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Statistics generated on %s

A total of %ld different nicks/users were represented on %s.


Most active times

%i-%i = %i-%i

Most active users

%s %s%s
# Picture Comment ?Nickname Lines Activity Words W/P C/W
%ld %ld %ld %ld %1.2f %1.2f

Most referenced URLs

# URL References

Big Numbers

Is %s stupid or just asking too many questions? %1.1f%% of his lines contained a question!

The loudest one was %s, who yelled %1.1f%% of the time.

Total of %ld URLs were pasted by %s!!

%s didn't know whether to stay. He/she joined the channel %ld times!

%s kicked the ass most, %ld times to be exact!

Obviously someone does not like %s, he/she was kicked %ld times!

%s is a clear caps-abuser, %1.1f%% of time he/she wrote in CAPS.

%s is either using drugs or is otherwise very happy person ;D

On the other hand %s seems to be quite sad :(

%s changed the topic %ld times!

Latest topics

Totals analyzed: %ld lines in %ld logfiles summing to appr. %1.2f MB.

Statistics generated by FISG (Fast IRC Stats Generator) v0.3.12 by ccr/TNSP (C) Copyright 2004 TNSP

Stats generated in %ld hours, %ld minutes and %ld seconds.

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Topic Set by