be executed for -DMAKETABLES */ static void dumphw(int *p, int beg); static void dumphb(char *p, int beg); int main(void) { int i; /* Make the tables */ makeTables(); /* Dump them as ANSI C source to be included below */ printf("/*\n * Automatically Generated Tables - DO NOT EDIT\n */\n"); printf("#include \n"); /* NTL_tolower_tab */ printf("const char ToLowerTab_8859_1[] = {\n"); printf("#if (CHAR_MIN<0)\n"); i = (int)((char)SCHAR_MIN); dumphb(NTL_tolower_tab, i); printf(" ,\n"); printf("#endif /* (CHAR_MIN<0) */\n"); i = 0; dumphb(NTL_tolower_tab, i); printf("#if (!(CHAR_MIN<0))\n"); printf(" ,\n"); i = (int)((char)SCHAR_MIN); dumphb(NTL_tolower_tab, i); printf("#endif /* (!(CHAR_MIN<0)) */\n"); printf(" };\n\n"); /* NTL_toupper_tab */ printf("const char ToUpperTab_8859_1[] = {\n"); printf("#if (CHAR_MIN<0)\n"); i = (int)((char)SCHAR_MIN); dumphb(NTL_toupper_tab, i); printf(" ,\n"); printf("#endif /* (CHAR_MIN<0) */\n"); i = 0; dumphb(NTL_toupper_tab, i); printf("#if (!(CHAR_MIN<0))\n"); printf(" ,\n"); i = (int)((char)SCHAR_MIN); dumphb(NTL_toupper_tab, i); printf("#endif /* (!(CHAR_MIN<0)) */\n"); printf(" };\n\n"); /* NTL_char_attrib */ printf("const unsigned int IRCD_CharAttrTab[] = {\n"); printf("#if (CHAR_MIN<0)\n"); i = (int)((char)SCHAR_MIN); dumphw(NTL_char_attrib, i); printf(" ,\n"); printf("#endif /* (CHAR_MIN<0) */\n"); i = 0; dumphw(NTL_char_attrib, i); printf("#if (!(CHAR_MIN<0))\n"); printf(" ,\n"); i = (int)((char)SCHAR_MIN); dumphw(NTL_char_attrib, i); printf("#endif /* (!(CHAR_MIN<0)) */\n"); printf(" };\n\n"); return 0; } /* A few utility functions for makeTables() */ static void zeroTables(void) { int i; for (i = CHAR_MIN; i <= CHAR_MAX; i++) { NTL_tolower_tab[i - CHAR_MIN] = (char)i; /* Unchanged */ NTL_toupper_tab[i - CHAR_MIN] = (char)i; /* Unchanged */ NTL_char_attrib[i - CHAR_MIN] = 0x0000; /* Nothing */ } } static void markString(int macro, const char *s) { while (*s) NTL_char_attrib[*(s++) - CHAR_MIN] |= macro; } static void unMarkString(int macro, const char *s) { while (*s) NTL_char_attrib[*(s++) - CHAR_MIN] &= ~macro; } static void markRange(int macro, char from, char to) { int i; for (i = CHAR_MIN; i <= CHAR_MAX; i++) if (((unsigned char)i >= (unsigned char)from) && ((unsigned char)i <= (unsigned char)to)) NTL_char_attrib[(char)i - CHAR_MIN] |= macro; } static void moveMacro(int from, int to) { int i; for (i = CHAR_MIN; i <= CHAR_MAX; i++) if (NTL_char_attrib[i - CHAR_MIN] & from) NTL_char_attrib[i - CHAR_MIN] |= to; } static void setLowHi(const char firstlow, const char lastlow, const char firsthi) { int i, j; for (i = CHAR_MIN; i <= CHAR_MAX; i++) if (((unsigned char)i >= (unsigned char)firstlow) && ((unsigned char)i <= (unsigned char)lastlow)) { j = ((int)((char)(i + (int)(firsthi - firstlow)))); NTL_tolower_tab[((char)j) - CHAR_MIN] = (char)i; NTL_toupper_tab[((char)i) - CHAR_MIN] = (char)j; } } /* These are used in main() to actually dump the tables, each function dumps half table as hex/char constants... */ #define ROWSIZE 8 static void dumphb(char *tbl, int beg) { int i, j, k; char *p = &tbl[beg - CHAR_MIN]; char c; for (i = 0; i <= SCHAR_MAX; i += ROWSIZE) { k = i + ROWSIZE - 1; if (k > SCHAR_MAX) k = SCHAR_MAX; c = (char)(beg + i); printf("/*"); if ((c > 0) && (c < SCHAR_MAX) && (isprint(c)) && (c != '\\') && (c != '\'')) printf(" '%c'", c); else printf(" x%02x", ((int)((unsigned char)c))); c = (char)(beg + k); printf("-"); if ((c > 0) && (c < SCHAR_MAX) && (isprint(c)) && (c != '\\') && (c != '\'')) printf("'%c'", c); else printf("x%02x", ((int)((unsigned char)c))); printf(" */"); for (j = i; j <= k; j++) { c = p[j]; if ((c > 0) && (c < SCHAR_MAX) && (isprint(c)) && (c != '\\') && (c != '\'')) printf(" '%c'", c); else printf(" '\\x%02x'", ((int)((unsigned char)c))); if (j < SCHAR_MAX) printf(","); } printf("\n"); } } static void dumphw(int *tbl, int beg) { int i, j, k; int *p = &tbl[beg - CHAR_MIN]; char c; for (i = 0; i <= SCHAR_MAX; i += ROWSIZE) { k = i + ROWSIZE - 1; if (k > SCHAR_MAX) k = SCHAR_MAX; c = (char)(beg + i); printf("/*"); if ((c > 0) && (c < SCHAR_MAX) && (isprint(c)) && (c != '\\') && (c != '\'')) printf(" '%c'", c); else printf(" x%02x", ((int)((unsigned char)c))); c = (char)(beg + k); printf("-"); if ((c > 0) && (c < SCHAR_MAX) && (isprint(c)) && (c != '\\') && (c != '\'')) printf("'%c'", c); else printf("x%02x", ((int)((unsigned char)c))); printf(" */"); for (j = i; j <= k; j++) { printf(" 0x%04x", p[j] & 0xffffffff); if (j < SCHAR_MAX) printf(","); } printf("\n"); } }