/* * Copyright (c) 2003-2007 by FlashCode * See README for License detail, AUTHORS for developers list. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef __WEECHAT_CONFIG_H #define __WEECHAT_CONFIG_H 1 #include "../irc/irc.h" #define WEECHAT_CONFIG_NAME "weechat.rc" #define CONFIG_SECTION_NONE -1 #define CONFIG_SECTION_LOOK 0 #define CONFIG_SECTION_COLORS 1 #define CONFIG_SECTION_HISTORY 2 #define CONFIG_SECTION_LOG 3 #define CONFIG_SECTION_IRC 4 #define CONFIG_SECTION_DCC 5 #define CONFIG_SECTION_PROXY 6 #define CONFIG_SECTION_PLUGINS 7 #define CONFIG_SECTION_KEYS 8 #define CONFIG_SECTION_ALIAS 9 #define CONFIG_SECTION_IGNORE 10 #define CONFIG_SECTION_SERVER 11 #define CONFIG_NUMBER_SECTIONS 12 #define OPTION_TYPE_BOOLEAN 1 /* values: on/off */ #define OPTION_TYPE_INT 2 /* values: from min to max */ #define OPTION_TYPE_INT_WITH_STRING 3 /* values: one from **array_values */ #define OPTION_TYPE_COLOR 4 /* values: a color name */ #define OPTION_TYPE_STRING 5 /* values: any string, may be empty */ #define BOOL_FALSE 0 #define BOOL_TRUE 1 #define CFG_LOOK_NICKLIST_LEFT 0 #define CFG_LOOK_NICKLIST_RIGHT 1 #define CFG_LOOK_NICKLIST_TOP 2 #define CFG_LOOK_NICKLIST_BOTTOM 3 #define CFG_LOOK_ALIGN_NICK_NONE 0 #define CFG_LOOK_ALIGN_NICK_LEFT 1 #define CFG_LOOK_ALIGN_NICK_RIGHT 2 #define CFG_LOOK_HOTLIST_SORT_GROUP_TIME_ASC 0 #define CFG_LOOK_HOTLIST_SORT_GROUP_TIME_DESC 1 #define CFG_LOOK_HOTLIST_SORT_GROUP_NUMBER_ASC 2 #define CFG_LOOK_HOTLIST_SORT_GROUP_NUMBER_DESC 3 #define CFG_LOOK_HOTLIST_SORT_NUMBER_ASC 4 #define CFG_LOOK_HOTLIST_SORT_NUMBER_DESC 5 #define CFG_IRC_DISPLAY_AWAY_OFF 0 #define CFG_IRC_DISPLAY_AWAY_LOCAL 1 #define CFG_IRC_DISPLAY_AWAY_CHANNEL 2 typedef struct t_config_section t_config_section; struct t_config_section { int section_number; char *section_name; }; typedef struct t_config_option t_config_option; struct t_config_option { char *option_name; char *short_description; char *long_description; int option_type; int min, max; int default_int; char *default_string; char **array_values; int *ptr_int; char **ptr_string; void (*handler_change)(); }; extern int cfg_look_save_on_exit; extern int cfg_look_set_title; extern int cfg_look_startup_logo; extern int cfg_look_startup_version; extern char *cfg_look_weechat_slogan; extern int cfg_look_one_server_buffer; extern int cfg_look_open_near_server; extern int cfg_look_scroll_amount; extern char *cfg_look_buffer_timestamp; extern int cfg_look_color_nicks_number; extern int cfg_look_color_actions; extern int cfg_look_nicklist; extern int cfg_look_nicklist_position; extern int cfg_look_nicklist_min_size; extern int cfg_look_nicklist_max_size; extern int cfg_look_nicklist_separator; extern int cfg_look_nickmode; extern int cfg_look_nickmode_empty; extern char *cfg_look_no_nickname; extern char *cfg_look_nick_prefix; extern char *cfg_look_nick_suffix; extern int cfg_look_align_nick; extern int cfg_look_align_other; extern int cfg_look_align_size; extern int cfg_look_align_size_max; extern int cfg_look_align_text_offset; extern char *cfg_look_nick_completor; extern char *cfg_look_nick_completion_ignore; extern int cfg_look_nick_completion_smart; extern int cfg_look_nick_complete_first; extern int cfg_look_infobar; extern char *cfg_look_infobar_timestamp; extern int cfg_look_infobar_seconds; extern int cfg_look_infobar_delay_highlight; extern int cfg_look_hotlist_names_count; extern int cfg_look_hotlist_names_level; extern int cfg_look_hotlist_names_length; extern int cfg_look_hotlist_sort; extern int cfg_look_day_change; extern char *cfg_look_day_change_timestamp; extern char *cfg_look_read_marker; extern char *cfg_look_input_format; extern int cfg_look_paste_max_lines; extern int cfg_col_real_white; extern int cfg_col_separator; extern int cfg_col_title; extern int cfg_col_title_more; extern int cfg_col_title_bg; extern int cfg_col_chat; extern int cfg_col_chat_time; extern int cfg_col_chat_time_sep; extern int cfg_col_chat_prefix1; extern int cfg_col_chat_prefix2; extern int cfg_col_chat_server; extern int cfg_col_chat_join; extern int cfg_col_chat_part; extern int cfg_col_chat_nick; extern int cfg_col_chat_host; extern int cfg_col_chat_channel; extern int cfg_col_chat_dark; extern int cfg_col_chat_highlight; extern int cfg_col_chat_bg; extern int cfg_col_chat_read_marker; extern int cfg_col_chat_read_marker_bg; extern int cfg_col_status; extern int cfg_col_status_delimiters; extern int cfg_col_status_channel; extern int cfg_col_status_data_msg; extern int cfg_col_status_data_private; extern int cfg_col_status_data_highlight; extern int cfg_col_status_data_other; extern int cfg_col_status_more; extern int cfg_col_status_bg; extern int cfg_col_infobar; extern int cfg_col_infobar_delimiters; extern int cfg_col_infobar_highlight; extern int cfg_col_infobar_bg; extern int cfg_col_input; extern int cfg_col_input_server; extern int cfg_col_input_channel; extern int cfg_col_input_nick; extern int cfg_col_input_delimiters; extern int cfg_col_input_text_not_found; extern int cfg_col_input_actions; extern int cfg_col_input_bg; extern int cfg_col_nick; extern int cfg_col_nick_away; extern int cfg_col_nick_chanowner; extern int cfg_col_nick_chanadmin; extern int cfg_col_nick_op; extern int cfg_col_nick_halfop; extern int cfg_col_nick_voice; extern int cfg_col_nick_user; extern int cfg_col_nick_more; extern int cfg_col_nick_sep; extern int cfg_col_nick_self; extern int cfg_col_nick_colors[GUI_COLOR_WIN_NICK_NUMBER]; extern int cfg_col_nick_private; extern int cfg_col_nick_bg; extern int cfg_col_dcc_selected; extern int cfg_col_dcc_waiting; extern int cfg_col_dcc_connecting; extern int cfg_col_dcc_active; extern int cfg_col_dcc_done; extern int cfg_col_dcc_failed; extern int cfg_col_dcc_aborted; extern int cfg_history_max_lines; extern int cfg_history_max_commands; extern int cfg_history_display_default; extern int cfg_log_auto_server; extern int cfg_log_auto_channel; extern int cfg_log_auto_private; extern int cfg_log_plugin_msg; extern char *cfg_log_path; extern char *cfg_log_timestamp; extern int cfg_log_hide_nickserv_pwd; extern int cfg_irc_display_away; extern int cfg_irc_show_away_once; extern char *cfg_irc_default_msg_part; extern char *cfg_irc_default_msg_quit; extern int cfg_irc_notice_as_pv; extern int cfg_irc_away_check; extern int cfg_irc_away_check_max_nicks; extern int cfg_irc_lag_check; extern int cfg_irc_lag_min_show; extern int cfg_irc_lag_disconnect; extern int cfg_irc_anti_flood; extern int cfg_irc_fifo_pipe; extern char *cfg_irc_highlight; extern int cfg_irc_colors_receive; extern int cfg_irc_colors_send; extern int cfg_irc_send_unknown_commands; extern int cfg_dcc_auto_accept_files; extern int cfg_dcc_auto_accept_chats; extern int cfg_dcc_timeout; extern int cfg_dcc_blocksize; extern int cfg_dcc_fast_send; extern char *cfg_dcc_port_range; extern char *cfg_dcc_own_ip; extern char *cfg_dcc_download_path; extern char *cfg_dcc_upload_path; extern int cfg_dcc_convert_spaces; extern int cfg_dcc_auto_rename; extern int cfg_dcc_auto_resume; extern int cfg_proxy_use; extern int cfg_proxy_type; extern char *cfg_proxy_type_values[]; extern int cfg_proxy_ipv6; extern char *cfg_proxy_address; extern int cfg_proxy_port; extern char *cfg_proxy_username; extern char *cfg_proxy_password; extern char *cfg_plugins_path; extern char *cfg_plugins_autoload; extern char *cfg_plugins_extension; extern t_config_section config_sections [CONFIG_NUMBER_SECTIONS]; extern t_config_option * weechat_options [CONFIG_NUMBER_SECTIONS]; extern char *config_get_section (); extern void config_change_noop (); extern void config_change_save_on_exit (); extern void config_change_title (); extern void config_change_buffers (); extern void config_change_buffer_content (); extern void config_change_hotlist (); extern void config_change_read_marker (); extern void config_change_charset (); extern void config_change_one_server_buffer (); extern void config_change_color (); extern void config_change_nicks_colors (); extern void config_change_away_check (); extern void config_change_fifo_pipe (); extern void config_change_notify_levels (); extern void config_change_log (); extern int config_option_set_value (t_config_option *, char *); extern void config_option_list_remove (char **, char *); extern void config_option_list_set (char **, char *, char *); extern void config_option_list_get_value (char **, char *, char **, int *); extern t_config_option *config_option_search (char *); extern void config_option_search_option_value (char *, t_config_option **, void **); extern int config_set_value (char *, char *); extern void *config_get_server_option_ptr (t_irc_server *, char *); extern int config_set_server_value (t_irc_server *, char *, char *); extern int config_read (); extern int config_create_default (); extern int config_write (); #endif /* weeconfig.h */