Zircon supports the SOCKS V4 protocol. If you have to go through a SOCKS gateway then you need to do the following : 1) In your preferences file add a line of the form usesocks [] if you dont give a port number it defauls to 1080. Note that currently zircon assumes that *ALLA* IRC traffic is directed through SOCKS. You cannot (at the moment) have one netspace that uses SOCKS and another that doesn't. I appreciate that there may be some circumstances where this is needed and if you have a genuine need for this featrue let me know ASAP and I will add it. 2) SOCKS works with ip addresses. Unfortunately tcl/tk does not have any support for DNS access so you will need to provide ip addresses for the hosts you wish to contact. Do this like this: Server -host foo.bar.irc -ip If you dont jgive an ip address zircon will give you an error. Please let me know how you get on with the SOCKS software and of course let me know of any bugs or changes that are needed as soon as you find them. Lindsay